Nutrition and Dietetics (NUTR)

NUTR 500  Nutrition Communication & Education Skills  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Theory and development of communication and education skills essential to dietetics practice; interpersonal communication; interviewing; nutrition counseling, education techniques, media and current technology. (Formerly 7760:500)
NUTR 503  Advanced Food Preparation  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission. Study of advanced techniques of food preparation. Introduction to and interpretation of classical and foreign cuisines. Emphasis on individualized experience, skill development and evaluation of procedures and results. (Formerly 7760:503)
NUTR 513  Food Systems Managment II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the graduate program or permission of the instructor. Advanced concepts in management of dietetic service systems relating to achievement of nutritional care goals. (Formerly 7760:513)
NUTR 524  Nutrition in Life Cycle  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Study of the physiological basis for nutritional requirements; interrelating factors which affect growth, development, maturation and nutritional status from conception through the elderly years. (Formerly 7760:524)
NUTR 526  Human Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the graduate program or permission from the instructor. Corequisites: NUTR 543. Application of principles of nutrition, metabolism and assessment. Analysis and interpretation of current literature. (Formerly 7760:526)
NUTR 528  Nutrition in Medical Science II  (5 Units)  
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the graduate program or permission of instructor. Emphasizing nutritional implications of more complex metabolic and pathological conditions as well as nutrition support strategies. (Formerly 7760:528)
NUTR 529  Supervised Experiential Learning in Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR:624 and NUTR:616. Clinical experience in various clinical nutrition sites; application of principles of nutritional care. (Formerly 7760:529)
NUTR 543  Nutrition Assessment  (3 Units)  
Corequisites: NUTR 526. Application of principles of nutrition and assessment. Analysis and interpretation of current literature. Open to dietetics majors only. (Formerly 7760:543)
NUTR 544  Supervised Experiential Learning in Long Term Care  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR:624 and NUTR:616. Clinical and foodservice experiences in long term care facilities for application of principles of nutritional care and foodservice management. (Formerly 7760:544)
NUTR 570  Food Industry: Analysis & Field Study  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission. Role of technology in extending the food supply. Chemical, physical and biological effects of processing and storage, on-site tours of processing plants. (Formerly 7760:570)
NUTR 574  Cultural Dimensions of Food  (3 Units)  
An examination of cultural, geographical and historical influences on development of food habits. Emphasis on evolution of diets; effects of religion, education, gender roles, media. (Formerly 7760:574)
NUTR 576  Developments in Food Science  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission. Advanced study of the chemistry and physics of food components affecting characteristics of foods. Critical evaluation of current basic and applied research emphasized. (Formerly 7760:576)
NUTR 580  Community Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Socio-cultural aspects of community assessment, program implementation and evaluation, and rationales for nutrition services. (Formerly 7760:580)
NUTR 581  Community Nutrition I-Clinical  (1 Unit)  
Corequisite: NUTR 580. Field placement in area agencies offering nutrition services. Study of the agency's goals, organization, and philosophy of nutritional care. Credit/noncredit. (Formerly 7760:581)
NUTR 582  Community Nutrition II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 580 (NUTR 581 for CP student only). Corequisite: NUTR 583 for CP student only. This course will focus on managing nutrition services for productivity (economic, community and labor resources, and evaluation), and educating the dietitians' 'various publics' about nutrition. (Formerly 7760:582)
NUTR 583  Supervised Experiential Learning in the Community  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR:624 and NUTR:616. Field placement in area agencies offering nutrition services. Study of the agency's goals, organization, and philosophy of nutritional care. (Formerly 7760:583)
NUTR 585  Seminar in Health Professions  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Exploration and evaluation of current developments in selected areas. (Formerly 7760:585)
NUTR 587  Sports Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. In-depth study of energy metabolism and utilization before, during and after exercise. Factors affecting nutrient needs and peak performance of different athletic populations are emphasized. (Formerly 7760:587)
NUTR 588  Practicum in Dietetics  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 529, NUTR 580, NUTR 610, NUTR 616, and NUTR 624. Practical experience in application of the principles of nutrition. (Formerly 7760:588)
NUTR 589  Professional Preparation for Dietetics  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: Open to those dietetics students in the Didactic Program or Graduate program who plan to apply for a Dietetic Internship. Historical aspects of dietetics and where the profession is going. Specialty areas of dietetic practice are explored. Students prepare the application for dietetic internship. (Formerly 7760:589)
NUTR 593  Nutrition for Athletes  (3 Units)  
Study of metabolism before, during, and after exercise. Factors affecting nutrient needs and peak performance of different athletic populations are emphasized. (Formerly 7760:593)
NUTR 604  Orientation to Graduate Studies in Health Professions  (1 Unit)  
Introduction to the concepts and processes necessary for graduate study in health professions. (Formerly 7760:604)
NUTR 610  Food Systems Management  (3 Units)  
Theoretical concepts in the management of dietetic food service systems, and application of principles and procedures to achieve nutritional goals. (Formerly 7760:610)
NUTR 616  Clinical Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 624. Study of Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) and its relationship to metabolic and pathological conditions, as well as nutrition support strategies. (Formerly 7760:616)
NUTR 624  Advanced Human Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Undergraduate or graduate-level courses in nutrition and biochemistry. In-depth study of human nutrition emphasizing metabolism physiological functions, and interrelationships of carbohydrate, protein and lipids and the determinants of human energy requirements. (Formerly 7760:624)
NUTR 625  Advanced Human Nutrition II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 624 or equivalent. In-depth study of human nutrition with and emphasis in the utilization, physiological functions and interrelationships of vitamins and minerals. (Formerly 7760:625)
NUTR 680  Current Issues in Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Study of current issues in the field of nutrition science. Each semester that it is offered, this course will explore a specific issue relevant to current research and practice in the field of nutrition as it relates to biology, immunology, applied nutrition, and epidemiology. (Formerly 7760:680)
NUTR 685  Research Methods in Health Professions  (3 Units)  
A study of health sciences research methods emphasizing concept and theory development, quantitative and qualitative methodologies. (Formerly 7760:685)
NUTR 688  Practicum in Nutrition and Dietetics  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR:529, NUTR:544, NUTR:580, NUTR:610, NUTR:616, and NUTR:624. Practical experience in application of the principles of nutrition. (Formerly 7760:688)
NUTR 690  Thesis Research/Reading  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of thesis advisor. Supervised reading and research related to approved thesis topic. May be repeated once. (Formerly 7760:690)
NUTR 694  Masters Project  (5 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of advisor. The development, implementation and evaluation of a community-based supervised project which makes a significant contribution to the field and may lead to publication. (Formerly 7760:694)
NUTR 696  Individual Investigation in Nutrition and Dietetics  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of advisor. Individual Investigation and analysis of a specific topic in student's area of specialization of interest under direction of a faculty advisor. (Formerly 7760:696)
NUTR 699  Masters Thesis in Health Professions  (5 Units)  
Prerequisite: permission of advisor. Supervised research in a specialized area of the health profession which makes a contribution to the field and may lead to publication. (Formerly 7760:699)