Technical Education (EDTE)

EDTE 400  Adult Learning  (3 Units)  
Pre/Corequisites: EDFN 200 and EDFN 220. The Adult Learner course is designed to introduce you to the characteristics, issues, and factors pertinent to successful facilitation of learning with emphasis on the strategies successful in community, workforce, and global learning environments. This purpose of this course is to delineate and examine the characteristics of adult learners so educators and trainers can incorporate the information into successful learning experiences for their students. (Formerly 5400:400)
EDTE 401  Learning with Technology  (3 Units)  
Application of learning technologies to situations encountered by academic and professional learners. Addresses foundational concepts of computer literacy, ethics. security, collaboration, and learning design. (Formerly 5400:401)
EDTE 413  Instructional Design Profession  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDTE 401 and EDFN 450. Examination of the Instructional Design profession, its history, trends, issues and impact on Instruction Design's future. Research on best practice in the field are explored. (Formerly 5400:413)
EDTE 415  Talent Development and Training  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 200 and EDFN 220. Examine the training function within talent development from a global perspective. Explore best practices for today's workforce. Identify emerging trends and training solutions. (Formerly 5400:415)
EDTE 420  eLearning by Design  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDTE 413. Experiences in using, developing and evaluating learning technologies and media used for instructional design and training. (Formerly 5400:420)
EDTE 430  Program Planning  (3 Units)  
Process of program planning and evaluation for instructional design and training for a variety of adult learning organizations. (Formerly 5400:430)
EDTE 435  Systematic Instructional Design in Postecondary Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites or corequisites: EDTE 401, EDTE 420, EDTE 430, admission to program, or permission of instructor. Examination of instructional design models with particular emphasis of the ADDIE model. Study of applications to Instructional Design Technology. (Formerly 5400:435)
EDTE 475  Instructional Delivery  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of department. Implementation of instructional design principals in the proposal, design, development, implementation, assessment and evaluation (ADDIE) of eLearning and other delivery of training courses. (Formerly 5400:475)
EDTE 480  Globally Diverse Workforce  (3 Units)  
Study of cultural pluralism and disability in the workplace and the best practices, as related to training in adult learning organizations. (Formerly 5400:480)
EDTE 481  Special Topics: Technical Education  (1-4 Units)  
See department for course description. (Formerly 5400:481)
EDTE 490  Workshop: Technical Education  (1-3 Units)  
Individual work under staff guidance on curriculum problems, utilization of community resources, planning of curriculum units. Delivered in a totally on-line format and face to face format with web enhancements. (Formerly 5400:490)
EDTE 495  Postsecondary Education Practicum  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDTE 400, EDTE 401, EDTE 405, EDTE 415, EDTE 420, EDTE 430, EDTE 435, and admission to the Postsecondary Technical Education program with a 'C' or better in each EDTE course and a 2.5 or better overall GPA in EDTE courses, and an overall GPA of 3.0 or better. Directed instruction under the supervision of directing instructor and university supervisor, and development of instructional portfolio. (Formerly 5400:495)
EDTE 497  Independent Study: Technical Education  (1-3 Units)  
Area of study determined by student's need. (Formerly 5400:497)