Health Care Management (HCM)

HCM 585  Special Topics in Health Services Administration  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Special topics in health services administration (e.g., management) focusing on historical and/or contemporary managerial organizational and/or policy/strategy issues as related to health-care organizations and health-care systems. Separate topics may be repeated for a maximum of six credits. For those registered for graduate credit, a major research paper is required. (Formerly 6500:585)
HCM 681  Foundations of Health Care Leadership  (3 Units)  
Introductory course for health professionals covering principles and concepts of management applied to health services organizations. (Formerly 6500:681)
HCM 683  Health Services Systems Management  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. Study of health services organizations, comparative delivery systems, the roles of third-party payors and government policy in health care. Seminar format: major research paper required. (Formerly 6500:683)
HCM 686  Health Services Research Project  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: HCM 683 or permission of instructor. In-depth field study in health services administration with applications of research and analysis skills. Course requires review of literature and a major research paper. (Formerly 6500:686)
HCM 688  Independent Study: Health Services Administration  (1-3 Units)  
(May not be repeated for more than three credits) Prerequisites: HCM 681 or HRM 600 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Independent study and research of a special topic of interest in health services administration (e.g., management), chosen by the student in consultation with and under the supervision of the instructor. (Formerly 6500:688)