Allied Health Care Administration (BAHA)
BAHA 120 Medical Terminology (3 Units)
Medical Terminology includes the study of medical prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining forms, and with an emphasis on pronunciation, spelling, and abbreviations. Medical Terminology related to the body systems will be emphasized. The purpose of the course is to equip the student with a basic understanding of the tools needed to learn medical terminology as it relates to the body systems with an emphasis on spelling and pronunciation. (Formerly 2750:120)
BAHA 121 Study of Disease Processes (3 Units)
This course studies human disease and the disease process including treatments, causes, incidence, signs and symptoms, and diagnosis. (Formerly 2750:121)
BAHA 122 Emergency Responder I (1 Unit)
Theory and practice in recognition and response to emergencies by the medical professional including but not limited to: breathing difficulty, cardiac arrest, heart attack, stroke, bleeding, wound care, musculoskeletal injuries, burns. poisonings, heat and cold exposure, and diabetic care. (Formerly 2750:122)
BAHA 200 Introduction to Health Care Services (3 Units)
Introduction to the contents and design of health records; The health care oversight and regulatory bodies; and discussion of how clinical documentation facilitates the function of the health care delivery system. (Formerly 2750:200)
BAHA 220 Introduction to Health Care Analytics (3 Units)
This course is designed to introduce students to both healthcare analytics and the use of Microsoft Excel. Healthcare analytics can be used to provide actionable insights that aid providers, hospitals, and government agencies can use in making decisions about patient care and operations. The goal of healthcare analytics is to improve patient outcomes and provide value to provider organizations.
BAHA 226 Health Care Statistics and Registries (3 Units)
Prerequisites: 2030:130 and CISS 105. This course covers computations of routine health care institutional statistics, the presentation and interpretation of health care data, and the use of disease and procedural registries. (Formerly 2750:226)
BAHA 227 Basic Procedural Coding (3 Units)
Prerequisite: BAHA 120. Class focuses on converting the procedural language into industry standard character strings for purposes of reimbursement CPT and HCPCS codes; learning how to convert procedural statements into CPT and HCPCS codes; learning how to apply carrier rules for reimbursement. (Formerly 2750:227)
BAHA 229 Basic Diagnostic Coding (3 Units)
Prerequisite: BAHA 120. This class focuses on converting the diagnostic language into industry standard character strings ICD-10-CM for purposes of reporting, research, and reimbursement. (Formerly 2750:229)
BAHA 230 Basic Pharmacology (3 Units)
This course is an introduction to pharmacology, organized and presented by therapeutic classification. Topics will include pharmacokinetics, factors which influence drug actions, routes or administration, and adverse effects. (Formerly 2750:230)
BAHA 302 Clinical Information Systems (3 Units)
Discussion of clinical systems including history of EHR and EMR, the theories behind systems, implementation, evaluation pathways, 'Meaningful Use' and the architecture in different settings. (Formerly 2750:302)
BAHA 303 Health Care Coding Capstone (3 Units)
BAHA 304 Health Care Management Foundations (3 Units)
This course focuses on the circumstances unique to the health care industry management as manifested by patient privacy, outsourcing, and telecommunications. (Formerly 2750:304)
BAHA 328 Medical Insurance (3 Units)
This course examines the nature of medical insurance reimbursement for medical services. Students will be equipped with an understanding of insurance and reimbursement methodologies. (Formerly 2750:328)
BAHA 331 Advanced Health Care Coding Topics (3 Units)
Prerequisites: BAHA:227 and BAHA:229. An advanced coding course that builds on the CPT and HCPCS codes sets and the ICD-10-CM code set and introduces a series of detailed management topics related to coding. (Formerly 2750:331)
BAHA 336 Legal Concepts of Health Care (3 Units)
Study of legal principles related to patient care and patient records. (Formerly 2750:336)
BAHA 350 Coding Practicum (3 Units)
BAHA 360 Health Care Human Resource Management (3 Units)
This course will acquaint you with concepts and methods needed to plan, forecast, recruit, train, develop, maintain, and evaluate health manpower. It will also provide an understanding of the impact of licensing, regulation, and 2 labor relations activities on health care institutions, with an emphasis on organization effectiveness and productivity. The course will include human resource planning, staffing, job analysis, job descriptions, job evaluation, availability of human resources, recruiting, selection, orientation, training, credentialing, communication, motivation, performance criteria, TQM, performance appraisal, counseling, career development, wage, salary, and benefits administration, OSHA, institutional labor relations, the National Labor Relations Act, collective bargaining, bargaining units, elections, contracts, strikes, Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action, Fair Labor Standards Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Workers Compensation Act, Unemployment Insurance, Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family
BAHA 401 Management Information Systems (3 Units)
This senior level course focuses on the management of HIM through case studies and textbook work. (Formerly 2750:401)
BAHA 402 Quality Management in Health Care (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission . This capstone course will discuss and utilize methods used to define, implement, and monitor total quality management in health care. The doctrine of the quality assessment process and risk management will be emphasized. The course will provide an opportunity for the student to gain skills in collecting and analyzing data through a team approach. This course utilizes information that is acquired throughout the program. (Formerly 2750:402)
Gen Ed: Capstone
BAHA 403 Health Care Planning & Marketing (3 Units)
This course will focus on health care planning and marketing. It will include an overview of business analysis and application within the business of health care with a special emphasis on the development, application of plans, and their implementation in a health care institution. This course will also pay special attention to ethical and societal dimensions of marketing as it is applied in health care industries.
BAHA 410 Health Care Research (3 Units)
BAHA 411 Health Care Finance (3 Units)
BAHA 412 Current Topics in HIM (3 Units)
BAHA 420 HIM Capstone (4 Units)
BAHA 450 Health Care Externship (1-12 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of department. Field-oriented supervised learning activities outside the college classroom that include a preplanned assessment of the experience, registration during the term the experience is conducted, and post evaluation with the instructor. Departmental approval. (Formerly 2750:450)