Music - School of (MUSIC)

MUSIC 500  Internship in Music  (2-4 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission. Faculty supervised work experience in which student rehearses/conducts/teaches a performance ensemble with a selected cultural or educational organization. (Formerly 7500:500)
MUSIC 525  Music Teaching Methodologies for Graduate Students  (2 Units)  
Basic pedagogic techniques related to the teaching of undergraduate music courses, including preparation of syllabi, methods of evaluation, and instruction on class preparation and presentation. (Formerly 7500:525)
MUSIC 526  Graduate Music Theory Review  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Undergraduate music theory equivalent to four semesters. Review of basic music theory concepts. Coverage includes the chromatic harmony vocabulary of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. (Formerly 7500:526)
MUSIC 527  Graduate Music History Review  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Undergraduate music history equivalent to four semesters of music history or literature study. Review of basic music history for graduate students. Coverage extends from antiquity to the present. Both reading and listening assignments will be required. (Formerly 7500:527)
MUSIC 551  Introduction to Musicology  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: MUSIC 352. Comparative musicology; acoustics; psychology and physiology of music; aesthetics; theory of music theory; historical musicology. (Formerly 7500:551)
MUSIC 553  Music Software Survey and Use  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: MUSIC 122. A survey and evaluation of available software in the various forms of musical instruction. Students will design a course suitable for submission to a programmer. (Formerly 7500:553)
MUSIC 555  Advanced Conducting: Instrumental  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: MUSIC 361 and MUSIC 442. Baton techniques and problems relating to practice, reading and preparation of scores; organization of ensembles; programming; conducting large instrumental ensembles. One hour lab required. (Formerly 7500:555)
MUSIC 556  Advanced Conducting: Choral  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: MUSIC 361 or equivalent. Conduction techniques to the choral ensemble, including leadership, error detection, tonal development, stylistic accuracy and analysis. One hour lab required. (Formerly 7500:556)
MUSIC 563  Repertoire & Pedagogy: String Instruments  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Study in depth of the four bowed string instruments, their teaching and close relationship. Despite obvious difference in physical application of cello and bass from violin and viola, methods of bowing, sound production and coloring are closely related. Application of the instruments to solo, chamber and orchestral playing. (Formerly 7500:563)
MUSIC 567  Guitar Pedagogy  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. A systematic analysis of prevailing schools of guitar pedagogy. Sound production psychology, method books and special problems in teaching addressed. (Formerly 7500:567)
MUSIC 568  Guitar Arranging  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. After comparative analyses of selected examples, student make original solo guitar arrangements of works written for other solo instruments ensembles. (Formerly 7500:568)
MUSIC 569  History & Literature: Guitar & Lute  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Study of plucked, fretted, string instruments from the 14th Century to the present; construction, notation, literature and performance practices. Modern editions and recordings evaluated. (Formerly 7500:569)
MUSIC 570  Studies Choral Literature I: Medieval/Renaissance  (2 Units)  
A survey of choral repertoire in terms of general structure, character, voicing, notation, pitch, ornamentation, improvisation, and interpretation of dynamics, rhythm, articulation, and tempo. (Formerly 7500:570)
MUSIC 571  Studies Choral Literature II: Baroque  (2 Units)  
A study of the repertoire in terms of general structure, character, voicing, notation, pitch, ornamentation, improvisation, and interpretation of dynamics, rhythm, articulation, and tempo. (Formerly 7500:571)
MUSIC 572  Studies Choral Literature III: Classic/Romantic  (2 Units)  
A study of the repertoire in terms of general structure, character, voicing, notation, pitch, ornamentation, improvisation, and interpretation of dynamics, rhythm, articulation, and tempo. (Formerly 7500:572)
MUSIC 573  Studies Choral Literature IV: 20th Century  (2 Units)  
A study of the repertoire in terms of general structure, character, voicing, notation, pitch, ornamentation, improvisation, and interpretation of dynamics, rhythm, articulation, and tempo. (Formerly 7500:573)
MUSIC 574  Integrative Conducting Workshop  (2 Units)  
A study of how to prepare and execute effective rehearsal which responds to the needs of the singers while maintaining stylistic integrity in executing the music. (Formerly 7500:574)
MUSIC 589  Music Education Jury  (0 Units)  
Prerequisites: Successful completion of undergraduate keyboard and music theory sequence, and minimum 500 jury level. Barrier exam for all music education majors. (Formerly 7500:589)
MUSIC 590  Workshop in Music  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Investigation of topics not offered in regular curriculum. Graduate student must fulfill additional requirements. (Formerly 7500:590)
MUSIC 601  Choral Literature  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Study in depth of style, structure, technical demands, manner of setting text, and special performance problems found in masterworks by great choral composers of nine centuries. (Formerly 7500:601)
MUSIC 604  Development of Opera  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Growth and development of opera from 1600 to present. Includes detailed examination of stylistic and structural changes as well as performance practices. (Formerly 7500:604)
MUSIC 609  Pedagogy of Jazz Improvisation  (3 Units)  
A detailed study of the methods and materials as they relate to the teaching of jazz improvisation. (Formerly 7500:609)
MUSIC 611  Foundations & Principles of Music Education  (3 Units)  
A study of basic historical, philosophical, sociological, and psychological concepts in the context of music education. (Formerly 7500:611)
MUSIC 612  Practices & Trends in Music Education  (3 Units)  
A study of the history of practices and trends in American music education. (Formerly 7500:612)
MUSIC 613  Measurement & Evaluation in Music  (3 Units)  
A study of measurement and evaluation techniques and their application in music education. (Formerly 7500:614)
MUSIC 616  Musical Styles & Analysis I: Music Before 1750  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Score of 70% or higher in the Graduate Diagnostic Examination. Detailed study of compositional techniques and stylistic traits observed in Western music of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Baroque periods. (Formerly 7500:616)
MUSIC 617  Musical Styles & Analysis II: Music Between 1750 and 1900  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Score of 70% or higher in the Graduate Diagnostic Examination. Detailed study of compositional techniques and stylistic traits observed in Western music of the Classical and Romantic periods. (Formerly 7500:617)
MUSIC 618  Musical Styles & Analysis III: Music Since 1900  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Graduate standing as a music major. Detailed study of compositional techniques and stylistic traits observed in Western music in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. (Formerly 7500:618)
MUSIC 622  Music History Survey I: Music Before 1750  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Score of 70% or higher in the Graduate Diagnostic Examination. Historical and stylistic analysis of music from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Baroque; study in depth of specific examples, from recordings, scores and live performances; continuation and synthesis of approaches normal to study of music history; selected readings related to each student's particular fields of interest; project papers. (Formerly 7500:622)
MUSIC 623  Music History Survey II: Music Between 1750 and 1900  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Score of 70% or higher in the Graduate Diagnostic Examination. Historical and stylistic analysis of classic and romantic music; study in depth of specific examples, through recordings, scores and live performances; discontinuation and synthesis of approacher normal to study of music history; selected readings related to each student's particular fields of interest; project papers. (Formerly 7500:623)
MUSIC 624  Music History Survey III: Music Since 1900  (2 Units)  
Historical and stylistic analysis of music since 1900; study in depth of specific examples through recordings and live performances, continuation and synthesis of approaches normal to study of music history; selected readings and project papers. (Formerly 7500:624)
MUSIC 625  Graduate Bibliography & Research  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: undergraduate music degree of equivalent. Examination of all types of published music materials; research methods for thesis preparation and professional publishing; field trips to music libraries, computerized music research. (Formerly 7500:625)
MUSIC 627  Computer Studio Design  (2 Units)  
The design and maintenance of a computer lab. Emphasis on hardware and software setup to maximize function and minimize maintenance. (Formerly 7500:627)
MUSIC 628  Instructional Programming in Music for Microcomputer  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: MUSIC 553. Introduction to programming languages for the microcomputer including BASIC, Pascal and Assembler. Programming will be directed towards music educational concepts. (Formerly 7500:613)
MUSIC 630  Teaching & Literature: Brass Instruments  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Research in current trends and issues in brass teaching techniques and appropriate literature. (Formerly 7500:630)
MUSIC 631  Teaching & Literature: Woodwind Instruments  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. To delineate and clarify contemporary techniques of woodwind pedagogy and to develop a comprehensive understanding of woodwind literature. (Formerly 7500:631)
MUSIC 632  Teaching & Literature: Percussion Instruments  (2 Units)  
To train undergraduate and graduate percussion students in techniques of percussion education. Emphasis on research, literature, performance, and techniques from elementary through secondary levels. (Formerly 7500:532)
MUSIC 633  Teaching & Literature: Piano & Harpsichord  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. The examination of piano and harpsichord literature in historically chronological order with special attention to its pedagogical value and stylistic differences. (Formerly 7500:633)
MUSIC 634  Teaching & Literature: String Instruments  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Research in current trends and issues in string teaching techniques and appropriate literature. (Formerly 7500:634)
MUSIC 640  Advanced Accompanying I  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in keyboard performance and/or accompanying or the permission of the instructor. An in-depth study of principles of accompanying, sight reading, standard repertoire, and transposition. (Formerly 7500:640)
MUSIC 641  Advanced Accompanying II  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in keyboard performance and/or accompanying or the permission of the instructor. An in-depth study of principles of accompanying, sight reading, standard repertoire, and transposition. (Formerly 7500:641)
MUSIC 642  Advanced Accompanying III  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in keyboard performance and/or accompanying or the permission of the instructor. An in-depth study of principles of accompanying, sight reading, standard repertoire, and transposition. (Formerly 7500:642)
MUSIC 643  Advanced Accompanying IV  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in keyboard performance and/or accompanying or the permission of the instructor. An in-depth study of principles of accompanying, sight reading, standard repertoire, and transposition. (Formerly 7500:643)
MUSIC 647  Masters Chamber Recital  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Composition student will present a recital of chamber music compositions (at least one-half hour in length) written while in residence at the University. Student will actively organize and coordinate the recital and will also participate either as performer or conductor. (Formerly 7500:647)
MUSIC 653  Electronic Music  (3 Units)  
The theory and practice of electronic music composition. Developing a practical understanding of sound synthesis and MIDI in a digital/analog multi-track recording studio. (Formerly 7500:653)
MUSIC 657  School of Music Performance Seminar  (0 Units)  
Each performance area provides a forum for student and faculty members for lectures, recitals and opportunity to practice the various skills necessary for successful music performance. (Formerly 7500:657)
MUSIC 665  Vocal Pedagogy  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. In-depth study of subjects dealing with teaching of voice: physiology of vocal instrument, principles governing vocal production and application of vocal pedagogy. (Formerly 7500:665)
MUSIC 666  Advanced Song Literature I  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Systematic study of song literature presented chronologically according to national schools of composition. Stylistic compositional characteristics and representative works of all major composers of solo song literature. (Formerly 7500:666)
MUSIC 667  Advanced Song Literature II  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Systematic study of American, British and Italian song literature presented chronologically. Includes study of stylistic compositional characteristics and repertoire of major composers of song literature. (Formerly 7500:667)
MUSIC 674  Seminar in Music  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of 9 credits.) Intensive examination of special topics in the field of music. (Formerly 7500:674)
MUSIC 675  Seminar in Music Education  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of 6 credits) Intensive examination of special topics in the field of music education. (Formerly 7500:675)
MUSIC 692  Student Teaching Colloquium  (1 Unit)  
Corequisite: EDCI 694. For music education majors; certification, contracts, benefits, job market prospects and student teaching experience sharing. Restricted to students enrolled in Student Teaching in Music. (Formerly 7500:692)
MUSIC 697  Advanced Problems in Music  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of eight credits) Prerequisite: permission of graduate advisor. Studies or research projects related to problems in music. (Formerly 7500:697)
MUSIC 698  Graduate Recital  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of graduate advisor. Recital prepared and presented as a requirement for any appropriate degree option. If recital document is to be written in conjunction with the recital, add 699 for the additional credit. Once passed, may not be repeated for credit. (Formerly 7500:698)
MUSIC 699  Masters Thesis/Project  (4-6 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of graduate advisor. Research related to the completion of the master's thesis, project, or recital document written in conjunction with the graduate recital, depending on the student's degree option. (Formerly 7500:699)