Sociology (SOCIO)
SOCIO 100 Introduction to Sociology (3 Units)
Basic terminology, concepts, and approaches in sociology, including an introduction to the analysis of social groups. Students will learn how to apply sociological concepts to the understanding of social justice, the social determinants of health and well-being, and socio-behavioral research among others. (Formerly 3850:100)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes
Gen Ed: Domestic Diversity, Social Science
SOCIO 200 Social Justice (3 Units)
This course explores sociological approaches to the pursuit and achievement of social justice. Our focus will be on identifying social injustice from a socio-structural perspective and understanding the processes and approaches associated with achieving social justice. We will focus on organized efforts in such areas as criminal justice reform, gender equity, and environmental activism. (Formerly 3850:200)
Gen Ed: Domestic Diversity
SOCIO 243 Contemporary Global Issues (3 Units)
Multidisciplinary approach to global social problems. Examines cultural, political, and economic issues in developed and developing nations. Emphasizes technology's impact and global interrelationships. (Formerly 3850:243)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes
Gen Ed: Global Diversity, Social Science
SOCIO 301 Social Research Design (3 Units)
Prerequisites: SOCIO 100 and 3 credits of Mathematics (MATH) or Statistics (STAT) courses. The basis of this course is learning to apply course material to improve thinking, problem-solving, and decisions in conducting research design and data gathering techniques. Required of all majors. (Formerly 3850:301)
SOCIO 302 Data Analysis (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Completion of [POLIT 301 or SOCIO 301], and SOCIO 100, and 3 credits of Mathematics (MATH) or Statistics (STAT) courses. Essential objectives of this course are developing expression skills in writing and learning fundamental principles in statistics. Other key topics include quantitative techniques and application to sociological data. Required of all majors. (Formerly 3850:302)
SOCIO 310 Social Problems (3 Units)
Prerequisite SOCIO 100 or permission. Study of selected contemporary problems in society; application of sociological theory and research to understand the social construction of and response to these problems. (Formerly 3850:310)
SOCIO 315 Sociological Social Psychology (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100. The reciprocal influence of individuals and groups. How interpersonal processes produce and affect group structure. How groups affect the development and behavior of the social person. (Formerly 3850:315)
SOCIO 320 Social Inequalities (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. This course covers local, regional, national, and global dimensions of social inequalities to better understand our social world. Structural and interactionist approaches to relations of power in society frame the course. Students will learn tools to better understand and address inequality. Required of all majors. (Formerly 3850:320)
Gen Ed: Complex Issues Facing Society
SOCIO 321 Population, Environment, and Health (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. An introduction to world and national population trends and characteristics and their relationship to health and the environment. Topics include social demographic causes and consequences of fertility, mortality, morbidity, and migration. Other topics include population change, the nexus between population and the environment, climate change, and also public health. (Formerly 3850:321)
Gen Ed: Global Diversity
SOCIO 324 Social Movements (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Social movements as distinguished from other forms of collective behavior; analysis of social situations which produce social movements; focus on development of social movements and their role in social change. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:324)
SOCIO 325 Sociology of Women in Global Society (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Examination of research and theories pertaining to women's status in global society, including economic conditions, the relationship between structure and experience, and global/local linkages. Includes a broader discussion of facets of gender(s) and sexualities in global perspective. (Formerly 3850:325)
SOCIO 330 Criminology (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Major focus on forms, trends, and patterns of crime; the interrelationships and analysis of criminal justice systems and society; the study of social and behavioral causes of crime and consequences of crime for individuals and communities. (Formerly 3850:330)
SOCIO 336 Sociology of Work & Occupations (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Survey of theory and empirical research in areas such as the structure of occupations and professions, occupational attainment, work force characteristics, work values and orientations, the nature of work. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:336)
SOCIO 340 The Family (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Analysis of family as a social system; historical, comparative and contemporary sociological approaches examined in relation to family structure and functions. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:340)
SOCIO 341 Political Sociology (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Survey of theory and empirical research dealing with relationship between political phenomena and the larger network of social processes in human societies. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:341)
SOCIO 342 Sociology of Health & Illness (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. General survey of sociological perspectives, concepts and research on health, illness and health-care delivery systems. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:342)
Gen Ed: Complex Issues Facing Society
SOCIO 343 Sociology of Aging (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. The Sociology of Aging course enables students to understand the impacts of social power, social structure, and social interaction on aging individuals. It considers complexities built into institutions that impact current issues in aging. It explains the interaction among social, biological and psychological aging and approaches to aging. Basic terms and theories used in social gerontology are defined. (Formerly 3850:343)
SOCIO 350 Drugs in Society (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Examination of drugs and their use from a sociological perspective. Emphasis on social correlates of drug use, societal responses, health, crime, treatment, and prevention strategies. (Formerly 3850:350)
SOCIO 360 Social Effects of Crime in the Media (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100. Sociological examination of the consequences of images of crime in the media. Focus on issues of stereotypes and discrimination by race, sex and class. (Formerly 3850:360)
SOCIO 365 Special Topics in Sociology (1-3 Units)
(May be repeated) Prerequisite: Permission. Special topics of interest to sociology major and non-major not covered in regular course offerings. (Formerly 3850:365)
SOCIO 397 Sociological Readings & Research (1-3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission. Individual study of problem area of specific interest to individual student under guidance of department member. Preparation of a research paper. (Formerly 3850:397)
SOCIO 401 Applied Research Methods (3 Units)
SOCIO 410 Social Structures & Personality (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Interrelationships between position in society, personality characteristics. Personality treated as both result and determinant of social structure and process. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:410)
SOCIO 411 Social Interaction (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Intensive study of advanced theory and research in social psychology, particularly how social interaction and self-conception affect one another. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:411)
SOCIO 412 Socialization: Child to Adult (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Theoretical and empirical analysis of process by which infant, child, adolescent and adult learn social and cultural requirements necessary to function in new roles, changing roles and society in general. (Formerly 3850:412)
SOCIO 414 Qualitative Methods (3 Units)
Prerequisites: [SOCIO 100 and SOCIO 301] or permission. This course will build students’ knowledge of qualitative methods that are used in Sociology and provide the tools needed to conduct qualitative research. Students will develop an understanding of what types of questions are (and are not) most effectively addressed with qualitative approaches and apply a variety of qualitative methods to answer appropriate questions related to a social issue.
SOCIO 415 Women in Prison (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission of instructor. In depth examination of women's experiences in prison. Includes processes involved in the movement into prison, experiences while in institutions, and transitioning out of prison. (Formerly 3850:415)
SOCIO 416 Women and Crime (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. An overview of women's experiences with crime, including women as offenders, victims, and workers in the criminal justice system. (Formerly 3850:416)
SOCIO 421 Race & Ethnic Relations (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Analysis of structure and dynamics of race and ethnic relations from a variety of perspectives emphasizing both historical and contemporary issues. Lecture. (Formerly 3850:421)
SOCIO 425 Sociology of Urban Life (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Emergence and development of urban society. Examination of urban social structure from neighborhood to metropolis, the problems and prospects. Emphasis on various life styles of urban subcultures. Lecture/discussion. (Formerly 3850:425)
SOCIO 428 Victim in Society (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Study of the nature, causes, and consequences of victimization with special focus on crime victimization. (Formerly 3850:428)
SOCIO 430 Juvenile Delinquency (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Analysis of social structure and process from which delinquency develops. Emphasis on current and past research. Lecture/discussion. (Formerly 3850:430)
SOCIO 431 Theories and Practices of Correctional Systems (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Study of theories, past and current research, and practices of institutional and community corrections systems. The history and philosophies/goals of corrections will be reviewed in relation to changing social contexts and how these shifts have impacted the operation of correctional systems. (Formerly 3850:431)
SOCIO 433 Sociology of Deviant Behavior (3 Units)
Prerequisites: SOCIO 100 or permission. Survey of theories of deviant behavior and relevant empirical research. Special emphasis is given to interaction processes and social control. (Formerly 3850:433)
Gen Ed: Complex Issues Facing Society
SOCIO 435 Sociology of Love (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. Study of the relation of love to the social order. Coverage includes diverse types, such as romantic, familial, religious, and altruistic love. (Formerly 3850:435)
SOCIO 441 Sociology of Law (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission of department. Social origins and consequences of law and legal processes. Emphasis on uses of law, social change and aspects of legal professions. (Formerly 3850:441)
SOCIO 447 Sociology of Gender, Sex, and Sexualities (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. The social, cultural, and historical construction of gender and sexuality; gender and sexuality as mechanisms of stratification; and the intersection of gender, race, class, and nation. (Formerly 3850:447)
SOCIO 450 Sociology of Mental Illness (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. The social history of the mental hospital, theories and epidemiology of mental illness, community-based treatment models, the organization of mental health services, the role of personal social networks and mutual support groups. (Formerly 3850:450)
SOCIO 455 Family Violence (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100. Family violence with a focus on child abuse, courtship violence, spouse/partner abuse, and elder abuse. Theories, methodologies, and strategies to end family violence are explored. (Formerly 3850:455)
SOCIO 460 Sociological Theory (3 Units)
Prerequisite: SOCIO 100 or permission. An overview and examination of theoretical issues in sociology through the study of both classical and contemporary theoretical work. (Formerly 3850:460)
SOCIO 470 Research Methods for the Social Sciences Pro-seminar (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Completion of required coursework for the Research Methods Certificate Program or Permission of Instructor. Application of qualitative and/or quantitative research methods and analysis, and preparation of a scholarly research paper for presentation and/or publication. Seminar. (Formerly 3850:470)
SOCIO 490 Organizations, Community, and Social Action (3 Units)
Survey of organizational and community issues that affect the achievement of shared goals. Emphasis on the evidence-based approaches at both the organizational and community levels. (Formerly 3850:490)
SOCIO 495 Field Internship (2-4 Units)
Prerequisites: Permission of a faculty supervisor and a minimum of 64 hours of undergraduate coursework of which 12 hours must be in sociology. Placement in community organization for supervised experience related to degree requirements. Student must submit an application to the intern coordinator during semester prior to enrollment. (Formerly 3850:495)
SOCIO 496 Senior Honors Project (1-3 Units)
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisites: Enrollment in Honors College, Senior standing, and major in sociology. Thesis or original creative work appropriate to student's area of interest. Requirements and evaluation of project determined by departmental honors preceptor and student's honors project adviser. (Formerly 3850:496)