Dance Organizations (DNCEO)
DNCEO 150 Classical Ballet Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of classical ballet repertoire. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:101)
DNCEO 151 Contemporary Dance Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of contemporary dance repertoire. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:103)
DNCEO 152 Jazz Dance Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of jazz dance repertoire. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:104)
DNCEO 153 Touring Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of any dances prepared for touring purposes. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:111)
DNCEO 154 Character Ballet Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of character ballet repertoire. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:102)
DNCEO 155 Dance Production Ensemble (1 Unit)
By permission only. Participation in technical assistance, preparation and performance of student dance productions: theory and laboratory. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:112)
DNCEO 156 Musical Comedy Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of dance production numbers in a musical comedy. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:105)
DNCEO 157 Opera Dance Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of dance sequences in an opera. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:106)
DNCEO 158 Experimental Dance Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of avant-garde dances. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:107)
DNCEO 159 Ethnic Dance Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of ethnic dance repertoire. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:109)
DNCEO 160 Period Dance Ensemble (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of dances from specific historical periods such as the Renaissance or Baroque eras. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:110)
DNCEO 161 Choreographers Workshop (1 Unit)
By audition only. Participation in rehearsal and preparation for public performance of student dances. **Course may be repeated for credit. Total credit for graduation may not exceed 12 credits. All courses are by audition only. (Formerly 7910:108)
DNCEO 191 Dance Organizations: Workshop (1 Unit)
By permission only. Participation in a dance workshop as volunteer, participant and/or presenter that forwards and augments the student's dance education and networking skills. (Formerly 7910:113)