Chemistry (CHEM)

CHEM 100  Chemistry & Society  (3 Units)  
Qualitative introduction to chemistry using current world problems and commercial products, such as the ozone layer, nuclear fission, polymers and drugs, to introduce chemical principles. (Formerly 3150:100)
CHEM 101  Chemistry for Everyone  (4 Units)  
Integrated, hands-on, laboratory instruction in the fundamental concepts of chemistry for general education and middle-level licensure for pre-service and in-service teachers. (Formerly 3150:101)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
Gen Ed: Natural Science with Lab  
CHEM 110  Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry I (Lecture)  (3 Units)  
Sequential. Introduction to principles of chemistry, fundamentals of inorganic, organic and biochemistry. Structure and chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins; biochemistry of enzymes, metabolism, radiation. (Formerly 3150:110)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
CHEM 111  Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry I (Laboratory)  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CHEM 110. Sequential. Laboratory course applying principles of chemistry and fundamentals of inorganic, organic and biochemistry. (Formerly 3150:111)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
CHEM 112  Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry II (Lecture)  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 110. Sequential. Introduction to principles of chemistry, fundamentals of inorganic, organic and biochemistry. Structure and chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins; biochemistry of enzymes, metabolism, radiation. (Formerly 3150:112)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
CHEM 113  Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry II (Laboratory)  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CHEM 112. Sequential. Laboratory course applying principles of chemistry and fundamentals of inorganic, organic and biochemistry. (Formerly 3150:113)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
Gen Ed: Natural Science with Lab  
CHEM 114  Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry (Lecture)  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: If a student has no high school chemistry, CHEM:101 is recommended to be taken prior to enrollment in CHEM:114. Introduction to principles of chemistry, fundamentals of inorganic, organic and biochemistry. Structure and chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins; biochemistry of enzymes, metabolism, radiation. (Formerly 3150:114)
CHEM 115  Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry (Laboratory)  (1 Unit)  
Pre/Corequisite: CHEM 114. Laboratory course applying principles of chemistry and fundamentals of inorganic, organic and biochemistry. (Formerly 3150:115)
CHEM 151  Principles of Chemistry I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: placement in MATH 149 or MATH 154 or permission. Introduction to basic facts and principles of chemistry including atomic and molecular structure, states of matter and thermodynamics. For chemistry majors, pre-medical students and most other science majors. Discussion (day sections). (Formerly 3150:151)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
Gen Ed: Natural Science  
CHEM 152  Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory  (1 Unit)  
Pre/Corequisite: CHEM 151. Laboratory course applying principles of thermodynamics, chemical analysis and laboratory practice. (Formerly 3150:152)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
Gen Ed: Natural Science with Lab  
CHEM 153  Principles of Chemistry II  (3 Units)  
Pre/Corequisite: CHEM 151. Continuation of 151, 152, including aqueous solution theory, chemical kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry and nuclear chemistry. For chemistry majors, premedical students and most other science majors. Discussion (day sections). (Formerly 3150:153)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
Gen Ed: Natural Science  
CHEM 154  Qualitative Analysis  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 152; pre/corequisite: CHEM 153. Laboratory course applying principles of chemical equilibrium to inorganic qualitative analysis. (Formerly 3150:154)
CHEM 199  Introductory Seminar in Chemistry  (1 Unit)  
Basic concepts in chemistry practice including written and oral communication skills, computer skills, professional ethics, environmental issues, chemical literature, degree options, and career considerations. (Formerly 3150:199)
CHEM 263  Organic Chemistry Lecture I  (3 Units)  
Sequential. Prerequisite: CHEM 153 or permission. Structure and reactions of organic compounds, mechanism of reactions. (Formerly 3150:263)
CHEM 264  Organic Chemistry Lecture II  (3 Units)  
Sequential. Prerequisite: CHEM 263 or permission. Structure and reactions of organic compounds, mechanism of reactions. (Formerly 3150:264)
CHEM 265  Organic Chemistry Laboratory I  (2 Units)  
Sequential. Prerequisite: CHEM 154; pre/corequisite: CHEM 263. Laboratory experiments to develop techniques in organic chemistry and illustrate principles. Discussion. (Formerly 3150:265)
CHEM 266  Organic Chemistry Laboratory II  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 265. Pre/Corequisite: CHEM 264. Sequential. Laboratory experiments to develop techniques in organic chemistry and illustrate principles. Discussion. (Formerly 3150:266)
CHEM 305  Physical Chemistry for the Biological Sciences  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: CHEM 264, MATH 222, and [PHYS 262 or PHYS 292]. Chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, molecular structure and spectra. Accepted for the BS degree in Biochemistry. (Formerly 3150:305)
CHEM 313  Physical Chemistry Lecture I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: CHEM 264, MATH 223, and PHYS 291. Gases, thermodynamics, thermochemistry, solutions, dilute solutions, chemical equilibrium, phase rule, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, electrolytic equilibria. (Formerly 3150:313)
CHEM 314  Physical Chemistry Lecture II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: CHEM 264, and MATH 335, and PHYS 292. Atomic and molecular structure and spectroscopy. (Formerly 3150:314)
CHEM 370  Biochemistry Laboratory  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 266. An integrated laboratory experience covering the isolation, characterization and analysis of enzymes and DNA, protein synthesis and purification, enzyme kinetics, biochemical databases and statistical treatment of data. (Formerly 3150:370)
CHEM 380  Advanced Chemistry Laboratory I  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 266. A laboratory experience that focuses on the synthetic and spectroscopic techniques of modern inorganic chemistry, including bio-inorganic and organometallic compounds. (Formerly 3150:380)
CHEM 381  Advanced Chemistry Laboratory II  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite CHEM 266. Corequisite: CHEM 314 or CHEM 305 or permission. Integrated laboratory experience covering the areas of quantitative analysis, physical chemistry, and instrumental techniques. (Formerly 3150:381)
CHEM 399  Internship in Chemistry  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisites: minimum GPA of 2.5; permission of the Department. Work experience focused on career applications of the discipline of Chemistry. (May repeat for a maximum of six credits.) (Formerly 3150:399)
CHEM 401  Biochemistry Lecture I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 264. Biochemistry of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids: structure/function relations. Enzymes as catalysts: kinetics and regulation. Cofactors. (Formerly 3150:401)
CHEM 402  Biochemistry Lecture II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 401. Overview of metabolism; thermodynamics; carbohydrate, fatty acid, amino acid, and nucleoside anabolism and catabolism; hormonal control of metabolism. Photosynthesis. (Formerly 3150:402)
CHEM 406  Biochemistry of Gene Expression  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: BIOL 311 and CHEM 401. DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, translation and transcription. Gene function and expression, cell cycle and cancer, genetic engineering, gene silencing, gain of function studies. (Formerly 3150:406)
CHEM 410  Special Readings in Analytical Chemistry  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior standing or higher. Selected topics in advanced analytical chemistry for which no course exists. (May be repeated) (Formerly 3150:410)
CHEM 411  Special Readings in Inorganic Chemistry  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior standing or higher. Selected topics in advanced inorganic chemistry for which no course exists. (May be repeated) (Formerly 3150:411)
CHEM 412  Special Readings in Organic Chemistry  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. Selected topics in advanced organic chemistry for which no course exists. (May be repeated) (Formerly 3150:412)
CHEM 413  Special Readings in Physical Chemistry  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. Selected topics in advanced physical chemistry for which no course exists. (May be repeated) (Formerly 3150:413)
CHEM 415  Special Readings in Biochemistry  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. Selected topics in advanced biochemistry for which no course exists. (May be repeated) (Formerly 3150:415)
CHEM 423  Analytical Chemistry I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 154 and CHEM 263. Theoretical principles of quantitative and instrumental analysis. (Formerly 3150:423)
CHEM 424  Analytical Chemistry II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 154 and CHEM 263. Instrumental analysis with emphasis on newer analytical tools and methods. (Formerly 3150:424)
CHEM 463  Advanced Organic Chemistry  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 264. Introduction to study of mechanisms of organic reactions. (Formerly 3150:463)
CHEM 472  Advanced Inorganic Chemistry  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: CHEM 314 or CHEM 305. Concepts of atomic structure integrated in systematic classification of elements. Periodic table. Chemistry of the representative elements. Transition elements including coordination compounds, organometallics and metal carbonyls. (Formerly 3150:472)
CHEM 480  Advanced Chemistry Laboratory III  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHEM 381; or Corequisite: CHEM 305; or permission. Integrated laboratory experience covering the areas of quantitative analysis, physical chemistry, instrumental techniques, and inorganic chemistry. (Formerly 3150:480)
CHEM 490  Workshop in Chemistry  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated) Group studies of special topics in chemistry. May not be used to meet undergraduate or graduate major requirements in chemistry. (Formerly 3150:490)
CHEM 497  Honors Project in Chemistry  (2 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of eight credits) Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing in Honors College and permission of department honors preceptor. Independent research leading to completion of honors thesis under guidance of honors project adviser. (Formerly 3150:497)
CHEM 498  Special Topics in Chemistry  (1-3 Units)  
Special Topics in Chemistry. (Formerly 3150:498)
CHEM 499  Research Problems in Chemistry  (1-2 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of eight credits) Prerequisite: Permission. Assignment of special problems to student, designed as an introduction to research problems. (Formerly 3150:499)