Applied Politics, MAP

The Master of Applied Politics is one of just a few programs in the United States focusing on practical politics and experiential learning. It is designed for students interested in working in election campaigns, digital strategy and messaging, fundraising, managing organizations, government relations, civic engagement, and other political activities. Our modern curriculum produces graduates with real, tangible skills, who will be ready to make their mark in their chosen field immediately. All courses are delivered either live online (with an in-person component for those located in Northeast Ohio) or asynchronously online, thus allowing students to take classes and complete the program from anywhere in the world.

Admission Requirements

Admission is open to students who have completed a four-year undergraduate degree and who fulfill the admission requirements of the Graduate School. Two letters of recommendation (at least one from a faculty member) and a personal statement outlining the expected fit between the student’s skills and objectives and the department’s programs and resources are required. No specific field of undergraduate major is required for admission. The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not required. The program is designed to accommodate students taking course work full or part-time. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Degree Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 30 credits of graduate work composed of core and elective courses, at least one internship, and a capstone presentation.

Required Core Courses - 24 credits
POLIT 555Civic Engagement and Political Behavior3
POLIT 556Deliberation and Political Disagreement3
POLIT 570Fundamentals of Political Strategy3
POLIT 571Fundamentals of Electoral Messaging3
POLIT 572Campaign Finance, Fundraising, and Budgeting3
POLIT 578Fundamentals of the Digital Campaign3
POLIT 600Scope & Theories of Political Science3
POLIT 695Internship in Government & Politics3-6

Elective Courses - Minimum of six credits selected from the following:
POLIT 500Political Extremism & Violence3
POLIT 522Understanding Racial & Gender Conflicts3
POLIT 523Women, Gender, and Politics3
POLIT 502Politics and the Media3
POLIT 527Campaign Battleground3
POLIT 528Ohio Politics3
POLIT 540Survey Research Methods3
POLIT 541The Policy Process3
POLIT 542Methods of Policy Analysis3
POLIT 563Human Rights in World Politics3
POLIT 573Voter Contact & Elections3
POLIT 580Policy Problems in Political Science3
POLIT 590Workshop in Political Science1-3
POLIT 592Selected Topics in Political Science3
POLIT 574Political Opinion, Behavior & Electorial Politics3
POLIT 575American Interest Groups3
POLIT 576American Political Parties3
POLIT 577Government Relations and Lobbying3
POLIT 601Research Methods in Political Science3
POLIT 630Seminar in National Politics3
POLIT 655Campaign and Election Law3
POLIT 672Seminar: Political Influence & Organizations3
POLIT 690Special Topics in Political Science1-3
POLIT 697Independent Research & Readings1-4
POLIT 699Master's Thesis2-6
POLIT 695Internship in Government & Politics (If students complete more than 3 credits of this course in fulfillment of their core requirements, the additional credit may be applied toward this elective category.)3-6

MAP Capstone Project

All students are required to construct a PowerPoint (or other visual presentation) and defend a capstone project which demonstrates knowledge and skills earned while in the MAP program. The capstone presentation can be completed using distance learning/remote technology if the student cannot be present on the UA campus.