Human Resource Management (HRM)

HRM 600  Management & Organizational Behavior  (3 Units)  
Course examines management principles, concepts, functions and process, as well as human behavior in organizations. (Formerly 6500:600)
HRM 650  Human Resource Systems for Managers  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: HRM 652. A broad survey of the fundamental principles, research findings and practices related to the acquisition, development, maintenance and effective utilization of a business firm's human resources. (Formerly 6500:650)
HRM 651  Organizational Transformation  (3 Units)  
A comprehensive study of innovations in organizations designed to increase human satisfaction and productivity through changes in human management. (Formerly 6500:651)
HRM 652  Managing People in Organizations  (3 Units)  
Introduction to the employee issues that managers face in organizations. The aspects of organizational behavior that influence performance, and issues related to managing human resources will be examined. (Formerly 6500:652)
HRM 653  Organizational Theory  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: HRM 600. Examines the structure, design and overall effectiveness of a business organization from a macro-perspective. (Formerly 6500:653)
HRM 654  Management of Organizational Conflict  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: HRM 600 or equivalent. Course emphasizes ensuring that the organization benefits from inevitable conflicts that occur, and provides skills in diagnosis, negotiation, and building trust and cooperative working relationships in organizations. (Formerly 6500:654)
HRM 655  Compensation and Performance Management  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: HRM 600 or equivalent. The development and analysis of systems of payments and rewards in business organizations with special attention placed on performance evaluation methods and productivity enhancement. (Formerly 6500:655)
HRM 657  Leadership Role in Organizations  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: HRM 652. Analysis and development of leadership theory and thought. Identification of leaders in both formal and informal organizations. Training and development methods of leaders evaluated. Individual and small group field study assignments. (Formerly 6500:657)
HRM 658  Managing a Global Workforce  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: HRM 652. The formulation, design, and implementation of human resource practices designed to generate competitive cost advantages for business firms operating in domestic and/or international markets. (Formerly 6500:658)
HRM 660  Staffing and Employment Regulation  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: HRM 600 or equivalent. Design and implementation of staffing practices and systems for businesses with an emphasis on the implications of federal regulations on the staffing function. (Formerly 6500:660)
HRM 661  Comparative Systems of Employee & Labor  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: HRM 600. A survey course examining how industrial relations systems and employment practices across national boundaries impact upon the employment relationship of business firms with global operations. (Formerly 6500:661)
HRM 688  Leadership Skills  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to a graduate program in the College of Business. Leadership Skills is a course focused on personal leadership development including influencing others, acting with ethics and integrity, and negotiating with others.