Home Based Intervention Therapy (CHFD)
CHFD 501 American Families in Poverty (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Overview of the issues, trends, and social policies affecting American families living in poverty. Online section available. (Formerly 3760:501)
CHFD 504 Middle Childhood and Adolescence (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. The influences of middle childhood and adolescent behavior on the family and the influences of the family environment on middle childhood and adolescent development. (Formerly 3760:504)
CHFD 505 Home-Based Intervention Internship (3-5 Units)
Prerequisite: CHFD 504. Gives students the opportunity to apply knowledge of home-based intervention in actual delivery process working with families in their homes under the direct supervision of trained, experienced home-based intervention therapists. (Formerly 1820:505)
CHFD 540 Family Crisis (3 Units)
Study of family stress and crisis including internal and external variables and their influence on degree of disorganization, coping and recovery. Includes theory, research and application dimensions. (Formerly 3760:540)
CHFD 541 Family Relationships in Middle and Later Years (3 Units)
Study of family patterns and problems during middle and later years of life with emphasis on psychological and biological changes and economic and social adequacy. Research and trends in gerontology. (Formerly 3760:541)
CHFD 542 Human Sexuality (3 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Introduction to problems and values. Emphasis is on the role of values in intimate relationships, the diverse dimensions of sexual responsibility. (Formerly 3760:542)
CHFD 546 Culture, Ethnicity & Family (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Study of the role of culture and ethnicity in adaptation of the family system to environment. Program applications considered. Online section available. (Formerly 3760:546)
CHFD 548 Before & After School Child Care (2 Units)
Study of the development, implementation and evaluation of school-age child-care programs for before and after school and vacation periods. (Formerly 3760:548)
CHFD 560 Organization & Supervision of Child Care Centers (3 Units)
Theory, principles and procedures involved in establishing and operating centers for infants, toddlers, preschool and school-age children. (Formerly 3760:560)
CHFD 585 Seminar in Child and Family Development (1-3 Units)
Exploration and evaluation of current developments in selected areas. (Formerly 3760:585)
CHFD 594 Practicum in Parent & Family Education (3 Units)
CHFD 596 Parent Education (3 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Practical application that reviews and analyzes parent education methods with major emphasis on the evaluation of parent education programs. Online section available. (Formerly 3760:596)
CHFD 602 Family in Lifespan Perspective (3 Units)
Study of individual and family development across life span. Emphasis on adjustment patterns and interpersonal competence. Implications for education theory research and social policy. (Formerly 3760:602)
CHFD 603 Home-Based Intervention Theory (3 Units)
Overview of home-based intervention to include philosophy and description of this programming as well as assessment of family, their home and community environment. (Formerly 1820:503)
CHFD 604 Orientation to Graduate Studies in Child and Family Development (1 Unit)
Introduction to the concepts and processes necessary for graduate study in the interdisciplinary field of child and family development. (Formerly 3760:604)
CHFD 605 Developmental Parent-Child Interactions (3 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Study of reciprocal interactions between parent and child from birth to adulthood. Consideration of cross-culture studies, historical and societal influences and various family characteristics and structures. Online course. (Formerly 3760:605)
CHFD 606 Family Financial Management (3 Units)
Analysis of the family as a financial unit including financial problems and their resolution, decision-making patterns and financial practices behavior. Cases, exercises, problems and computer analysis. (Formerly 3760:506)
CHFD 607 Family Dynamics (3 Units)
An examination of theories and current research related to family dynamics across the lifespan. (Formerly 3760:607)
CHFD 610 Child Development Theories (3 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. A comparative study of developmental theories of the child within the family context. Application of the theories to child rearing in the family will be emphasized. (Formerly 3760:610)
CHFD 615 General Mediation (1 Unit)
Overview of the general mediation process includes training in communication skills, mediation techniques, and practical application of those skills to interpersonal situations requiring conflict management.
CHFD 616 Divorce Mediation (3 Units)
Overview of divorce mediation process includes guidelines for negotiating separation and divorce agreements, division of personal and real property, support, custody, and future plans. (Formerly 1800:601)
CHFD 661 Case Management for Children & Families I (3 Units)
Provides an overview of Case Management basics in a multi-systems collaborative context. Includes roles, values, principles, state and service systems, and service coordination. (Formerly 3760:561)
CHFD 662 Case Management for Children & Families II (3 Units)
Prerequisite: CHFD 661 or permission of instructor. Provides in-depth exploration of Case Management principles and practice. Emphasis on process and functions, assessment, cross-system service planning and coordination, advocacy, and cultural diversity. (Formerly 3760:562)
CHFD 664 Home-Based Intervention Techniques & Practice (3 Units)
Prerequisite: CHFD 603. Provides intervention techniques and skill areas required for home-based intervention and learning opportunities for matching techniques with specific family problems. (Formerly 1820:504)
CHFD 665 Development in Infancy & Early Childhood (3 Units)
Analysis of research and theoretical frameworks regarding infant and child development from conception through age five. Implications for guidance and education. (Formerly 3760:665)
CHFD 680 Grant & Proposal Writing (3 Units)
An important organizational function is acquiring resources to sustain and grow critical programs and funding through grants is one such avenue. Developing effective grant writing skills are essential to acquire competitive funding from government agencies and private foundations alike. This course will provide students with the background necessary to develop a competitive funding proposal. (Formerly 3760:680)
CHFD 685 Research Methods in Child and Family Development (3 Units)
Research methods emphasizing the scientific method, data collection techniques, ethical considerations, and statistics as they apply to research with children and families. (Formerly 3760:685)
CHFD 687 Divorce Mediation Practicum (2 Units)
Prerequisite: CHFD 601. Practical application of divorce mediation procedures. Review of strategies and ethical considerations. (Formerly 1800:602)
CHFD 688 Advanced Internship in Child and Family Development (5 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of advisor or instructor. A minimum of 200 hours of supervised experience in an approved community setting to acquire skills related to area of specialization. (Formerly 3760:688)
CHFD 690 Workshop in Child & Family Development (1-3 Units)
Investigation of current issues or topic in selected areas of Child and Family Development. May involve an off-campus activity, tour, or an on-campus full-time group meeting. (Formerly 3760:590)
CHFD 694 Master's Project (5 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of advisor. The development, implementation, and evaluation of a community-based, supervised project that makes a significant contribution to the field. (Formerly 3760:694)
CHFD 697 Individual Investigation in Family Development (1-3 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of graduate advisor only. Individual pursuit and analysis in specific area of student's interest and design under direction of faculty advisor. (Formerly 3760:697)
CHFD 698 Individual Investigation in Child Development (1-3 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of graduate advisor only. Individual pursuit and analysis in specific area of student's interest and design under direction of faculty advisor. (Formerly 3760:698)
CHFD 699 Masters Thesis in Child & Family Development (5 Units)
Prerequisite: Placement of advisor. Supervised research in a specialized area of Child & Family Development that contributes to the field and may lead to publication. (Formerly 3760:699)