Educational Foundations & Leadership (EDFN)

EDFN 520  Introduction to Instructional Computing  (3 Units)  
Prepares the student in the use of instructional technologies in educational and business settings. Segments of the course are offered in an online format. (Formerly 5100:520)
EDFN 590  Workshop in Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5100:590)
EDFN 591  Workshop in Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5100:591)
EDFN 592  Workshop in Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. (Formerly 5100:592)
EDFN 594  Educational Institutes: Educational Foundations & Leadership  (1-4 Units)  
Special course designed as in-service upgrading programs, frequently provided with the support of curriculum units. (Formerly 5100:594)
EDFN 600  Philosophies of Education  (3 Units)  
Examination of basic philosophical problems underlying broad educational questions that confront society. Provides foundation for understanding of questions of modern society and education. (Formerly 5100:600)
EDFN 602  Comparative & International Education  (3 Units)  
Comparative study of selected national school systems with reference to forces that shape their characteristics. Different theoretical approaches used in study of comparative education also investigated. (Formerly 5100:602)
EDFN 604  Topical Seminar in the Cultural Foundations of Education  (3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Issues and subjects related to study of educational institutions, theories and/or ideas. Different topics will be offered from section to section. Delivered in face to face web enhanced format and fully online format. (Formerly 5100:604)
EDFN 610  Introduction to Statistics in Human Services  (3 Units)  
Applying basic statistical concepts and use statistics to address real world problems in social science. (Formerly 5100:610)
EDFN 620  Psychology of Instruction for Teaching & Learning  (3 Units)  
Current theories and research in the areas of cognition and learning, development, and motivation that underlay approaches to teaching in any context. (Formerly 5100:620)
EDFN 624  Seminar in Educational Psychology  (3 Units)  
In-depth study of research in selected areas of learning, development, evaluation, and motivation. Offered in face-to-face and online formats. (Formerly 5100:624)
EDFN 629  Fundamentals of E-Learning  (1 Unit)  
The nature, purpose, history and philosophy of e-learning will be explored through examination of associated trends and issues. Establishment of a learning community will be addressed in the face-to-face course component. E-learning course/certificate overviews will be discussed. (Formerly 5100:629)
EDFN 630  Topical Seminar in Computer-Based Education  (3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits. Advanced topics related to development, implementation, research and evaluation in C.B.E. Student involvement emphasized, required. Knowledge of programming language recommended. (Formerly 5100:630)
EDFN 637  Philosophies of Educational Technology  (3 Units)  
To introduce students to the many philosophies of educational technologies and the manner in which information technology especially influences our pedagogy. (Formerly 5100:637)
EDFN 640  Using Research to Inform Practice  (3 Units)  
Research methods and techniques commonly used in education and behavioral sciences; preparation of research reports. Includes library, historical, survey and experimental research and data analysis. Delivered in face to face web enhanced format and fully online format. (Formerly 5100:640)
EDFN 642  Introduction to Classroom Assessment for Teachers  (3 Units)  
The focus of this class is on the practical classroom assessment skills future and practicing teachers need for decision-making about student learning. (Formerly 5100:642)
EDFN 643  Vision, Goal Planning and Professional Practice for Teacher Leaders  (3 Units)  
This course reviews the main research, theories, and practices that make for effective organizational leadership and professional practice for teacher leaders. (Formerly 5100:643)
EDFN 646  Multicultural Counseling  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: COUN 643 or permission of instructor. An examination of multicultural counseling theory and research necessary to work with culturally diverse people. (Formerly 5100:646)
EDFN 647  Data and Evidence-based Practice for Teacher Leaders  (3 Units)  
An examination of applied research techniques for school leadership and improvement efforts. (Formerly 5100:647)
EDFN 648  Individual & Family Development Across the Lifespan  (3 Units)  
An exploration of individual and family development. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the relationship between the individual and his/her family. (Formerly 5100:648)
EDFN 650  Data Collection Methods for Educators  (3 Units)  
Students will develop, implement and evaluate various data collection methods such as achievement tests, commercially published instruments, surveys, and individual and group interviews. (Formerly 5100:650)
EDFN 651  Data-Driven Decision Making for Educators  (3 Units)  
The purpose of this course is to facilitate the understanding and utilization of data to identify classroom/school improvement needs and make informed decisions in effecting change. (Formerly 5100:651)
EDFN 652  Introduction to Educational Evaluation  (3 Units)  
Introduction to core concepts of educational evaluation including; the purpose, process, standards, and models of evaluation. Students will develop skills in interpreting and critiquing evaluation reports. (Formerly 5100:652)
EDFN 653  Practical Applications of Educational Evaluation  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDFN 652. This course is designed as the second part of educational evaluation with a focus on the application of evaluation concepts and theory to real world situations. (Formerly 5100:653)
EDFN 654  Master's Project in Assessment & Eval - Part I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of advisor This capstone course is the culminating learning experience for the Masters Degree in Assessment and Evaluation. Students complete a comprehensive evaluation project of their choice. (Formerly 5100:654)
EDFN 655  Master's Project in Assessment & Eval Part 2  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDFN 654. This capstone course is the culminating learning experience for the Masters Degree in Assessment and Evaluation. Students complete a comprehensive evaluation project of their choice. (Formerly 5100:655)
EDFN 695  Field Experience: Masters  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisites: permission of department chair and instructor. Area determined in accordance with student's program and professional goals. (Formerly 5100:695)
EDFN 697  Independent Study  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisites: permission of department chair and instructor. Specific area of study determined in accordance with student's program and professional goals. (Formerly 5100:697)
EDFN 698  Masters Problem  (2-4 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of advisor. In-depth study of a research problem in education. Student must be able to demonstrate critical and analytical skills in dealing with problems in educational foundations. (Formerly 5100:698)
EDFN 699  Masters Thesis  (4-6 Units)  
Prerequisites: permission of department chair and instructor. In-depth study of research problem within humanistic and behavior foundation. (Formerly 5100:699)
EDFN 701  History of Education in American Society  (3 Units)  
Historical development of education in American social order, with special emphasis on social, political and economic setting. (Formerly 5100:701)
EDFN 703  Seminar: History & Philosophy of Higher Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDFN 600 or equivalent. History and philosophy related to genesis and development of higher education in the Western world, with special emphasis given to higher education's development in United States. Delivered in face to face web enhanced format and fully online format. (Formerly 5100:703)
EDFN 705  Seminar: Social-Philosophical Foundations of Education  (3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisite: EDFN 600 or equivalent. Inquiry into selected ideological social, economic and philosophical factors affecting educational development in United States and other countries. (Formerly 5100:705)
EDFN 710  Adult Learning, Development & Motivation  (3 Units)  
Emerging theories of intelligence; theories of adult learning; stage theories of adult cognitive, conceptual and moral development; life cycle development; adult life transitions. (Formerly 5100:710)
EDFN 721  Learning Processes  (3 Units)  
Study of principles underlying classroom learning processes with particular emphasis on teaching as means of modifying pupil behavior; cognitive, motor, social and affective. (Formerly 5100:721)
EDFN 723  Teacher Behavior & Instruction  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDFN 600. Intensive survey of theoretical and empirical literature involving teacher and conceptions of instruction. A student reports on theory, empirical research and applications in areas of individual interests. (Formerly 5100:723)
EDFN 740  Research Design  (3 Units)  
Topics include problem statement, research questions, literature review, choosing a sample, selecting an appropriate research design and data collection method, and ethical and legal issues. (Formerly 5100:740)
EDFN 741  Data Collection Methods  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDFN 740. Emphasis on developing, selecting, and administering common data collection methods in education and social science research including standardized tests, inventories, questionnaires, focus groups, and content analysis. (Formerly 5100:741)
EDFN 742  Statistics in Education  (3 Units)  
Statistical methods and techniques used in educational measurement and in educational research. Emphasis on hypothesis testing. (Formerly 5100:742)
EDFN 743  Advanced Educational Statistics  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDFN 741. Emphasis on interpreting advanced statistics in education and the social sciences. (Formerly 5100:743)
EDFN 744  Qualitative Methods I  (3 Units)  
Provides an overview of theory about and hands-on experience with methods of qualitative research. Techniques of participant-observation, interviewing, and document collection will be covered. (Formerly 5100:744)
EDFN 745  Qualitative Methods II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDFN 744. Provides more advanced experience with theory and methods of qualitative research. Data collection and analysis will focus on students' research interests and possible dissertation topics. (Formerly 5100:745)
EDFN 798  Research Project in Special Areas  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of department chair and instructor. Critical and in-depth study of specific problem in educational foundations. (Formerly 5100:798)
EDFN 801  Research Seminar: Educational Foundations & Leadership  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 640 and EDFN 740; permission of department chair and instructor. Intensive study of research methods applicable to education. Emphasis on developing a dissertation proposal. (Formerly 5100:801)
EDFN 897  Independent Study  (1-4 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of eight credits.) Prerequisites: permission of department chair and instructor. Specific area of inquiry within humanistic and behavioral foundations of education determined in advance by student and faculty advisor. (Formerly 5100:897)