BUS: Cooperative Education (BUSN)

BUSN 600  Graduate Business Cooperative Education  (0 Units)  
Cooperative Education (experiential learning) is designed to provide eligible students with the opportunity to apply their classroom theory (academic education) with work experience (practical experience). Comprehensive performance evaluation and written report required. This course may be repeated. (Formerly 6000:600)
BUSN 695  Internship in Business  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. On-the-job experience with cooperating private and public sector organizations. Individual assignments made by supervising faculty member. Periodic reports and research papers required. Credit/noncredit. (Formerly 6700:695)
BUSN 696  Special Topics: Professional Development  (1-3 Units)  
Special topics and current issues in the MBA program Professional Courses. May be repeated with a change in subject, not to exceed 3 credits. (Formerly 6700:696)
BUSN 698  Colloquium in Business  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of graduate director. Study of business administration through a seminar of several lectures in business research and practice. A broad range of topics in business research and issues will be discussed by guests, faculty and graduate students. May be repeated, but will not satisfy degree requirements (Credit/non-credit.) (Formerly 6700:698)