Respiratory Therapy (RESP)

RESP 100  Concepts in Respiratory Therapy  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: MATH 152 and MATH 153. Introductory concepts regarding the practice and application of the theories employed in respiratory therapy, including career information, equipment (lecture/discussion) (Formerly 2790:100)
RESP 210  Respiratory Therapy Procedures I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: [RESP 100, BAHA 120, and ANAT 206] or [BIOL 200 and BIOL 201]. Application of oxygen and aerosol therapy equipment. Lecture/laboratory. (Formerly 2790:210)
RESP 215  Respiratory Therapy Pharmacology  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: RESP 100, CHEM 110, and CHEM 111. Pharmacologic actions and effects of medications delivered by respiratory therapists, and routes of administration. (Formerly 2790:215)
RESP 290  Special Topics: Respiratory Care  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission. Selected topics or subject areas of interest in respiratory therapy technology. (May be repeated for a maximum of three credits) (Formerly 2790:290)
RESP 301  Cardiopulmonary Assessment Techniques  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: ANAT 207 or [BIOL 202 and BIOL 203]. Overall patient assessment, with concentration on the cardiopulmonary systems. Overview of common illness and related clinical manifestations. Lecture/laboratory. (Formerly 2790:301)
RESP 302  Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: [RESP 210 and ANAT 207] or [BIOL 202 and BIOL 203]. Corequisite: RESP 301. Study of normal anatomy and physiology of cardiopulmonary systems. (Formerly 2790:302)
RESP 303  Cardiopulmonary Pathology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: RESP 301 and RESP 302. Discussion of diseases of the heart and lungs, and their relationship to the role of the respiratory therapist. (Formerly 2790:303)
RESP 311  Respiratory Therapy Procedures II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: [RESP 210 and ANAT 207] or [BIOL 202 and BIOL 203]. Airway Care and Lung Inflation Techniques. Lecture/laboratory. (Formerly 2790:311)
RESP 312  Diagnostics I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: RESP 210. Corequisites: RESP 301, RESP 302, and RESP 311. Bedside screening studies for the evaluation of cardiopulmonary diseases. Lecture/laboratory. (Formerly 2790:312)
RESP 313  Diagnostics II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: RESP 311 and RESP 312. Corequisite: RESP 303. Laboratory diagnostic studies for the evaluation of cardiopulmonary diseases. Lecture/laboratory. (Formerly 2790:313)
RESP 315  Advanced Pharmacology for Respiratory Therapy  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: RESP 215. Pharmacologic actions and effects of Cardiopulmonary Medications. (Formerly 2790:315)
RESP 320  Neonatal/Pediatrics for Respiratory Therapy I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: RESP 301. In depth coverage of neonatal & pediatric respiratory care concepts. Emphasis placed on anatomy and physiology, assessment, and therapeutics. (Formerly 2790:320)
RESP 325  Mechanical Ventilation  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: RESP 303, RESP 312, RESP 315, RESP 320, and RESP 341. Introduction to mechanical ventilation and equipment. Lecture/lab. (Formerly 2790:325)
RESP 340  Application of Clinical Concepts  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: RESP 210. Corequisite: RESP 301. Introduction to basic respiratory therapy in a hospital setting, and hands-on practice with respiratory therapy equipment, including CPR for the professional. Lecture/clinical. (Formerly 2790:340)
RESP 341  RT Clinical Experience I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: RESP 215, RESP 311, and RESP 340. Application of clinical procedures in a hospital setting, with emphasis on basic therapeutic interventions. Clinical. 225 clinical hours. (Formerly 2790:341)
RESP 342  RT Clinical Experience II  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: RESP 315, RESP 325, and RESP 341. Application of clinical procedures in a hospital setting, with emphasis on mechanical ventilation techniques. 150 clinical hours. (Formerly 2790:342)
RESP 413  Evolving Roles of Respiratory Therapists  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: RESP 313. Detailed study of evolving roles for Respiratory Therapists including career opportunities and outlook for roles in alternative settings. (Lecture/Lab). (Formerly 2790:413)
RESP 420  Advanced Neonatal/Pediatrics for Respiratory Therapy  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: RESP 320. Detailed study of airway management, pathophysiology and treatment modalities as they relate to neonatal/pediatrics. (Formerly 2790:420)
RESP 421  Advanced Critical Care  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: RESP 303, RESP 315, RESP 320, and RESP 340. This course will provide an in-depth overview of advanced mechanical ventilator modes, advanced mechanical ventilator management strategies, complex disease processes and disease management which includes critical care pharmacology. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), including advanced ECG interpretation, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) introductory concepts will also be discussed. (Formerly 2790:421)
RESP 430  Problems in Respiratory Therapy  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: RESP 313, RESP 420, and RESP 443. Capstone course, applies the concepts from clinical situations, using computer simulations and cases and evaluates research in Respiratory therapy. (Formerly 2790:430)
RESP 443  RT Clinical Experience III  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: RESP 342. Rotation to a variety of Health care facilities to practice specialty procedures in each institution. 300 clinical hours (Formerly 2790:443)
RESP 444  RT Clinical Experience IV  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: RESP 443. Rotation to a variety of health care facilities to practice specialty procedures from each institution. Clinical (total of 300 hours). (Formerly 2790:444)