Psychology (PSYC)

PSYC 100  Introduction to Psychology  (3 Units)  
Introduction to scientific study of behavior, survey of physiological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, development, learning and cognition, personality, social interaction and other selected topics. (Formerly 3750:100)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
Gen Ed: Social Science  
PSYC 105  Professional & Career Issues in Psychology  (1 Unit)  
Corequisite: PSYC:100. An overview of the field of psychology including educational requirements, career opportunities and professional issues for students considering a psychology major. (Formerly 3750:105)
PSYC 110  Quantitative Methods in Psychology  (4 Units)  
Pre/Corequisite: PSYC 100. Presentation of data, descriptive statistics, correlation, hypothesis testing and introduction to statistical methodologies in psychology, including computer applications. (Formerly 3750:110)
PSYC 220  Introduction to Experimental Psychology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 110. Lectures and laboratory experience in the scientific bases of psychology such as experimental design, methods and apparatus, collection and analysis of data and interpretation of results. (Formerly 3750:220)
PSYC 230  Developmental Psychology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Determinants and nature of behavioral change from conception to death. (Formerly 3750:230)
PSYC 250  Psychology of Diversity  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Psychology of Diversity encompasses macro-level issues and micro-level experiences. To live effectively in the emerging global community, one must be able to understand the diversity among human beings and relate effectively to non-majority group members. Issues of diversity are not only individual and personal, but also collective and social. (Formerly 3750:250)
Gen Ed: Domestic Diversity  
PSYC 320  Biopsychology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Relationship between behavior and its biological/physiological foundations including brain structure and function, sensation, behavior genetics, learning and memory, and other topics. (Formerly 3750:320)
PSYC 330  Emotion Across the Lifespan  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 230. We read and discuss primary writings on theoretical and empirical research in emotional development in adulthood. Topics include emotion perception and emotion regulation. (Formerly 3750:330)
PSYC 335  Dynamics of Personality  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. An overview of theory and research involving the development, maintenance and assessment of personality and individual differences. (Formerly 3750:335)
PSYC 340  Social Psychology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. The examination of an individual's response to social environment and social interaction processes. Social perception, attitude formation and change, affiliation and attraction, altruism, group processes and nonverbal behavior. (Formerly 3750:340)
PSYC 345  Cognitive Processes  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Survey of the basic phenomena, concepts and theories in the areas of human perception, learning, memory and cognition. (Formerly 3750:345)
PSYC 380  Industrial/Organizational Psychology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Survey of the application of psychology to the workplace including an emphasis on organizational (e.g., motivation) and personnel issues (e.g., selection). (Formerly 3750:380)
PSYC 400  Personality  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 335. Consideration of current conceptualizations of the normal personality with emphasis on methods of measurement, experimental findings and research techniques. (Formerly 3750:400)
PSYC 405  Sensation & Perception  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Reviews the basic psychological and neural components of sensation and perception involving visual, auditory, cutaneous, and chemical sensory systems. (Formerly 3750:405)
PSYC 410  Psychological Tests & Measurements  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 110. Consideration of the nature, construction and use of tests and measurements in industry, government and education. Includes aptitude and achievement tests, rating scales, attitude and opinion analysis. (Formerly 3750:410)
PSYC 415  Cognitive Neuroscience  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. A review of neuroimaging studies addressing contemporary themes in human behavior, including consciousness, learning and memory, neuropathology, and emotion. (Formerly 3750:415)
PSYC 420  Abnormal Psychology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Survey of syndromes, etiology, diagnoses and treatments of major psychological conditions ranging from transient maladjustments to psychoses.(Formerly 3750:424)
PSYC 424  Myths of Sexuality  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: 45 credit hours, PSYC 100, and PSYC 250. The Myths of Sexuality is a brief introduction into the psychology of human sexuality, as well as a more critical exploration of the contemporary issues in sexuality today, including but not limited to gender identity, queer studies, and the psychology behind the sex industry. (Formerly 3750:424)
PSYC 425  Psychology of Hate  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: Junior or higher standing and PSYC 100. The primary objective of this course is to understand the psychology behind hate. Topics include racism, sexism, heterosexism, religious intolerance, classism and ageism. (Formerly 3750:425)
Gen Ed: Complex Issues Facing Society  
PSYC 430  Psychological Disorders of Children  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 230. Survey of syndromes, etiologies and treatments of behavioral disorders in children from the standpoint of developmental psychology. Behavioral data and treatment approaches emphasized. (Formerly 3750:430)
PSYC 435  Cross-Cultural Psychology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100. Influence of culture and ethnicity upon development of individual psychological processes including functioning, identity, social motives, sex roles and values. (Formerly 3750:435)
Gen Ed: Domestic Diversity  
PSYC 440  Personnel Psychology & the Law  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 380 or MGMT 201. The implications of equal employment law on the practice of personnel psychology. (Formerly 3750:440)
PSYC 441  Clinical & Counseling Psychology I  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 335. Overview of the fields of clinical and counseling psychology with a major focus on psychotherapeutic approaches, including cultural considerations, legal/ethical issues, and outcome research. (Formerly 3750:441)
PSYC 442  Clinical & Counseling Psychology II  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 441. Overview of individual counseling and psychotherapy, group counseling, personality and ability testing, marriage and family counseling, hypnosis, sex therapy, psychopharmacology and related specialties. Specific topics in clinical and counseling practice including professional trends, ethics, various therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, and specialty areas. (Formerly 3750:442)
PSYC 443  Human Resource Management  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 380. The application of psychological theory to the effective management of human resources in an organization, including recruitment, selection, training and retention of personnel. (Formerly 3750:443)
PSYC 444  Organizational Theory  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 380. The application of psychological theory to macro-level processes in organizations including leadership, motivation, task performance, organizational theories and development. (Formerly 3750:444)
PSYC 445  Psychology of Small Group Behavior  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Intensive investigation of factors affecting behavior and performance in small groups including effects of personality, social structures, task, situational and social-cognitive variables. (Formerly 3750:445)
PSYC 450  Cognitive Development  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 345. Theory and research on life-span changes in cognitive processes including concept formation/categorization, information processing and Piagetian assessment tasks. (Formerly 3750:450)
PSYC 460  History of Psychology  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Psychology in pre-scientific period and details of developmental or systematic viewpoints in 19th and 20th Centuries. (Formerly 3750:460)
PSYC 462  Human Motivation and Emotion  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 110. This course is a broad overview of human motivation and emotion. We will be examining a variety of theoretical topics centered on the causes, consequences, and processes involved in motivation and emotion. The course will rely on a mix of book chapters, journal articles, lecture, small group discussion, and full class discussion.
PSYC 474  Psychology of Women  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or WMST 200. Reviews theory and research in the psychology of women and gender and encourages students to use these in their everyday lives. (Formerly 3750:474)
Gen Ed: Domestic Diversity  
PSYC 475  Psychology of Adulthood & Aging  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and PSYC 230. Psychological aspects of human development from adolescence to older adulthood including age-related changes in socialization, personality, intelligence, sensation, perception, learning, memory and clinical applications. (Formerly 3750:475)
PSYC 480  Special Topics in Psychology  (1-4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and junior or higher standing. Comprehensive survey of contemporary status of specialized topics and issues in psychology. Emphasis on original source materials, critical analysis and synthesis of empirical and theoretical aspects. (Formerly 3750:480)
PSYC 480-1  Forensic Neuroscience  (1-4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and junior or higher standing. The course Clinical and Forensic Applications in Neuroscience is designed to provide students with a survey of the biological foundations of behavior, emotion, and cognition, but within the context of medical and legal contexts where neuroscience is of particular relevance. This Clinical and Forensic Applications course is intended to help students better understanding how neuroscience methods and research developments influence our understanding of the relationship between brain and behavior, with particular attention to matters of assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and intervention.
PSYC 480-2  Diversity and Social Justice in the Workplace  (1-4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and junior or higher standing. Undergraduate-level course designed to explore the intersection of organizational justice and diversity. Topics covered include a fundamental understanding of what people consider when assessing fairness and how that affects their behaviors, attitudes, and other outcomes. Additionally, diversity topics will not only integrate foundational research from social psychology, but will also provide insight into extant literatures integrating diversity into the organizational space. Throughout the course, students will be asked to leverage their knowledge of organizational justice as a specific theoretical lens to understand diversity-related phenomena.
PSYC 480-3  Organizational Justice and Diversity  (1-4 Units)  
Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and junior or higher standing. The course is an undergraduate-level course designed to explore the intersection of organizational justice and diversity. The topics covered in this course can be therefore categorized into two major sections: organizational justice and diversity. The topics covered under justice will provide a fundamental understanding of what people consider when assessing fairness and how that affects their behaviors, attitudes, and other outcomes. The topics covered on diversity will not only integrate foundational research from social psychology, but will also provide insight into extant literatures integrating diversity in the organizational space. Throughout the course, students will be asked to leverage their knowledge of organizational justice as a specific theoretical lens to understand diversity-related phenomena.
PSYC 488  Honors Project in Psychology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: Psychology major and departmental permission, and PSYC 100, PSYC 105, PSYC 110, PSYC 220, and [PSYC 320 or PSYC 335 or PSYC 340 or PSYC 345]. Selection of research topic, review of relevant literature, research design, and proposal. (Formerly 3750:488)
PSYC 489  Honors Project in Psychology  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: Psychology major and departmental permission, and PSYC 100, PSYC 105, PSYC 110, PSYC 220, and [PSYC 320 or PSYC 335 or PSYC 340 or PSYC 345]. Data collection, analysis, and preparation of the final research report in journal style. (Formerly 3750:489)
PSYC 495  Field Experience in Psychology  (1-4 Units)  
(May be repeated to a maximum of 6 credits). Prerequisites: PSYC 100, PSYC 105, PSYC 110 and eight additional credits in psychology. On-site supervised individual placements in appropriate settings. The academic component of the experience will be under the supervisor of a selected faculty member. (Formerly 3750:495)
PSYC 497  Independent Reading/Research in Psychology  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated to a maximum of 6 credits). Prerequisites: PSYC 100, PSYC 105, PSYC 110, PSYC 220 and four additional credits in psychology. Independent reading and/or research in an area of psychology under the supervision and evaluation of a selected faculty member. (Formerly 3750:497)
PSYC 498  Honors Research in Psychology  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Psychology major and approval of honors advisor. Individual research with a faculty advisor leading to the completion of a research project satisfying departmental and university requirements. (Formerly 3750:498)