LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education

School Requirements

Selection, Admission, Retention, and Teacher Licensure

The LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education has selective admission, retention, and graduation requirements for the completion of a program at The University of Akron.

For all students applying to a School of Education Professional Education program, the admission and degree requirements outlined in the current UA Undergraduate Bulletin will be used to determine admission (or readmission) and degree requirements for all programs.

From admission through graduation, all decisions are made following the School's approved criteria. Prior to admission to a program, Ohio requires all colleges and universities preparing teachers and educational personnel to assess students in the areas of verbal communication and academic achievement. The University of Akron’s School of Education admission procedures are designed to establish admission criteria, provide for assessments, allow for skills enhancement, reassessment and reapplication where appropriate.

General Education Requirements: To be admitted to the LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education teacher education programs, all students must be able to meet the following criteria: English Comp I (or equivalent): Grade C or better, English Comp II: Grade C or better, Any Gen Ed Quantitative Reasoning, Speaking Requirement, Any Gen Ed Natural Science (7 credits including one lab course), and Any Gen Ed Social Science. 

Grade-Point Average: For admission, a minimum grade point average of 2.5 or better overall for the above Gen Ed courses and minimum and 2.5 or better cumulative GPA. 

Bureau of Criminal Investigation Clearance: A signed Criminal Background Check Acknowledgement Form must be submitted and is included in the School of Education Application. Current Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks are required before you may participate in coursework with clinical or field experience. An active Pre-service Teacher Permit is also required for any clinical or field experience.

School of Education Application: All students must complete the School of Education application. Responses to the questions on the application will help School of Education advisors offer the most effective and efficient advisement. It will also help advisors know students as individuals with unique backgrounds and experiences. Undergraduate students should apply during the semester in which all School of Education pre-admission requirements will be met.

Admission Timeline: Admission to a School of Education Professional Education program is in effect for five years from the date of admission. All criteria and procedures regarding selective admission and retention are available in

The LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education
Zook Hall 431
The University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325-4201

Application for Admission to Professional Education Programs

All students are required to have completed the application process no less than six weeks prior to the semester in which they wish to begin coursework in the School of Education. Additional information and applications are available on the LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education website at https://www.uakron.edu/education/academic-programs/how-to-apply.dot

Program Area of Study: All students are expected to comply with requirements specified by the program to which they are applying. These are available in the Center of Academic Advising & Student Success.

Advisement: All students will be assigned an advisor and meet with them during the first semester of admission. Students are encouraged to see their advisor when necessary to assure they are maintaining progress in their program.

Retention: Retention of students in each program will be evaluation based. Students will have opportunities to upgrade their skills and achievement in areas where such needs may exist. Completion of program requirements will be reviewed by the student and faculty advisor. Approval to student teach is contingent on the student’s progress through the program of study with satisfactory grades. Graduation is contingent on completion of coursework, student teaching, GPA of 2.50 overall, 2.50 in education classes, and 2.50 in the student’s major.

Licensure: After graduation, students may apply for licensure through the Ohio State Board of Education. The State of Ohio requires all applicants for licensure to submit a current BCI/FBI Clearance and a Pre-service Teacher Permit. A BCI/FBI Clearance is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. Ohio also requires all applicants for licensure to pass appropriate examination(s) for intended area(s) of licensure. Information about specific licenses can be obtained from the School of Education.

Transfer Students: Transfer students will be expected to meet the same admission standards as University of Akron students.

Post-Baccalaureate Students: Qualified post-baccalaureate students seeking licensure will be admitted to the LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education and to the appropriate program once they meet all admission requirements. 

Bachelor’s Degrees

The Professional Education Program prepares students to teach in one or more of the following areas/fields: primary inclusive teacher preparation (age 3 through grade 5); middle childhood (grades 4 through 9) dual licensure with intervention specialist; the conventional academic fields found in programs for adolescent to young adult students (grades 7 through 12); in special education as an intervention specialist for mild/moderate/intensive (K-12); and multi-age (grades PK through 12). To qualify for the bachelor’s degree, the minimum credits as required by the student’s degree program at the time of admission with a grade-point average of 2.50 overall, 2.50 in education classes, and 2.50 in the student’s major must be completed.

The specific subjects required for degrees in certain fields are set forth in subsequent pages. In all cases, the requirements include courses in general education, professional education and content areas.

The Bachelor of Arts in Education degree is granted to those whose major is in one of the academic fields. The Bachelor of Science in Education is granted to those whose major is in the other special fields or in primary inclusive or middle childhood education.

Professional Education Programs

The LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education is a learning and teaching community that prepares educational professionals across varied organizations, who are committed to diversity, equity, excellence and who conduct, utilize, and critique research through scholarship, leadership, collaboration, inclusive education, innovation, and professionalism. Decision-making is stressed in the standards-based programs that prepare teachers and other school personnel for professional practice. Initial professional education programs are aligned with the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession, and Specialized Professional Association Standards. Advanced Programs for practicing teachers are aligned with the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession. For more complete information about the professional education program, consult the School of Education at educ@uakron.edu.

Students must complete appropriate professional education courses with grades of ‘C’ or better before progressing through the program.

Professional Preparation

Throughout their program, teacher candidates take a combination of core courses, field experiences, and courses in their program studies area. Students should note the sequence of core and program courses. The core courses cover the knowledge base that is common for all teachers, regardless of their teaching field. The field experiences provide teacher candidates with experience in schools from the beginning of their program. Additionally during their field and clinical experiences, teacher candidates learn to apply what they are learning in courses.

Program content area courses are related to teacher candidates’ intended area of licensure. In addition, teacher candidates have a faculty advisor to help plan what to study and to review what has been accomplished.

The culminating experience for teacher candidates is student teaching. Under the supervision of a team of faculty and a classroom teacher, each student teacher begins to put newly-developed competencies into practice.

For candidates seeking to graduate without licensure, substitute courses for this culminating experience of student teaching and colloquium will be determined with recommendation by the advisor and subject to approval by the Director to assure that candidates meet an equivalent number of Education course hours for the program. Candidates must meet all other program requirements. If the student wishes to seek licensure after graduation, the student would need to apply to be admitted to the appropriate program. The student will be required to complete all necessary requirements for licensure in place at the time admission.

Clinical and Field-Based Experiences

All teacher candidates are required to participate satisfactorily in clinical and field-based experiences prior to recommendation for licensure to teach in Ohio. These clinical and field-based experiences are designed to provide teacher candidates with the opportunity to apply theory and skills related to their areas of licensure in diverse clinical and field-based settings. Clinical experiences are those planned activities in which professional education students apply the principles of teaching.

Student Teaching

Student teaching is an all-day, full-time, planned teaching experience for 16 weeks in an approved public or private school. Placements are made in schools selected and supervised by the School of Education in collaboration with school districts and faculty.

All teacher candidates must have an approved student teaching application on file to be considered for placement.

To qualify for student teaching, teacher candidates must have a 2.50 average overall, a “C” or better in professional education classes, a minimum of a 2.50 and/or a “C” or better in the teacher candidate’s major, and in methods courses as defined by departments. Satisfactory completion of field and pre-clinical experience is also required before student teaching. Students also need to pass at least one Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE) in the program area. 


Every teacher in Ohio public schools is required to have a teaching license covering the fields in which teaching is being done. This license is issued by the Ohio State Board of Education. The teacher candidate must provide evidence of a current BCI/FBI Clearance, must pass appropriate examination(s) required in Ohio, complete the appropriate program requirements successfully, and be recommended for a teaching license.


TESOL Endorsement (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

This program introduces teacher candidates to the key issues in teaching English to non-native speakers through coursework in linguistics, second language theory and methods, and related disciplines.

Teacher candidates seeking this endorsement must have studied a foreign language at some time during their academic career.

Students who do not have English as a native language must demonstrate adequate proficiency in English with a valid TOEFL score of 580 or above and a score of 240 or above on the TSE (Test of Spoken English).

TESOL Endorsement

Educational Foundations and Leadership (EDFN)

EDFN 150  Democracy & Education  (3 Units)  
Based on an interdisciplinary inquiry, this course examines varied theories and practices of democratic education. (Formerly 5100:150)
EDFN 200  Introduction to Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: ENGL 110, ENGL 111, or ENGL 112. Introduction to the teaching profession designed to explore the purposes of schools in society and what is required to be an effective teacher today. This course will include 10 field hours of field observation in an urban setting. (Formerly 5100:200)
EDFN 205  Fundamental Educational Computer Skills  (1 Unit)  
Elective Course: Computer skills for education majors with little or no computer experience. Includes word processing, databases, graphics and communications. Cannot substitute for any required course. (Formerly 5100:205)
EDFN 210  Characteristics of Learners  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Completion of all LBJFF School of Education program admission requirements. Corequisite: EDFN 211. Describe cognitive, psychosocial, physical, language, and moral development of learners Pre-K through adult. Identifies learner needs, roles of teachers and schools in fostering optimal development. (10 hours of field experience included.) (Formerly 5100:210)
EDFN 211  Teaching & Learning Strategies  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Completion of all LBJFF School of Education admission requirements. Corequisite: EDFN 210. From course content and activities, students will recognize, select, and practice various instructional models. Students will acquire and apply appropriate learning and motivational strategies. (10 hours of field experience included.) (Formerly 5100:211)
EDFN 220  Educational Psychology  (3 Units)  
Pre/Corequisite: EDFN 200. Focuses on the developmental influences and characteristics of learners, and psychological principles pertaining to teaching and learning processes, motivation and self-regulation in learners. (Formerly 5100:220)
EDFN 300  Educational Equity and Excellence in a Culturally Pluralistic Society  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 200, EDFN 220, EDCI 230, EDIS 225. Corequisite with or prerequisite to EDCI 360. Engages teacher candidates in inquiry-based seminars and service learning that facilitate their developing pedagogical competence implementing equity and excellence in education. (Formerly 5100:300)
EDFN 330  Early Adolescent Learner  (3 Units)  
Study of issues in adolescent development, particularly as it relates to educational settings. Physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social, and moral development in learners 8-14 years old. (Formerly 5100:330)
EDFN 410  Professional Issues in Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 310, EDCI 311, EDCI 320, EDCI 330, and admission to the LBJFF School of of Education. Course work applies social and philosophical foundations of education to current and historical issues in education with attention to roles and responsibilities of contemporary teachers. (Formerly 5100:410)
EDFN 420  Introduction to Instructional Computing  (3 Units)  
Prepares the student in the use of instructional technologies in educational and business settings. Segments of the course are offered in an online format. (Formerly 5100:420)
EDFN 430  Senior Honors Project: Foundations  (1-6 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisites: senior standing in Honors Program and permission of student's preceptor. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. (Formerly 5100:430)
EDFN 450  Data Collection for Program Planning and Evaluation  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 200, EDFN 220, EDCI 308, and EDIS 225. This course introduces the community, workforce, and global educators to the foundational knowledge and skills associated with common data collection methods used in program planning and evaluation.  
EDFN 480  Special Topics: Educational Foundations  (1-4 Units)  
(May be repeated with a change in topic) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Group study of special topics of critical, contemporary concern in professional education. (Formerly 5100:480)
EDFN 481  Special Topics: Educational Administration  (1-4 Units)  
(May be repeated with a change in topic) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Group study of special topics of critical, contemporary concern in professional education. (Formerly 5700:480)
EDFN 490  Workshop: Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5100:490)
EDFN 491  Workshop: Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5100:491)
EDFN 492  Workshop: Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5100:492)
EDFN 493  Workshop: Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5700:492)
EDFN 494  Workshop: Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5700:493)
EDFN 495  Educational Institutes in Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-4 Units)  
Special course designed as in-service upgrading programs. (Formerly 5100:494)
EDFN 496  Educational Institutes: Education Foundations & Leadership  (1-4 Units)  
Special courses designed as in-service upgrading programs, frequently provided with the support of national foundations. (Formerly 5700:494)
EDFN 497  Independent Study  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisites: Permission of department head and instructor. Specific area of study determined in accordance with program and professional goals. (Formerly 5100:497)

Primary Inclusive (EDPI)

EDPI 100  Orientation to Early Childhood Specialist  (0 Units)  
Orientation to the information and strategies necessary for a student to be successful in the program, including portfolio development. (Formerly 5200:100)
EDPI 200  Pre-Kindergarten Participation I  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: CHFD 265, CHFD 245. Planned field experience in a pre-kindergarten infant/toddler classroom where students work with children age birth to 3 years both individually and in small groups. (Formerly 5200:200)
EDPI 215  The Child, the Family, and the School  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 220, EDIS 225. The purpose of this course is to learn about why we create reciprocal working relationships with parents, and methods of creating these types of relationships. (10 field/clinical hours). (Formerly 5200:215)
EDPI 220  Visual Arts Culture in Early Childhood  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: admission to Teacher Education Program. Art education concepts, structures, and knowledge base to provide curricular opportunities for education majors to develop as creative problem solvers in an elementary school setting. First offered Fall 1993. (Formerly 5200:220)
EDPI 250  Developing Processes of Investigation  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 210, EDFN 211, and admission to Teacher Education Program. This course will enable students to identify and acquire those investigative and discovery processes and skills that are common in mathematics, science, and social studies. (Formerly 5200:250)
EDPI 300  Pre-Kindergarten Participation II  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisites: EDPI 200, EDIS 450 and admission to Teacher Education Program. Planned field experience in pre-kindergarten early intervention program where student works in both small and large group settings and with individual children. (Formerly 5200:300)
EDPI 319  Integrated Expressive Arts in Primary Grades  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: CHFD 265 and [MUSIC 201, ART 210, or THEA 100]. This course focuses on creative expression and play as primary activities to support the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and aesthetic development of children from birth through fifth grade. Theory and practice of play, child study, environmental planning, creativity and arts-based expression are foundational in this course. Students learn how to teach with the arts, within and across the academic content curriculum. (Formerly 5200:319)
EDPI 320  Visual Arts Application in the Elementary School  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDPI 220. Exploration of materials, methods, processes and visual techniques relating two and three-dimensional art experiences for the teacher of elementary children. (Formerly 5200:320)
EDPI 321  Instructional Techniques: Modern Languages K-8  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: admission to the LBJFF School of Education. Focus on theories of language acquisition, models of instruction suited to teaching foreign languages and cultures in the elementary school (K-8), and strategies that promote appropriate levels of language proficiency and competency for young learners. (Formerly 5200:321)
EDPI 325  Early Childhood Inclusive Practicum  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Corequisite: EDCI 241. Prerequisite or Corequisite: EDCI 308. This field-based course emphasizes developmental domains of preschool children. Candidates design appropriate activities for culturally and linguistically diverse population of typically and atypically developing children. (Formerly 5200:325)
EDPI 330  Building Understanding in Early Childhood Settings  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Corequisite: EDCI 241 and EDIS 448. Prerequisite or corequisite: EDCI 308. This course prepares teachers to work in inclusive programs, able to meet the needs of children; exceptional, cultural and linguistic diverse, and typically. (Formerly 5200:453)
EDPI 331  Kindergarten Methods & Material  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHFD 265. Scope and sequence of kindergarten curricula, with emphasis on developmentally appropriate methods and materials. This course is not part of the new teacher licensure program. (Formerly 5200:331)
EDPI 333  Science for Primary Teachers  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Teachers of children from Pre-K through Grade 5 must be well versed in the essential science content knowledge and they should demonstrate the understanding of central concepts, academic language, and the structure of science content areas needed to provide appropriate environments that support integrated and authentic learning for ALL children. Well prepared candidates use their knowledge, appropriate Ohio New Learning Science standards, and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging standards-based curriculum for each child. (Formerly 5200:333)
EDPI 334  Teaching Art in the Elementary School  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program, Art K-12. Visual arts in elementary schools. Art education concepts with studio orientation including history of art education, developmental stages, curriculum and organization, methods, evaluation and research, and practical participation. (Formerly 5200:334)
EDPI 338  Social Studies for Primary Teachers  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. This course equips primary grade teachers with content knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to teach grades Pk-5 students to be informed and active citizens in classrooms, their community, country, and world. Students will learn critical content related to the guidelines of the Ohio Department of Education and the National Council for the Social Studies standards in social studies education. They will make decisions about what to teach (standards and themes), how to teach (strategies), and which materials best serve the needs of their students (resources). (Formerly 5200:338)
EDPI 340  Developmental Writing and Digital Literacies in Inclusive Early  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Prerequisite or corequisite: EDCI 241, EDCI 308, and EDIS 448. This course focuses on theoretically grounded developmental writing and communication using digital literacy in the information age specifically for children age 3 to third grade. (Formerly 5200:340)
EDPI 342  Teaching Math to Young Children  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: MATH 140, MATH 240. Prerequisite or corequisite: EDCI 370. Trends in mathematics instruction in early childhood/middle level classrooms. Procedures for the development of mathematics concepts and skills. (Formerly 5200:342)
EDPI 352  Teaching Mathematics in Inclusive Primary Settings  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Pre/Corequisite: MATH 240. To examine and know the standards-based mathematics curriculum and the instruction appropriate for inclusive primary setting. (10 hours of Field Work) (Formerly 5200:352)
EDPI 395  Field Experience  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Permission of advisor and department head. Independent field work in area selected by student's adviser, based on student's needs. (Formerly 5200:395)
EDPI 420  Integrated Primary Curriculum  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite or corequisite: EDCI 370. Course models an inquiry-based format that integrates math, science, social studies, and technology standards where students learn how to create, implement, manage, and evaluate student-centered learning environments. (25 hours field and 35 clinical hours). (Formerly 5200:420)
EDPI 425  Advanced Integrated Primary Curriculum  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 420 and admission to teacher education program. This course further explores an inquiry-based format that integrates math, science, social studies, and technology standards by having the students implement, manage, and evaluate their own and their students' learning. (25 field and 35 clinical hours). (Formerly 5200:425)
EDPI 454  Inquiry Learning in Primary Inclusive Settings  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 241 and EDCI 308. Corequisite: EDIS 450. Pre/Corequisites: EDPI 333 and EDPI 338. Anchored in the authentic work of teacher and students, this field-based capstone methods class utilizes action research strategies in primary inclusive settings. By using inquiry -based methods that focus on reflective teaching and student learning, pre-service teachers learn to analyze and resolve their own teaching /learning challenges. They learn how to ask focusing questions, define terms, collect relevant data, analyze findings and communicate process that informs their professional practice. 35 field hours. (Formerly 5200:454)
EDPI 480  Special Topics: Elementary Education  (1-4 Units)  
(May be repeated with a change in topic) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Group study of special topics of critical, contemporary concern in professional education. (Formerly 5200:480)
EDPI 490  Workshop: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Elective workshop for elementary education major who would pursue further refinement of teaching skills. Emphasizes demonstrations of teaching techniques and development of suitable teaching devices. (Formerly 5200:490)
EDPI 491  Workshop: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Elective workshop for elementary education major who would pursue further refinement of teaching skills. Emphasizes demonstrations of teaching techniques and development of suitable teaching devices. (Formerly 5200:491)
EDPI 492  Workshop: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Elective workshop for elementary education major who would pursue further refinement of teaching skills. Emphasizes demonstrations of teaching techniques and development of suitable teaching devices. (Formerly 5200:492)
EDPI 493  Workshop: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Elective workshop for elementary education major who would pursue further refinement of teaching skills. Emphasizes demonstrations of teaching techniques and development of suitable teaching devices. (Formerly 5200:493)
EDPI 495  Student Teaching (Pre K through K)  (5 Units)  
Prerequisites: Approval of the Student Teaching Committee, considered based upon approved application to student teaching, passing PRAXIS II subject test, and approved portfolio. Corequisite: EDPI 498. Planned teaching experience in schools selected and supervised by Office of Field Experience. (Formerly 5200:495)
EDPI 496  Student Teaching (Grades 1-3)  (6 Units)  
Prerequisites: Approval of the Student Teaching Committee, considered based upon approved application to student teaching, passing PRAXIS II subject test, and approved portfolio. Corequisite: EDPI 498. Planned teaching experience in schools selected and supervised by Office of Field Experience. (Formerly 5200:496)
EDPI 497  Independent Study: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisites: permission of adviser and department head. Specific area of curriculum investigation pertinent to elementary education as determined by student's academic needs. (Formerly 5200:497)
EDPI 498  Student Teaching Colloquium  (1 Unit)  
Prepares students for the final phase of becoming decision makers. The colloquium will explore problems encountered in classrooms, initiate reflective practice and concepts of action research, and focus on preparation of unit outlines with emphasis on applied decision making. (Formerly 5200:498)
EDPI 499  Student Teaching in Inclusive Early Childhood Settings  (9 Units)  
Prerequisite: Approval of the Student Teaching Committee, based upon approved application to student teaching, passing at least one of Ohio Assessments for Educators subject-specific tests. Corequisite: EDIS 470. Planned 16-week experience in schools selected and supervised by the Office of Field Experiences. 322 Clinical Hours. (Formerly 5200:499)

Middle Level Education (EDML)

EDML 100  Orientation to Middle Level Education  (0 Units)  
Orientation to the information and strategies necessary for a student to be successful in the program, including portfolio development. (Formerly 5250:100)
EDML 300  Middle Level Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite or corequisite: EDCI 308. Reviews nature/needs of early adolescents; developmentally appropriate middle schooling; philosophy of school organizations; curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment; cultural and community contexts. 15 field hours. (Formerly 5250:300)
EDML 333  Teaching Science to Middle Level Learners  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 308 and admission to the School of Education. A methods course for the prospective teacher to develop a point of view toward science teaching and strategies for effective standards-based science teaching. (15 field hours) (Formerly 5250:333)
EDML 338  Teaching Social Studies to Middle Childhood  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 308 and admission to the School of Education. A methods course to examine the school social studies curriculum and strategies for effective teaching. (15 field hours) (Formerly 5250:338)
EDML 342  Teaching Math to Middle Level Learners  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 308 and admission to the School of Education. Modern strategies of psychology and methodology in middle childhood mathematics on exploratory, structural and mastery levels of learning. (15 field hours) (Formerly 5250:342)
EDML 350  Teaching Language Arts & Media to Middle Level Learners  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 240, EDCI 241, EDCI 308, and admission to the School of Education. This course provides preservice middle grade teachers with strategies for integrating the language arts in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, listening, media and drama. (15 Field Hours) (Formerly 5250:350)
EDML 351  Modes of Writing for the Middle Grades  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. This course will provide middle school languages arts teachers the understandings and skills necessary to teach writing in varieties of forms and modes including newswriting. (Formerly 5250:351)
EDML 480  Special Topics: Middle School  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (May be repeated with change of topic) Group study of special topics in middle childhood of critical contemporary concern in professional education. (Formerly 5250:480)
EDML 490  Workshop: Middle Level  (1-3 Units)  
Elective workshop for Middle Childhood majors who would like to pursue further refinement of teaching skills. Emphasis in demonstrations of teaching techniques and development. (Formerly 5250:490)
EDML 495  Student Teaching: Grades 4-6  (5 Units)  
Planned teaching experience in schools selected and supervised by the Office of Field Experience. (Formerly 5250:495)
EDML 496  Student Teaching: Grades 7-9  (6 Units)  
Prerequisites: Approval of the Student Teaching Committee, considered based upon approved application to student teaching, passing PRAXIS II subject test, and approved portfolio; senior status. Corequisite: EDML 498. Planned teaching experience in schools selected and supervised by the Office of Field Experiences. (Formerly 5250:496)
EDML 497  Independent Study  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Permission of advisor and department head. Specific area of curriculum investigation pertinent to middle level education as determined by student's academic needs. (Formerly 5250:497)
EDML 498  Student Teaching Colloquium: Middle Grades  (3 Units)  
Corequisite: EDML 499. The course provides a forum to discuss professional issues related to student teaching, and to support students as they complete their capstone project. The colloquium will explore a broad range of topics concerning the field of education, within the structure of the Ohio Teacher Standards. Candidates will explore the challenges encountered in classrooms, initiate reflective practice, and nurture their commitment to lifelong learning. (Formerly 5250:498)
EDML 499  Student Teaching: Middle Level Education  (9 Units)  
Corequisite: EDML 498. Student teaching is a planned, all-day, full time teaching experience. It is coordinated and given oversight by LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education, in an approved public or private school for a total of 16 weeks. (Formerly 5250:499)

Secondary Education (EDSE)

EDSE 100  Orientation to the AYA/P-12 Multi-Age Programs  (0 Units)  
Orientation to the information and strategies necessary for a student to be successful in the program, including portfolio development. (Formerly 5300:100)
EDSE 312  Introduction to Social Studies Teaching in Secondary Schools  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Social Studies Teacher Prep Program. Pre/Corequisite: EDCI 308. This course assists teacher candidates in understanding the history, issues, and trends related specifically to teaching secondary social studies. Students will learn about the “State of the Social Studies” in Ohio, across the United States, and internationally, to better understanding the field’s democratic and civic mission. Standards-based and high-leverage instructional strategies in social studies will be modeled.
EDSE 314  Introduction to Mathematics Teaching in Secondary Schools  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Mathematics Teacher Prep Program. Pre/Corequisite: EDCI 308. This course introduces secondary teacher candidates to trends, issues, and challenges as it relates specifically to curriculum and instruction in mathematics in secondary schools.
EDSE 315  Introduction to Science Teaching in Secondary Schools  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Science Teacher Prep Program. Pre/Corequisite: EDCI 308. This course introduces secondary teacher candidates to trends, issues, and challenges as it relates specifically to teaching science in secondary schools.
EDSE 316  Methods in Teaching Art  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Completion of required course for art teachers and grade-point average of 2.50 in the field. Study of trends and procedures in teaching and supervision; relation of art to home, school and community; observation in selected schools required. (Formerly 5300:316)
EDSE 317  Instructional Techniques: Modern Languages-Secondary  (3 Units)  
Focus on theories of language acquisition, models of instruction for teaching foreign languages/cultures and strategies that promote levels of proficiency/competency for adolescent learners. (Formerly 5300:317)
EDSE 320  Introduction to Teaching in the Content Area  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. This course introduces secondary teacher candidates to trends, issues, and challenges as it relates specifically to curriculum and instruction in the content areas in secondary schools. (Formerly 5300:320)
EDSE 325  Content Reading in Secondary Schools  (3 Units)  
Instructional principles and practices for helping secondary school youth and adults learn subject matter through application of reading and study skills. (Formerly 5300:325)
EDSE 330  Teaching Adolescent/Middle Level Literature  (3 Units)  
Student develops skills for selection of literature that is well-suited for adolescent/middle level children. Student develops, uses, and experiences methods for teaching adolescent/middle level literature in the classroom. (30 clinical experience hours) (Formerly 5300:330)
EDSE 335  Language Learning in Secondary Schools  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education program. Introduces English teachers to the issues of language learning and techniques required to teach language skills. (Formerly 5300:335)
EDSE 395  Field Experience: Secondary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Supervised work with youngsters, individually and in groups in school and/or community settings. (Formerly 5300:395)
EDSE 401  Secondary English Language Arts Instructional Techniques  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 308 and admission to the School of Education. Corequisite: EDSE 411. This course prepares teacher candidates to use various techniques of planning, instruction and assessment for teaching English Language Arts in secondary schools. (25 hours field)
EDSE 402  Secondary Social Studies Instructional Techniques  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 308 and admission to the School of Education. Corequisite: EDSE 412. This course prepares social studies teacher candidates to identify and implement research-based planning, instruction, and assessment techniques for effectively teaching social studies in secondary schools. The course includes 25 hours of field experience.
EDSE 404  Secondary Mathematics Instructional Techniques  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 308 and admission to the School of Education. Corequisite: EDSE 414. This course prepares mathematics teacher candidates to identify and implement research-based planning, instruction, and assessment techniques for effectively teaching mathematics in secondary schools. The course includes 25 hours of field experience.
EDSE 405  Secondary Science Instructional Techniques  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDSE 308 and admission to the School of Education. Corequisite: EDSE 415. This course prepares science teacher candidates to use various techniques of planning, instruction and assessment for teaching science in secondary schools. (25 hours field)
EDSE 411  Clinical Teaching I - Secondary ELA  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Education. Corequisite: EDSE 401. Field application to observe and apply English Language Arts education methodologies and theories in a school/classroom setting.
EDSE 412  Clinical Teaching I - Sec Social Studies  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 308 and Admission to the School of Education. Corequisite: EDSE 402. Observe and apply social studies education methodologies and theories in a school/classroom field-based environment. (50 clinical hours)
EDSE 414  Clinical Teaching I - Sec Mathematics  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Education. Corequisite: EDSE 404. Observe and apply mathematics education methodologies and theories in a school/classroom field-based environment. (50 clinical hours)
EDSE 415  Clinical Teaching I - Secondary Science  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDSE 308 and admission to the School of Education. Corequisite: EDSE 405. Practical course that provides hands-on experience for teacher candidates in planning, assessment, and instruction in secondary science classrooms.
EDSE 420  Instructional Techniques in Secondary Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Corequisite: EDSE 421. Open to student who has completed certification requirements in all content fields. Techniques of planning, instruction and evaluation in various secondary teaching fields. (Formerly 5300:420)
EDSE 421  Instructional Techniques in Secondary Education - II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDSE 420 and EDSE 430. Corequisite: EDSE 431. Continuation of teaching strategy and assessment implementation based on research and theory. (Formerly 5300:421)
EDSE 430  Clinical Teaching I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Corequisite: EDSE 420. Observe and apply education methodologies and theories in a school/classroom field-based environment. (50 clinical hours) (Formerly 5500:430)
EDSE 431  Clinical Teaching II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDSE 420 and EDSE 430. Corequisite: EDSE 421. Course following Clinical Teaching I - Apply education methodologies and theories in a classroom environment in a full-time school environment. (640 clinical hours) (Formerly 5500:431)
EDSE 480  Special Topics: Secondary Education  (1-4 Units)  
(May be repeated with a change in topic) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Group study of special topics of critical, contemporary concern in professional education. (Formerly 5300:480)
EDSE 490  Workshop: Secondary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5300:490)
EDSE 491  Workshop: Secondary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5300:491)
EDSE 492  Workshop: Secondary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5300:492)
EDSE 493  Workshop: Secondary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5300:493)
EDSE 494  Educational Institutes: Secondary Education  (1-4 Units)  
Special courses designed as in-service upgrading programs, frequently provided with the support of national foundations. (Formerly 5300:494)
EDSE 495  Student Teaching: Secondary Education  (6-11 Units)  
Prerequisites: Approval of the Student Teaching Committee, considered based upon approved application to student teaching, and passing state licensure exam(s). Corequisite: EDSE 496. Planned teaching experience in schools selected and supervised by the Office of Field Experiences. (Formerly 5300:495)
EDSE 496  Student Teaching Colloquium in Secondary Education  (1 Unit)  
Concurrent with Student Teaching; emphasis on applied decision making, group problem solving, and commitment to life-long learning. (Formerly 5300:496)
EDSE 497  Independent Study  (1-3 Units)  
Specific area of curriculum investigation pertinent to secondary education as determined by student?s academic needs. (Formerly 5300:497)

Technical Education (EDTE)

EDTE 400  Adult Learning  (3 Units)  
Pre/Corequisites: EDFN 200 and EDFN 220. The Adult Learner course is designed to introduce you to the characteristics, issues, and factors pertinent to successful facilitation of learning with emphasis on the strategies successful in community, workforce, and global learning environments. This purpose of this course is to delineate and examine the characteristics of adult learners so educators and trainers can incorporate the information into successful learning experiences for their students. (Formerly 5400:400)
EDTE 401  Learning with Technology  (3 Units)  
Application of learning technologies to situations encountered by academic and professional learners. Addresses foundational concepts of computer literacy, ethics. security, collaboration, and learning design. (Formerly 5400:401)
EDTE 413  Instructional Design Profession  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDTE 401 and EDFN 450. Examination of the Instructional Design profession, its history, trends, issues and impact on Instruction Design's future. Research on best practice in the field are explored. (Formerly 5400:413)
EDTE 415  Talent Development and Training  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 200 and EDFN 220. Examine the training function within talent development from a global perspective. Explore best practices for today's workforce. Identify emerging trends and training solutions. (Formerly 5400:415)
EDTE 420  eLearning by Design  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDTE 413. Experiences in using, developing and evaluating learning technologies and media used for instructional design and training. (Formerly 5400:420)
EDTE 430  Program Planning  (3 Units)  
Process of program planning and evaluation for instructional design and training for a variety of adult learning organizations. (Formerly 5400:430)
EDTE 435  Systematic Instructional Design in Postecondary Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites or corequisites: EDTE 401, EDTE 420, EDTE 430, admission to program, or permission of instructor. Examination of instructional design models with particular emphasis of the ADDIE model. Study of applications to Instructional Design Technology. (Formerly 5400:435)
EDTE 475  Instructional Delivery  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of department. Implementation of instructional design principals in the proposal, design, development, implementation, assessment and evaluation (ADDIE) of eLearning and other delivery of training courses. (Formerly 5400:475)
EDTE 480  Globally Diverse Workforce  (3 Units)  
Study of cultural pluralism and disability in the workplace and the best practices, as related to training in adult learning organizations. (Formerly 5400:480)
EDTE 481  Special Topics: Technical Education  (1-4 Units)  
See department for course description. (Formerly 5400:481)
EDTE 490  Workshop: Technical Education  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. Delivered in a totally on-line format and face to face format with web enhancements. (Formerly 5400:490)
EDTE 495  Postsecondary Education Practicum  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDTE 400, EDTE 401, EDTE 405, EDTE 415, EDTE 420, EDTE 430, EDTE 435, and admission to the Postsecondary Technical Education program with a 'C' or better in each EDTE course and a 2.5 or better overall GPA in EDTE courses, and an overall GPA of 3.0 or better. Directed instruction under the supervision of directing instructor and university supervisor, and development of instructional portfolio. (Formerly 5400:495)
EDTE 497  Independent Study: Technical Education  (1-3 Units)  
Area of study determined by student's need. (Formerly 5400:497)

Curricular and Instructional Studies (EDCI)

EDCI 223  Urban Youth Mentoring  (3 Units)  
Urban youth mentoring and mentorship theory and practice in school-based settings; including the completion of 30 hours of urban mentorship field experience. (Formerly 5500:223)
Gen Ed: Complex Issues Facing Society  
EDCI 230  Educational Technology  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: 13-15 sem. hrs. with a 'C' or better in specific GenEd courses; EDFN 200 (may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite); FBI/BCI background checks. Effectively identifying, locating, evaluating, designing, preparing, and efficiently using educational technology as instructional resource in the classroom to support learning and teaching. (Formerly 5500:230)
EDCI 240  Foundations of Literacy  (3 Units)  
Focus on building blocks of teaching children how to read with an emphasis on literacy development and an emphasis on research-based components of reading instruction. (Formerly 5500:240)
EDCI 241  Word Study, Phonics & Spelling  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Candidates will explore a variety of genres, types of texts, resources, and instructional strategies to maximize students' comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary growth. (Formerly 5500:241)
EDCI 245  Understanding Literacy Development & Phonics  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: admission to Teacher Preparation Program. Children's literacy development is explored through an integrated instructional model, with emphasis on the role of comprehension, phonics, and functional spelling in language learning. (10 hours of service learning) (Formerly 5500:245)
EDCI 251  Teaching Personal Finance in the PK-12 Classroom  (3 Units)  
Teacher candidates learn best practices in planning and implementing standards-based personal finance and economic instruction. (Formerly 5500:251)
EDCI 286  Teaching Multiple Texts  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Candidates will explore a variety of genres, types of texts, resources, and instructional strategies to maximize students' comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary growth.10 field hours. (Formerly 5500:286)
EDCI 308  Instructional Design and Assessment  (6 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 220 and EDIS 225 and admission to the LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education . Theoretical and practical foundations for standards-based instruction and assessment; including instructional design, assessment development, and classroom practice for all learners in diverse and inclusive settings. 30 Field Hours. (Formerly 5500:308)
EDCI 310  Instructional Design  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 210, EDFN 211, and admission to LBJFF School of Education. Corequisite: EDCI 311. Design and teach lessons using instructional models, strategies, and resources for students with different characteristics and design appropriate assessments to measure content mastery. (Formerly 5500:310)
EDCI 311  Instructional Resources  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 210, EDFN 211; Corequisite: EDCI 310. Examines existing and developing media, technological, human and environmental resources as they relate to learning. Includes identifying, locating, evaluating, using, designing, and preparing educational resources. (Formerly 5500:311)
EDCI 320  Diversity in Learners  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 210, EDFN 211. Students learn to appreciate common core culture, the diversity in the student population and the democratic ideal of equal access to educational opportunity. (10 hours of field experience included.) (Formerly 5500:320)
EDCI 330  Classroom Management  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 210, EDFN 211. Content regarding effective organization of the classroom as well as procedures and models for mediation of student behaviors will be presented. (Formerly 5500:330)
EDCI 341  Laboratory Practicum in Reading  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 445. Laboratory experience with classroom, small groups and individual situations. A student diagnoses, implements procedures and follows prescribed reading improvement practices. (25.5 field hours) (Formerly 5500:341)
EDCI 360  Educational Planning: Instruction, Assessment and Classroom Management  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 230, EDFN 200, EDFN 220; EDIS 225; prerequisite or corequisite: EDFN 300. Theoretical foundations for standards-based thematic units and lesson plans, classroom assessment and organization, including procedures and models for mediating student behavior and classroom management. (Formerly 5500:360)
EDCI 370  Educational Implementation: Instruction, Assessment and Classroom Management  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 360, EDFN 300. Interpretation and application of standards-based thematic units and lesson plans; classroom assessment and organization, including mediation of student behaviors and classroom management. (Formerly 5500:370)
EDCI 403  Global Education & Technology  (3 Units)  
This course focuses on theories, materials, and methods for teaching global education through e-learning and web-based tools. (Formerly 5300:303)
EDCI 430  Honors Research Project: Early Childhood  (1-6 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of student's preceptor. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. (May be repeated for a total of six credits). (Formerly 5200:430)
EDCI 431  Honors Research Project: Secondary Education  (1-6 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisite: Permission of student's preceptor. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. (Formerly 5300:430)
EDCI 432  Honors Research Project: Special Education  (1-6 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisite: Permission of student's preceptor. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. (Formerly 5610:430)
EDCI 433  Honors Research Project: Middle Level Education  (1-6 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits.) Prerequisites: Permission of student's preceptor. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. (Formerly 5250:430)
EDCI 439  Engineering for Educators  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Engineering design concepts and their applications course for teachers/teacher candidates. Students will engage in engineering problem solving activities and design lesson plans that address science and engineering practices. (Next Generation Science Standards) (Formerly 5500:439)
EDCI 440  Literacy in the Content Areas  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Prepare candidates to understand issues and use methods and materials to promote disciplinary literacy in middle and secondary classrooms (20 hours clinical). (Formerly 5500:440)
EDCI 442  Teaching Reading to Culturally Diverse Learners  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 245, EDCI 286. The course is designed to provide students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable employment of effective methods of teaching reading to culturally different learners and/or learners whose language patterns are nonstandard. (Formerly 5500:442)
EDCI 445  Assessment and Instruction in Literacy  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 240, EDCI 241, and [EDCI 286 or EDCI 440] with a grade of C or better. This course explores the assessment of students' progress in language literacy. Formal and informal instruments identifying progress in reading, writing, speaking, and listening are examined implemented. There are 30 hours of field experience included in this course. (Formerly 5500:445)
EDCI 450  Nature, History, and Philosophy of Science  (3 Units)  
(May be repeated with a change in topic). Provides opportunities to examine the historical and philosophical perspectives of science in an online medium and the impact of science and technology on society. (Formerly 5500:450)
EDCI 455  Literacy for Multiage Licensure  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program. Organizing instruction, use of oral language development protocols, strategies for word skill development, comprehension and assessment as they relate to content areas. (Formerly 5500:455)
EDCI 456  Scaffolding Language and Content Learning for English Learners  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: ENGL 473. This course prepares students to use quality, research-based sheltered instruction for improving teaching effectiveness and accelerating academic achievement achievement for English learners. (Formerly 5500:456)
EDCI 458  Inclusive Field Experience  (1 Unit)  
Corequisite: EDIS 457. In this inclusive field experience, teacher candidates explore the challenges and best practices in providing quality educational services for all learners. (20 field hours) (Formerly 5500:458)
EDCI 475  Instructional Technology Applications  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 230 and EDCI 360. Focus on developing learner competencies in the use of instructional technologies to enhance both the instructor's personal and professional productivity. (Formerly 5500:475)
EDCI 480  Special Topics: Curriculum & Instruction  (1-6 Units)  
Group study of special topics of critical, contemporary concern in professional education. (May be repeated with a change in topic) (Formerly 5500:480)
EDCI 480-1  Preserving the Past, Designing the Future: Renewing the UA Natural History Museum  (1-6 Units)  
A lithograph from 1882 shows visitors to the University of Akron in a Natural History room. Storage containers in the biology department are labeled the "UA Museum of Zoology". However, there is no longer an official natural history museum at the University of Akron even though we hold large collections of biological and geological specimens. Help us reimagine what a natural history museum on campus might look like. With guidance from a professional collections assessment conducted in the fall of 2024, students will learn about the importance of biological and geological collections for research, education, and outreach. As a class, we will design a space where collections could be displayed for classes and used by members of the campus community and public for research. As in past UnClasses, we will work with multiple experts in the community as well as museum, collections, education, and archives fields.
EDCI 484  Principles of Bilingual/Multicultural Education  (3 Units)  
An introduction to the theoretic, cultural, sociolinguistic bases of bilingual/multicultural education. Legislation, court decisions, program implementation included. (Formerly 5500:484)
EDCI 485  Teaching Literacy to English Learners  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the LBJFF School of Education. Course applies methodologies for teaching literacy to English learners, assessment of literacy skills and development of materials. 12 field hours of field experience are required. (Formerly 5500:485)
EDCI 486  Teaching Mathematics, Social Studies & Science to Bilingual Students  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Completion of all age-appropriate methods courses. Course applies methodologies for teaching mathematics, science, social studies in the bilingual/multicultural classroom. The bilingual student's native language stressed. (Formerly 5500:486)
EDCI 487  Techniques of Teaching English as a Second Language  (3 Units)  
Course includes teaching language skills to Limited English Proficient students in grades K-12, administration of language assessment tests, selection and evaluation of materials. (10 field hours) (Formerly 5500:487)
EDCI 488  Practicum: Teaching English as a Second Language  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 485 and EDCI 487. A practical experience in which teacher candidates observe, participate, and practice teaching in an ESL classroom under the supervision of an experienced, certified/licensed teacher. (Formerly 5500:488)
EDCI 490  Workshop: Curriculum & Instruction  (1-3 Units)  
Emphasizes development of teaching devices and/or curriculum units, demonstration of teaching techniques. (Formerly 5500:490)
EDCI 491  Workshop: Curriculum & Instruction  (1-3 Units)  
Emphasizes development of teaching devices and/or curriculum units, demonstration of teaching techniques. (Formerly 5500:491)
EDCI 492  Workshop: Curriculum & Instruction  (1-3 Units)  
Emphasizes development of teaching devices and/or curriculum units, demonstration of teaching techniques. (Formerly 5500:492)
EDCI 497  Independent Study  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of advisor and department chair. Specific area of curriculum investigation pertinent to the general curriculum and instruction area as determined by student's academic needs. (Formerly 5500:497)

Special Education Programs (EDSP)

EDSP 492  Workshop in Reading  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems; utilization of community resources; planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5800:492)
EDSP 493  Workshop on Exceptional Children  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems; utilization of community resources; planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5800:493)
EDSP 494  International School Study  (3-6 Units)  
On-the-scene study of education in foreign countries, usually by concentrating on the study of schools in one restricted geographical area. (Formerly 5800:494)