Exercise Science/Exercise Physiology (EXER)
EXER 500 Musculoskeletal Anatomy I: Upper Extremity (3 Units)
EXER 501 Musculoskeletal Anatomy II: Lower Extremity (3 Units)
EXER 505 Advanced Strength and Conditioning (3 Units)
This course teaches strength and conditioning programs design for heterogeneous populations. The course covers high-level sport specific exercise prescriptions that aids injury prevention and performance enhancement. (Formerly 5550:505)
EXER 518 Cardiorespiratory Function (3 Units)
This course is designed to study the normal structure and function of the respiratory system and how it is affected by different types of disease. (Formerly 5550:518)
EXER 526 Nutrition for Sports (3 Units)
This course will provide an explanation of the consumption, absorption, and recommendation for diet of athletes and the physically active individual. (Formerly 5550:526)
EXER 538 Cardiac Rehab Principles (3 Units)
This course will teach students the core competencies for cardiac rehab professionals, based upon the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Specialists (AAVCPR). (Formerly 5550:538)
EXER 540 Injury Management for Teachers & Coaches (2 Units)
This course challenges the graduate student to understand ways to provide and care for the safety of individual they teach. (Formerly 5550:540)
EXER 541 Advanced Athletic Injury Management: Upper Extremity (4 Units)
EXER 565 Psychology of Injury Rehabilitation (2 Units)
EXER 570 Orthopedic Injury and Pathology (3 Units)
EXER 600 Biomechanics Applied to Sport and Physical Activity (4 Units)
Training future professionals in an integrated approach to qualitative diagnosis of motor skills for a variety of professional settings. Required clinical/field experiences. (Formerly 5550:600)
EXER 605 Physiology of Muscular Activity & Exercise (3 Units)
Functions of body systems and physiological effects of exercise. Laboratory experiences, lectures, discussions. (Formerly 5550:605)
EXER 606 Statistics: Quantitative & Qualitative Methods (3 Units)
Prerequisite: EDFN 640. Research methods/designs, statistics (application and interpretation), use of computers and appropriate software as they relate to various disciplines in the area of physical activity. (Formerly 5550:606)
EXER 607 Health Behavior Change: Theory to Practice (3 Units)
This course provides an overview of the CAAHEP performance domains and associated competencies related to behavioral strategies for exercise/physical activity adoption, adherence and maintenance. This course prepares students to assess client readiness to change behavior, and to recommend strategies for behavior modification based on fitness level, disease status, and client goals. (Formerly 5550:607)
EXER 611 Health & Wellness Coaching (4 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of department. This course meets the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching’s (NBHWC) published standards for health and wellness coach training programs and meets partial requirements for national certification exam eligibility. The course will facilitate the development of skills in coaching techniques based on behavior change theories and models, including establishing a positive client-centered approach, exploring client values and strengths, and cultivating client’s intrinsic motivation to make lasting lifestyle changes.
EXER 612 General Medical Aspects (3 Units)
This course covers topics relevant to students who are preparing to be health care practitioners of physically active individuals. The course material covers common systemic disease pathology including characteristics of diseases, diagnostic and laboratory testing, and clinical decision making tools with respect to general medical conditions. The material is presented in a systematic manner using a problem-based learning approach. Students will gain clinical reasoning and problem solving skills with course activities such as labs, speaker presentations, simulation activities, and research. (Formerly 5550:612)
EXER 615 Exercise Pathophysiology (3 Units)
This course prepares students for theoretical and practical aspects of applying physical activity as therapeutic exercise for a wide array of conditions and diseases. Course content explores the epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, disease implications and therapeutic interventions of cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, immunological, neuromuscular, psychological, sensory and cognitive disorders consisting of both classroom lectures and hands-on laboratory skills. Course material will cover performance domain standards and guidelines aligning with the recommendation of the CAAHEP Committee on Accreditation for Exercise Sciences (CoAES) to prepare students for the Exercise Physiology profession. Focus on clinical contraindications and safety precautions for each disease and illness will be highlighted. The course is designed to provide the student with understanding of the pathophysiology and exercise responses in these populations in preparation for professional work in the community as an applied or clinical exercise physiologist. (Formerly 5550:615)
EXER 618 Clinical Exercise Testing & Prescription (3 Units)
This course provides the framework to prepared both the Applied and Clinical Exercise Physiologists for theoretical and practical aspects of fitness assessments, evaluations, testing and prescription. Students will become competent in electrocardiography interpretation and exercise testing protocols. This course will cover performance domain standards and guidelines aligning with the recommendation of the CAAHEP Committee on Accreditation for Exercise Sciences (CoAES) to prepare students for the Exercise Physiology profession. (Formerly 5550:618)
EXER 620 Laboratory Instrumentation Techniques in Exercise (3 Units)
This is a course designed to provide hands-on laboratory experiences for students in the area of exercise science. (Formerly 5550:620)
EXER 680 Special Topics in Health & Physical Education (2-4 Units)
(May be repeated) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Group study of special topics in health and physical education and sports medicine. (Formerly 5550:680)
EXER 680-1 Coaching and Leadership Development (2-4 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. The purpose of the course is to provide the students with resources to help better their leadership skills, coaching practices, and interaction with individuals in a sports setting. Students should gain a better understanding of why they coach, how they coach, strategies to help build a better team environment, and other coaching strategies and tools.
EXER 680-2 Art of Communication (2-4 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. This course will discuss the need for communication skills. Students will examine methodologies and practical means of positive and effective communication skills within their sport programs.
EXER 695 Field Experience: Masters (1-6 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of advisor. Participation in a work experience related to physical education. The experience may not be part of current position. Documentation of project required. (Formerly 5550:695)
EXER 697 Independent Study: Physical Education (1-3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of advisor. In-depth analysis of current practices or problems related to physical education. Documentation of the study required. (Formerly 5550:697)
EXER 698 Masters Problem (2-4 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of advisor. In-depth study of a research problem in education. Student must be able to demonstrate critical and analytical skills in dealing with a problem in physical education. (Formerly 5550:698)
EXER 699 Masters Thesis (4-6 Units)
Prerequisite: permission of advisor. In-depth research investigation. Student must be able to demonstrate necessary competencies to deal with a research problem in physical education. (Formerly 5550:699)