Fire Protection Technology (FIRE)

FIRE 100  Introduction to Fire Protection  (4 Units)  
History and philosophy of fire protection; introduction to agencies involved; current legislative developments; discussion of current related problems, expanding future of fire protection and career orientation. (Formerly 2230:100)
FIRE 102  Fire Safety in Building Design & Construction  (3 Units)  
Exploration of building construction and design with emphasis on fire protection concerns; review of related statutory and suggested guidelines local, state and national scope. (Formerly 2230:102)
FIRE 104  Fire Investigation Methods  (4 Units)  
History of fire investigation; gathering of evidence and development of technical reports; fundamentals of arson investigation; processing of criminal evidence and procedures related to local and state statutes. (Formerly 2230:104)
FIRE 202  Incident Management for Emergency Responders  (4 Units)  
Efficient and effective use of human resources, equipment and systems. Emphasis on preplanning, incident management, problem solving related to emergency preparation and response. (Formerly 2230:202)
FIRE 204  Fire and Life Safety Education  (3 Units)  
Application and analysis necessary for the implementation of the Life Safety Code Handbook. (Formerly 2230:204)
FIRE 205  Fire Detection & Suppression Systems  (3 Units)  
Design, installation, maintenance and utilization of portable fire extinguishing appliances and pre-engineered automatic systems; fire detection and alarm signaling systems operational capabilities, requirements. (Formerly 2230:205)
FIRE 206  Fire Sprinkler System Design  (3 Units)  
Design, installation and operation of automatic fire suppression systems. Includes sprinkler, foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, halogenated agent systems. (Formerly 2230:206)
FIRE 250  Hazardous Materials  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: FIRE 100. Study of chemical characteristics and reactions related to storage, transportation and handling of hazardous materials. Emphasis on emergency situations, firefighting and control. (Formerly 2230:250)
FIRE 254  Fire Prevention  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: FIRE 100. Fire codes and standards relative to fire prevention, inspection, and code enforcement. (Formerly 2230:254)
FIRE 257  Fire & Safety Issues for Business & Industry  (3 Units)  
Industrial fire and safety issues related to specialized hazards, federal and state regulations. Emphasis on emergency response team preparedness, confined space entry, and rescue. (Formerly 2230:257)
FIRE 260  Fundamentals of Firefighting  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Must be accepted into the Fire Academy, possess a valid driver's license, and permission of the department. Corequisites: FIRE 261, FIRE 262, and FIRE 263. Course 1 of 4: Minimum training level to function as a firefighter in the State of Ohio, identified in the National Fire Protection Association standards, NFPA 1001. (Formerly 2230:260)
FIRE 261  Firefighter I  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: Must be accepted into the Fire Academy, possess a valid driver's license, and permission of the department. Corequisites: FIRE 260, FIRE 262, and FIRE 263. Course 2 of 4: Minimum training level to function as a firefighter in the State of Ohio, identified in the National Fire Protection Association standards, NFPA 1001. (Formerly 2230:261)
FIRE 262  Firefighter II  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: Must be accepted into the Fire Academy, possess a valid driver's license, and permission of the department. Corequisites: FIRE 260, FIRE 261, and FIRE 263. Course 3 of 4: Minimum training level to function as a firefighter in the State of Ohio, identified in the National Fire Protection Association standards, NFPA 1001. (Formerly 2230:262)
FIRE 263  Emergency Vehicle Operations  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisites: Must be accepted into the Fire Academy, possess a valid driver's license, and permission of the department. Corequisites: FIRE 260, FIRE 261, and FIRE 262. Course 4 of 4: Proper operation of an emergency vehicle is critical for fire service providers. The Ohio Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) is designed to enhance safe vehicle operation by stressing theory and principles of defensive driving in both emergency and non-emergency situations. Students will learn safe driving practices, defensive driving principles, the responsibilities of an emergency vehicle driver, how to safely operate emergency vehicles during emergent responses, and the difficulties of driving fire apparatus. The course include hands-on driving exercises that will enhance the ability of a student to operate a vehicle during an emergency situation by teaching personal and vehicle control limitations. The course is a requirement to qualify for Ohio Firefighter I and Firefighter II certification. (Formerly 2230:263)
FIRE 280  Fire Service Administration  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: FIRE 100. Fire officer professional qualifications; federal, state regulations governing department operations-OSHA, EPA; emergency and non-emergency operations procedures-ICS, IMS, Emergency Operations Center are presented. (Formerly 2230:280)
FIRE 290  Special Topics: Fire Science Technology  (1-4 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of four credits) Prerequisite: Permission. Selected topics or subject areas of interest in fire protection technology. (Formerly 2230:290)
FIRE 294  Advanced Fire Investigation Methods  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: FIRE 100, FIRE 104, FIRE 205, and FIRE 206. Designed to meet student and in service fire investigators need to understand new/updated technology and methodology in managing fire investigations. (Formerly 2230:294)
FIRE 295  Field Experience I  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: 30 credit hours of successfully completed course work in the Fire Protection Technology program which includes FIRE 100, FIRE 102, FIRE 104, FIRE 204, FIRE 205, and FIRE 280 and permission. Course designed to measure the knowledge, skills and abilities required to become a graduate of The University of Akron, Fire Protection Program. (Formerly 2230:295)
FIRE 296  Field Experience II  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: 30 credit hours of successfully completed course work in the Fire Protection Technology program which includes FIRE 100, FIRE 102, FIRE 104, FIRE 204, FIRE 205, and FIRE 280. If not currently an active fire fighter, you must take FIRE 295 first. Course designed to measure the knowledge, skills and abilities required to become a front line supervisor, work in hazmat bureau or beginning arson investigator. (Formerly 2230:296)
FIRE 297  Independent Study: Fire Protection  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: FIRE 100 and permission. Selected topics and special areas of study in fire protection technology under the supervision and evaluation of a selected faculty who assigns specific arrangements. (Formerly 2230:297)