Sociology (SOCIO)
SOCIO 510 Social Structures & Personality (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. Interrelationships between position in society, personality characteristics. Personality treated as both result and determinant of social structure and process. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:510)
SOCIO 511 Social Interaction (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. Intensive study of advanced theory and research in social psychology, particularly how social interaction and self-conception affect one another. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:511)
SOCIO 512 Socialization: Child to Adult (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. Theoretical and empirical analyses of process by which infant, child, adolescent and adult learn social and cultural requirements necessary to function in new roles, changing roles and society in general. (Formerly 3850:512)
SOCIO 514 Qualitative Methods (3 Units)
Prerequisites: [SOCIO 100 and SOCIO 301] or permission. This course will build students’ knowledge of qualitative methods that are used in Sociology and provide the tools needed to conduct qualitative research. Students will develop an understanding of what types of questions are (and are not) most effectively addressed with qualitative approaches and apply a variety of qualitative methods to answer appropriate questions related to a social issue.
SOCIO 521 Race & Ethnic Relations (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. Analysis of structure and dynamics of race and ethnic relations from a variety of perspectives emphasizing both historical and contemporary issues. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:521)
SOCIO 525 Sociology of Urban Life (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. Emergence and development of urban society. Examination of urban social structure from neighborhood metropolis, the problems and prospects. Emphasis on various life styles of urban subcultures. Lecture/discussion. (Formerly 3850:525)
SOCIO 528 The Victim in Society (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Study of the nature, causes, and consequences of victimization with special focus on crime victimization. (Formerly 3850:528)
SOCIO 530 Juvenile Delinquency (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. Analysis of social structure and process from which delinquency develops. Emphasis on current and past research. Lecture/discussion. (Formerly 3850:530)
SOCIO 531 Corrections (3 Units)
Theories, beliefs and practices of community and institutional corrections systems, including past and current social research. Course taken prior to 3 credit hour Field Placement in Corrections. (Formerly 3850:531)
SOCIO 533 Sociology of Deviant Behavior (3 Units)
Prerequisite: At least six additional credits of sociology courses or permission. Survey of theories of deviant behavior and relevant empirical research. Special emphasis given to interaction processes and social control. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:533)
SOCIO 541 Sociology of Law (3 Units)
Prerequisite: At least six additional credits of sociology courses or permission. Social origins and consequences of law and legal processes. Emphasis on uses of law, social change and aspects of legal professions. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:541)
SOCIO 544 Social Issues in Aging (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. A look into the major issues and problems facing older persons. Special attention is given to the unmet needs of the elderly as well as an examination of current societal policy and programs to meet these needs. (Formerly 3850:544)
SOCIO 547 Sociology of Sex and Gender (3 Units)
Review of research and theories of sex and gender. Examination of gender as structure, process and experience in society. (Formerly 3850:547)
SOCIO 550 Sociology of Mental Illness (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. The social history of the mental hospital, theories and epidemiology of mental illness, community-based treatment models, the organization of mental health services, the role of personal social networks and mutual support groups. (Formerly 3850:550)
SOCIO 555 Family Violence (3 Units)
Family violence with a focus on child abuse, courtship violence, spouse/partner abuse, and elder abuse. Theories, methodologies, and strategies to end family violence are explored. (Formerly 3850:555)
SOCIO 560 Sociological Theory (4 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. An overview and examination of theoretical issues in sociology, through the study of both classical and contemporary theoretical work. (Formerly 3850:560)
SOCIO 602 Family & Society (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Examination of the interplay of family and society: family as both independent/dependent variable, at micro/macro levels. Development and impact of family policies is discussed. (Formerly 3850:602)
SOCIO 604 Quantitative Methods in Sociology (4 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Sociology or permission of instructor. Introduction to use of quantitative methods for analyzing sociological issues. Instruction in the process of empirically verifying a theoretical question, from conceptualization to analysis. (Same as KSU 72211) Lecture. (Formerly 3850:604)
SOCIO 615 Epidemiologic Methods in Health Research (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Designed to introduce the student to methods of developing and understanding information concerning the distribution of illness and injury in society and evaluations of interventions to reduce the burden. (Formerly 3850:615)
SOCIO 625 Sociology of Sentiments & Emotions (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. A sociological perspective is employed to analyze and understand the production, distribution and utilization of socially created sentiments and emotions. (Same as KSU 6/72435). Seminar. (Formerly 3850:625)
SOCIO 628 Professional and Ethical Issues in Sociology (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Sociology. Introduction to professional and ethical issues including the logic of inquiry, developing effective approaches to independent learning and research, the research certification process and plagiarism. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:628)
SOCIO 631 Social Psychology (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Intensive examination of social psychological theory and research, both classic and contemporary. Provides student with background and working knowledge of social psychological aspects of social phenomena. (Same as KSU 72430) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:631)
SOCIO 634 Personality & Social Systems (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Examination of contemporary theory and research on linkages between personality and society. Some applications in studies of modernization, social class and occupations and sex roles. (Same as KSU 72433) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:634)
SOCIO 639 Sociology of Gender (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. Examination of theories and research on gender origins, characteristics and changes. Emphasizes recent empirical research on gender role patterns and processes in various industrial societies. Same as (KSU 6/72566). (Formerly 3850:639)
SOCIO 646 Social Inequalities (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Seminar dealing with social class and castes with special reference to American social structure. (Same as KSU 72546) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:646)
SOCIO 649 Sociology of Work (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Examination of work as behavioral phenomenon in human societies; contrasts with non-work and leisure; significance of occupations, professional and work types in organization of work. (Same as KSU 72542) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:649)
SOCIO 651 Seminar in Race Relations (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Analysis of the structure and dynamics of race and ethnic relations with attention given to both historical and contemporary issues. (Same as KSU 72870) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:651)
SOCIO 656 Sociology of Health Care (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. A general study of the field of medical sociology with special emphasis on analysis of health and health care in the contemporary urban United States. (Same as KSU 72323). (Formerly 3850:656)
SOCIO 663 Deviance (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Examination of nature and types of deviance. Problems and issues in theory and research. (Same as KSU 72760) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:663)
SOCIO 664 Sociology of Criminal Behavior (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Analysis of relationship of crime and delinquency to social structure and social processes. Responses by criminal justice agencies. Seminar. (Formerly 3850:664)
SOCIO 665 Juvenile Delinquency: Theory & Research (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Analysis of theories of delinquency; ecological, class structural, substructural, etc. Review of relevant research also presented. Seminar. (Formerly 3850:665)
SOCIO 666 Sociology of Corrections (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Analysis of correctional institution as social system; its formal structure and informal dynamics. Analysis of present state of corrections research. Seminar. (Formerly 3850:666)
SOCIO 677 Family Analysis (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Analysis and evaluation of sociological theory and research in the family. Concentration on techniques of theory construction and research design in sociological study of the family. (Same as KSU 72543) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:677)
SOCIO 678 Social Gerontology (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Impact of aging upon individuals and society. Reactions of individuals and society to aging. (Same as KSU 72877) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:678)
SOCIO 686 Population (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Analysis of basic population theory and methods. Trends and differentials in fertility, mortality, migration and selected social demographic variables also considered. (Same as KSU 72656) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:686)
SOCIO 696 Master's Research Paper (1-6 Units)
(Must be repeated for a minimum of 6 credits). Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Supervised writing of a paper for Master's Research Paper option. (Formerly 3850:696)
SOCIO 697 Readings in Contemporary Sociological Literature (1-3 Units)
(May be repeated) Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Sociology, seven credits of sociology, and permission of advisor, instructor, and chair of the department. Intensive reading and interpretation of written material in student's chosen field of interest. Regular conferences with instructor. (Formerly 3850:697)
SOCIO 698 Directed Research (1-3 Units)
(May be repeated) Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Empirical research to be conducted by the student under graduate faculty supervision. (Formerly 3850:698)
SOCIO 699 Master's Thesis (1-6 Units)
(Must be repeated for a minimum of 6 credits). Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Supervised thesis writing. (Formerly 3850:699)
SOCIO 700 College Teaching of Sociology (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Teaching assistant in Sociology or permission of instructor. Training and experience in college teaching of sociology. Not approved as credit toward degree. Seminar. (Formerly 3850:700)
SOCIO 706 Multivariate Techniques in Sociology (4 Units)
Prerequisites: SOCIO:604 or permission; a sociology graduate student only. Methodological problems using advanced multivariate techniques in analysis of sociological data. Topics include nonexperimental causal analysis such as recursive and nonrecursive path analysis. (Same as KSU 72217). (Formerly 3850:706)
SOCIO 709 Advanced Data Analysis (4 Units)
Prerequisites: SOCIO:706 or equivalent, graduate standing in Sociology or permission of instructor. Critical examination of data analysis techniques having particular relevance to research problems in sociology. (Same as KSU 72218) Lecture. (Formerly 3850:709)
SOCIO 711 Survey Research Methods (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 604 or permission. In-depth study of design and administration of social surveys. (Same as KSU 72220) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:711)
SOCIO 714 Qualitative Methodology (4 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Sociology or permission of instructor. Study of qualitative methods including interviewing, observation, use of personal documents, archival data, and special problems of recording and analyzing qualitative data. (Same as KSU 72219) Lecture. (Formerly 3850:714)
SOCIO 722 Early Sociological Thought (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Two to four major pre-1930 sociological theorists will be examined in depth. (Same as KSU 72191) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:722)
SOCIO 723 Contemporary Sociological Thought (3 Units)
Prerequisites: SOCIO 722 and Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Intensive, critical analysis of current scholarship in a broad range of contemporary sociological theories. Virtually all required reading will be from primary sources. (Same as KSU 72105) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:723)
SOCIO 726 Stratification & Health (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Race, social class, and gender differences in physical and mental health status, help-seeking behavior, and health care. Race, class, and gender stratification of health care workers. (Same as KSU 72328) (Formerly 3850:726)
SOCIO 727 Sociology of Occupations, Professions & Health Care (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Sociological examination of the organization of work in the health care field with emphasis on occupations, professions, and health care delivery. (Same as KSU 72327) (Formerly 3850:727)
SOCIO 728 Sociology of Mental Health & Mental Disorders (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Sociological examination of the social processes that affect mental health, that frame cultural ideas of normality and illness, and that define clinical pathology. (Same as KSU 72326) (Formerly 3850:728)
SOCIO 747 Urban Sociology (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Analysis of theories of urban process and review of major contributions to empirical analysis of urban life. (Same as KSU 72659) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:747)
SOCIO 753 Special Topics in Social Organization (1-3 Units)
(May be repeated). Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Sociology or permission of instructor. Open course to cover content area not readily subsumable under other headings. Content of course to be determined by instructor. (Same as KSU 72595) Seminar. (Formerly 3850:753)
SOCIO 797 Individual Investigation (1-3 Units)
(May be repeated). Prerequisites: one semester of graduate work, permission of instructor, advisor and chair of department. Readings and/or research supervised by member of graduate faculty. (Same as KSU 72896) (Formerly 3850:797)
SOCIO 798 Individual Investigation (1-3 Units)
(May be repeated). Prerequisites: one semester of graduate work, permission of instructor, advisor and chair of department. Readings and/or research supervised by member of graduate faculty. (Same as KSU 72896) (Formerly 3850:798)
SOCIO 899 Doctoral Dissertation (1-10 Units)
(Must be repeated for a minimum of 30 credits) Prerequisite: Graduate standing in sociology or permission of instructor. Dissertation. (Same as KSU 82199) (Formerly 3980:375)