Social Work and Family Sciences

Child and Family Development

Students in the Child and Family Development program complete coursework in human development, family dynamics, health and nutrition, diversity, consumer issues, early childhood programming, applied skills, and much more. Faculty members  advise every student and help them maximize their degree by incorporating possible minors and certificates into their program. Students complete a capstone experience which gives them the opportunity to work with professionals and apply their academic knowledge to real-world settings.

Social Work

Consistent with the mission of The University of Akron and the College of Health and Human Sciences, the mission of the undergraduate social work program is to prepare students for competent and effective generalist practice. The goals of the undergraduate social work program are to:

  1. prepare students to integrate the knowledge, values and skills of the social work profession for competent and effective generalist practice with diverse client systems in various practice settings;
  2. prepare students to identify the strengths and abilities of diverse client systems to foster empowerment toward social justice and systematic well-being; and
  3. prepare students to utilize theoretically-based social work research, knowledge and critical thinking skills for effective and ethical social work practice.

The social work major is an accredited undergraduate professional program preparing students for entry-level practice positions in social service agencies employing Social Workers.

Elective courses are available in such areas as health, child welfare, mental health, grant writing, family service, corrections, etc. Certificate programs in Pan-American Studies, Addiction Services, Gerontology (Aging) and Victim Studies can be scheduled within the elective framework of the curriculum.

The Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in social work requires completion of 14 credits of a foreign language (Spanish is recommended; sign language as well as other foreign languages are accepted). The Bachelor of Arts in Social Work degree does not require a second language. Both degrees require 120 hours. Students who complete an associate degree program with a social services emphasis can complete either the B.A. or B.A./S.W. curriculum in social work by completing the required courses.

The Social Work Program at The University of Akron is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

Students wishing to major in social work must request an intercollege transfer to the College of Health and Human Sciences, School of Social Work and Family Sciences from their current college. A 2.75 grade point average and 30 credit hours is required for admission to the School. Once admitted to the School, a separate admissions packet must be completed with the School in order to be admitted as a social work major in good standing.  

Social Work (SOWK)

SOWK 131  Introduction to Developmental Disabilities  (2 Units)  
This course provides an overview of developmental disabilities. Content includes definitions, classifications, causes, and characteristics of disabilities; legislation/regulations; service delivery models; and prevention. (Formerly 2260:131)
SOWK 150  Introduction to Gerontological Services  (3 Units)  
Basic orientation to gerontology and role of community service technician in service delivery to aged. Topics include social, biological, economical, and psychological aspects of aging; national and state legislation; services and service provider. (Formerly 2260:150)
SOWK 230  Human Relations  (3 Units)  
Examination of principles and methods which aid in understanding the individual's response to society and the relationship between society and individuals. (Formerly 7750:230)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
Gen Ed: Social Science  
SOWK 231  Habilitation Programming  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 131. This course examines components of individualized plans, implementation of such plans, and legal issues. Content includes types of habilitation programming and the role of self-determination. (Formerly 2260:231)
SOWK 233  Behavior Support  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 131. This course examines the components of behavior support. Course content includes various types of behavior support programs and techniques. (Formerly 2260:233)
SOWK 240  Substance Use and Abuse  (3 Units)  
Introduction to pharmacology of drugs of misuse; physiological factors of alcohol/drug-using behavior; effect of psychoactive drugs on the brain; intervention and treatment measures. (Formerly 7750:240)
SOWK 244  Death & Dying  (3 Units)  
Examination of a wide range of topics related to death and dying. Emphasis is placed on understanding and coping with death and dying. (Formerly 7750:244)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
Gen Ed: Domestic Diversity, Social Science  
SOWK 255  Effective Workplace Relationships  (3 Units)  
This course focuses on self-evaluation and development of skills for successful interaction with clients/inmates, peers, supervisors, and colleagues in other public service systems. (Formerly 2260:255)
SOWK 260  Introduction to Addiction  (3 Units)  
An overview of the continuum of use, abuse and dependency; theories of addiction; the impact of addiction on society; and the implications for professional practice. (Formerly 7750:260)
SOWK 262  Basic Helping Skills  (4 Units)  
Teaches micro skills through the use of didactic presentation, role play and videotaping; develops ability to give and receive feedback about effectiveness of helping others. (Formerly 2260:262)
SOWK 265  Women & Addiction  (3 Units)  
Exploration of the social, psychological, physical and family aspects of addiction in women. (Formerly 7750:265)
SOWK 268  Co-Occurring Disorders  (3 Units)  
Key concepts and evidence-based practices in the provision of services to people suffering from substance abuse as well as mental illness and behavioral disorders. (Formerly 7750:268)
SOWK 269  Criminal Justice & Addiction  (3 Units)  
An introduction to the problems that exist with the treatment of the alcohol/drug offenders and issues relating to their transition back to the community. (Formerly 7750:269)
SOWK 270  Diversity and Social Work  (3 Units)  
Introductory course explores issues related to poverty and minority issues as they relate to at-risk populations. (Formerly 7750:270)
Gen Ed: Domestic Diversity  
SOWK 271  Behavioral Addictions  (3 Units)  
Introduction to understanding human behavior and physiological responses to compulsive behaviors other than dependencies on psychoactive chemicals. Several behavioral addictions will be explored. (Formerly 7750:271)
SOWK 275  Introduction to Social Work Practice  (3 Units)  
Introduces students to concepts, settings, and vulnerable populations related to the field of social work. Emphasis placed on purposes, values, ethics, knowledge, and skills that characterize the professional social worker. Provides an overview of theoretical and practical knowledge about the social work profession needed for entry levels of practice in social work. (Formerly 7750:275)
SOWK 276  Introduction to Social Welfare  (3 Units)  
Survey of field of social welfare; place of social work profession within human services institutions of United States. Introduction of basic concepts relating social welfare institutions and social work to society. (Formerly 7750:276)
SOWK 277  Case Management in Community Services  (3 Units)  
Case by case study of Social Service delivery in six primary areas of Human Services. Emphasis on case management skills, documentation and ethics. (Formerly 2260:277)
SOWK 278  Techniques of Community Work  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: ENGL 111. For those intending to work in community organizations in the United States and for others desiring an understanding of technical community service roles. Covers such topics as ethics, liability issues, communication and problem solving skills, values clarification, stress management systems theory, and assertive behavior. (Formerly 2260:278)
SOWK 279  Technical Experience in Community & Social Services  (5 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 278 and permission. Individual placement in selected community and social service agencies for educationally supervised experience in community and social services technician position. Does not substitute for SOWK 421 or 7750:495. (Formerly 2260:279)
SOWK 286  Addiction Services Internship  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Integrates counselor assistant experience with fundamental concepts and skills from academic studies. Students are required to complete 200 hours of supervised field experience. (Formerly 7750:286)
SOWK 297  Independent Study: Community Services  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission. Selected topics and special areas of study under the supervision and evaluation of a selected faculty member with whom specific arrangements have been made. (Formerly 2260:297)
SOWK 300  The Resilient Child  (3 Units)  
Corequisite: SOWK 301. Course content includes typical and atypical development in children affected with health related issues in a variety of clinical settings. (Formerly 7750:300)
SOWK 301  The Resilient Child Lab  (1 Unit)  
Corequisite: SOWK 300. Course content applies typical and atypical development in children affected with health related issues in a lab setting. (Formerly 7750:301)
SOWK 302  Assessment, Play and Therapeutic Interventions with Children  (3 Units)  
An overview of the theoretical framework of play and assessment of children's developmental and emotional needs. Therapeutic interventions and activities explored. (Formerly 7750:302)
SOWK 303  National Health and Safety Performance Standards in Child Care  (1 Unit)  
Course content includes safety and performance standards for health care providers working with children in a clinical setting. (Formerly 7750:303)
SOWK 344  Death & Dying  (3 Units)  
Examination of a wide range of topics related to death and dying. Emphasis is placed on understanding and coping with death and dying. (Formerly 7750:344)
Gen Ed: Domestic Diversity, Social Science  
SOWK 345  Death and Dying for Health Care Professionals  (3 Units)  
Examination of loss, death, and dying in health care professions. Theory-driven course emphasizing development of practical skills to address death-related issues and experiences. (Formerly 7750:345)
SOWK 349  Integrated Human Behavior and Health  (3 Units)  
Examination of the reciprocal nature of physical and mental health factors related to disease course/progression. Emphasis on application of theory-driven conceptualization and interventions. (Formerly 7750:349)
SOWK 401  Social Work Practice I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisite: SOWK 405. Basic concepts and methods of Generalist social work practice, with an emphasis on understanding and working with individuals. (Formerly 7750:401)
SOWK 402  Social Work Practice II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401 and SOWK 405 or permission of instructor. Concepts and methods of social work practice particularly relating to understanding and working with groups in various settings in our society. (Formerly 7750:402)
SOWK 403  Social Work Practice III  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401 and SOWK 405 or permission of instructor. Development of understanding and practice methods for utilization of community organization and social planning as social work process in assessing problems and developing program to meet needs. (Formerly 7750:403)
SOWK 404  Social Work Practice IV  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401 and SOWK 405. Professional social work practice with families in social services; the dynamics of family systems, assessment of family function and dysfunction, professional helping processes. (Formerly 7750:404)
SOWK 405  Practice I Skills Lab  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: SOWK 270, SOWK 276, SOWK 427, BIOL 103, POLIT 100, PSYC 100, SOCIO 100 and [ECON 100 or ECON 200]. Corequisite: SOWK 401. Prepares students for beginning generalist social work practice and proves a context to apply and evaluate generic knowledge base, values, ethics, and skills common to practice with client systems. (Formerly 7750:405)
SOWK 411  Women's Issues in Social Work Practice  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401 or permission of instructor. Social work practice, knowledge and skill, social welfare institutions and social policy in relation to women's issues and concerns in the United States. (Formerly 7750:411)
SOWK 421  Field Experience Seminar I  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: SOWK 401 and permission of the instructor. Corequisite: SOWK 493. The first of two consecutive courses that assists students in making the transition from classroom learning to experiential learning in the field practicum. (Formerly 7750:421)
SOWK 422  Field Experience Seminar II  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: SOWK 421 and SOWK 493; Corequisite: SOWK 494. The second of two consecutive courses, this course assists students in integrating, synthesizing, and applying classroom learning to field experiences and assignments. (Formerly 7750:422)
SOWK 425  Social Work Ethics  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Social Work major, permission of instructor. Social Worker's code of ethics as applied to practices, problems and issues in social work. (Formerly 7750:425)
SOWK 427  Human Behavior & Social Environment I  (3 Units)  
Social work perspective on human development across the life cycle. Human diversity approach consistent with the needs of social work students preparing for practice. (Formerly 7750:427)
SOWK 430  Human Behavior & Social Environment II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Social Work major and SOWK 427. Examination of larger social systems including families, groups, neighborhoods, and organizations. Focuses on the unique systemic characteristics of each system and its development. (Formerly 7750:430)
SOWK 442  Social Work Research  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the social work major. Overview of scientific inquiries in the research process as it applies to social work. Emphasis is placed on various social worker roles in relation to research. The focus will be on research concepts including contents on the evaluation of practice outcomes and data analyses. (Formerly 7750:442)
SOWK 444  Global Health Disparities  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the College of Health and Human Sciences. This course provides a fundamental understanding of the purpose, function and importance of understanding global health disparities. The course examines the disparities in health condition and health care among minority populations for several specific diseases. The most significant current health care problems facing populations in the United States and the world will be identified. These conditions are significant health concerns in the majority population as well as minority population. It brings to light the behavioral and cultural characteristics of the global populations that contribute to the disproportionate presence of the disease in that population, and the disparity in treatment available. Furthermore, the course will introduce the students to view globally and act locally regarding to specific health problem of interest to the student or that demonstrate local needs, thus preparing students to potential paths of future program design. (Formerly 7750:444)
SOWK 445  Social Policy Analysis for Social Workers  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Social Work major, permission of instructor. Description, analysis and construction of social policy in social services; to understanding forces and processes which establish or change social policies, to predict consequences of social policies and to establish goals for social policy development; integrated into effective social work methodology. (Formerly 7750:445)
SOWK 450  Social Needs & Services: Aging  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401 or permission of instructor. Application of knowledge and principles of professional social work practice to understanding, development and provision of social services to meet needs of aging and later mature individuals, families and communities and institutions serving them and their relatives. (Formerly 7750:450)
SOWK 451  Social Work in Child Welfare  (3 Units)  
In-depth exploration of structure and functioning of social services designed to help children, and of practice of social work in child-welfare settings. Consideration of supportive, supplementary and substitutive services. (Formerly 7750:451)
SOWK 452  Social Work in Mental Health  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401 or permission of instructor. Issues, organization, development and methodologies of current professional social work practice in mental-health settings. (Formerly 7750:452)
SOWK 454  Social Work in Juvenile Justice  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401. The theory and practice of social work in the juvenile justice systems of the United States. Traditional procedures and recent developments, prevention, diversion and community outreach, legal concerns, case management, institutional functioning. (Formerly 7750:454)
SOWK 455  Social Work Practice with African American Families  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401 or permission of instructor. Contemporary problems facing African American families; male-female relationships, single parent households, African American teens and elderly, public policy, theoretical models, explaining development of the African American family. (Formerly 7750:455)
SOWK 456  Social Work in Health Services  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401. Policies, programs and practice in health-care settings: short-term, intermediate and long-term hospitals, out-patient services, emergency services, clinics, visiting nurse services, nursing homes, pediatric services, self-help organizations. (Formerly 7750:456)
SOWK 459  Social Work with People with Developmental Disabilities  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Application of social work principles in the provision of social services to meet the needs of the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled and their families. (Formerly 7750:459)
SOWK 467  Addiction Screening, Assessment and Treatment Planning  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 260. Overview of screening, diagnosis and assessment procedures in the addiction field, including review of the most commonly used testing instruments. Implication for treatment planning is explored. (Formerly 7750:467)
SOWK 468  Addiction Prevention, Treatment and Recovery  (3 Units)  
Evidence-based practices in addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery management. Treatment approaches include, but are not limited to, motivational interviewing, contingency management, cognitive behavioral therapy, and family approaches. (Formerly 7750:468)
SOWK 469  Group and Relationship Counseling in Addictions  (3 Units)  
Models and dynamics of groups and families struggling with substance use disorders. Emphasis on strategies and techniques to improve functioning and interpersonal relationships in the maintenance of recovery. (Formerly 7750:469)
SOWK 470  Law for Social Workers  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401. Basic terminology, theories, principles, organization and procedures of law will be explored along with the relationships between social work and law and comparisons of the theoretical bases of the two professions. (Formerly 7750:470)
SOWK 471  Crisis Intervention  (3 Units)  
This elective course focuses on knowledge/skills required by social workers dealing with people in crisis. Impact of crises on the human personality will be discussed. (Formerly 7750:471)
SOWK 472  Child Welfare II  (3 Units)  
This course is the second in a series of two child welfare courses. Child Welfare II, addresses the developmental and permanence needs of children in the welfare system. (Formerly 7750:472)
SOWK 473  Social Work with Adolescence  (3 Units)  
This course provides students with an in-depth knowledge of adolescent development and an understanding of how the biological, psychological, social, cultural, and spiritual aspects of an adolescent impact their overall functioning and quality of life issues. (Formerly 7750:473)
SOWK 475  Addiction & Social Work Practice  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SOWK 401. Provides students with the essential knowledge and skill for successful social work practice with people involved in substance abuse. (Formerly 7750:475)
SOWK 478  Family Financial Management  (3 Units)  
This course designed to help students gain an appreciation and working knowledge of the individual/family as a complex and ever-changing financial unit. We will look at the social and cultural practices that contribute to our view of money and financial management. We will also examine the American social class system and families’ status, savings, financial security patterns of decision making and a range of financial practice behaviors, the profiles of families through the family development cycle. We will also explore how families prepare for the unforeseen, and work toward the resolution of family financial problems. Case studies, exercises, quizzes, and on-line discussions will aid us in this process. (Formerly 7750:478)
SOWK 480  Special Topics: Social Work & Social Welfare  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Analysis of current social work and social welfare theory and policy, settings, innovative interventions, and trends in delivery systems in relation to selected areas of concern. Topics and credits variable. (Formerly 7750:480)
SOWK 493  Field Experience: Social Agency I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: SOWK 401, SOWK 402, SOWK 427, and permission of instructor. Corequisite: SOWK 421. First of two consecutive courses of supervised internship in a social service setting. Facilitates acquisition of generalist practice skills. Student must receive permission to take the course with the Field Coordinator during early part of semester preceding enrollment. For senior social work majors. (Formerly 7750:493)
SOWK 494  Field Experience: Social Agency II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: SOWK 493, SOWK 421 and permission of instructor; corequisite: SOWK 422. Second of two consecutive courses of supervised internship in a social service setting. Facilitates the continued acquisition of generalist practice skills. For senior social work majors only. (Formerly 7750:494)
SOWK 497  Individual Investigation in Social Work  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Permission and prearrangement with instructor. Individual readings, research or projects in area of interest in social welfare theory or institutional operations or in social work practice under guidance of social work faculty member. Preparation of report paper appropriate to nature of topic. For social work major. (Formerly 7750:497)
SOWK 499  Senior Honors Project in Social Work  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisites: Senior standing in Honors Program and approval of honors preceptor in department. Open only to social work major enrolled in Honors Program. Independent study leading to completion of senior honors thesis or other original work resulting in writing of research paper in proper scholarly form, supervised by student's honors project adviser within the department. (Formerly 7750:499)