International Business (INTB)

INTB 506  International Business with Study Abroad Requirement  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Admission into a graduate program of study. A basic course in international business which can also provide a platform for more specialized international business courses. Students majoring in IB are required to participate in an approved Study Abroad Program. Foreign students must choose a country other than their home country to satisfy the study abroad requirement. Students will prepare and submit a detailed examination of the business environment visited. (Formerly 6800:506)
INTB 601  Global Immersion  (1-3 Units)  
Provides an opportunity for students to participate in faculty led global immersion/study abroad program, which will cover international management and business practices. Unique aspects of local culture are also studied. This study abroad course will focus mainly on a single country/region. (Formerly 6700:601)
INTB 605  International Business Environments  (3 Units)  
This course is intended to develop an understanding of the global business environment and the integrated functions of the multinational corporation. (Formerly 6800:605)
INTB 630  International Marketing Policy  (3 Units)  
Explores the problems of formulating and implementing marketing strategies and tactics within complex and changing multinational organizations and international markets. A planning framework is emphasized. (Formerly 6800:630)
INTB 670  Global Business Market Analysis and Resource Allocation  (2 Units)  
The course provides an analysis and understanding of the micro/macro political, economic and cultural forces impacting business decision-making and resource allocation of firms operating in a global market. (Formerly 6750:670)
INTB 685  Multinational Corporations  (3 Units)  
A course designed to develop an understanding of global businesses, their functions, structures, and strategic operations. (Formerly 6800:685)
INTB 690  Seminar: International Business  (3 Units)  
A course covering major issues in international business. (Formerly 6800:690)
INTB 697  Independent Study: International Business  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. Focus on special topics of study and research in international business on an independent basis. (Formerly 6800:697)