Physical Education (PHED)

PHED 528  Nutrition for Teachers and Coaches  (3 Units)  
Covers nutritional basics and current topics related to teaching physical education/health and coaching athletes. (Formerly 5550:528)
PHED 536  Foundations & Elements of Adapted Physical Education  (3 Units)  
Principles, components, and strategies necessary in providing motor activities for handicapped students via application of a neuro-developmental model and alternative methods. Three hour lecture. (Formerly 5550:536)
PHED 546  Instructional Techniques in Secondary Physical Education  (3 Units)  
Instructional strategies for secondary physical education. The course content is to improve the teaching skills of students who will be teaching physical education at the secondary level. It is a required course for the physical education licensure. (Formerly 5550:546)
PHED 547  Instructional Techniques for Children in Physical Education  (3 Units)  
Instructional strategies for elementary physical education. The course content is to improve the teaching skills of students who will be teaching physical education for children. It is a required course for the physical education licensure. (Formerly 5550:547)
PHED 550  Organization & Administration of Physical Education, Intramurals and Athletics  (3 Units)  
General concepts of administration and organization in physical/health education, intramural, and athletic programs. (Formerly 5550:550)
PHED 552  Foundations of Sport Science, Physical and Health Education  (3 Units)  
Overview of the emergence of sport science, physical and health education as a profession and the supporting role of underlying scholarly and scientific disciplines. (Formerly 5550:552)
PHED 562  Legal Aspects of Physical Acitivity  (2 Units)  
Overview legal and ethical elements of greatest concern to specialists in sport and physical activity. Cases used to illustrate specific points. Topics vary. (Formerly 5550:562)
PHED 590  Workshop: Physical Education  (1-3 Units)  
Practical, intensive, and concentrated involvement with current curricular practices in areas related to physical education. (Formerly 5550:590)
PHED 592  Workshop: Physical Education  (1-3 Units)  
Practical, intensive, and concentrated involvement with current curricular practices in areas related to physical education. (Formerly 5550:592)
PHED 594  Student Teaching Colloquium (for Master's Plus Initial Lic.)  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: required physiological foundations courses, required historical/philosophical foundations courses, required program studies courses. Corequisite: PAUS 595. Students who have a bachelor's degree but no teaching licensure and who are completing the master's plus initial licensure program will meet while completing student teaching to discuss concerns about the student teaching experience, to analyze previous learning as it relates to this and future teaching. (Formerly 5550:594)
PHED 595  Practicum: Student Teaching  (8 Units)  
Prerequisites: Core courses and program studies courses, each with a 2.5 grade point average. Corequisite: PAUS 594. Student teaching for 16 weeks in primary and secondary school settings. (Formerly 5550:595)
PHED 610  Mastering Teaching and Coaching  (3 Units)  
To learn about becoming master teachers and coaches, students will apply effective teaching skills, focus on context, and reflect on the teaching/coaching process. Additional 10 clinical/field hours required. (Formerly 5550:610)
PHED 611  Research & Analysis of Effective Teaching in P.E.  (3 Units)  
For the new professional, this course concentrates on research and analysis of skills and professional competencies needed to become an effective teacher of physical education. (Formerly 5550:611)