Curricular and Instructional Studies (EDCI)
EDCI 223 Urban Youth Mentoring (3 Units)
Urban youth mentoring and mentorship theory and practice in school-based settings; including the completion of 30 hours of urban mentorship field experience. (Formerly 5500:223)
Gen Ed: Complex Issues Facing Society
EDCI 230 Educational Technology (3 Units)
Prerequisite: 13-15 sem. hrs. with a 'C' or better in specific GenEd courses; EDFN 200 (may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite); FBI/BCI background checks. Effectively identifying, locating, evaluating, designing, preparing, and efficiently using educational technology as instructional resource in the classroom to support learning and teaching. (Formerly 5500:230)
EDCI 240 Foundations of Literacy (3 Units)
Focus on building blocks of teaching children how to read with an emphasis on literacy development and an emphasis on research-based components of reading instruction. (Formerly 5500:240)
EDCI 241 Word Study, Phonics & Spelling (3 Units)
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Candidates will explore a variety of genres, types of texts, resources, and instructional strategies to maximize students' comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary growth. (Formerly 5500:241)
EDCI 245 Understanding Literacy Development & Phonics (3 Units)
Prerequisite: admission to Teacher Preparation Program. Children's literacy development is explored through an integrated instructional model, with emphasis on the role of comprehension, phonics, and functional spelling in language learning. (10 hours of service learning) (Formerly 5500:245)
EDCI 251 Teaching Personal Finance in the PK-12 Classroom (3 Units)
Teacher candidates learn best practices in planning and implementing standards-based personal finance and economic instruction. (Formerly 5500:251)
EDCI 286 Teaching Multiple Texts (3 Units)
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Candidates will explore a variety of genres, types of texts, resources, and instructional strategies to maximize students' comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary growth.10 field hours. (Formerly 5500:286)
EDCI 308 Instructional Design and Assessment (6 Units)
Prerequisites: EDFN 220 and EDIS 225 and admission to the LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education . Theoretical and practical foundations for standards-based instruction and assessment; including instructional design, assessment development, and classroom practice for all learners in diverse and inclusive settings. 30 Field Hours. (Formerly 5500:308)
EDCI 310 Instructional Design (3 Units)
Prerequisites: EDFN 210, EDFN 211, and admission to LBJFF School of Education. Corequisite: EDCI 311. Design and teach lessons using instructional models, strategies, and resources for students with different characteristics and design appropriate assessments to measure content mastery. (Formerly 5500:310)
EDCI 311 Instructional Resources (3 Units)
EDCI 320 Diversity in Learners (3 Units)
EDCI 330 Classroom Management (3 Units)
EDCI 341 Laboratory Practicum in Reading (3 Units)
Prerequisite: EDCI 445. Laboratory experience with classroom, small groups and individual situations. A student diagnoses, implements procedures and follows prescribed reading improvement practices. (25.5 field hours) (Formerly 5500:341)
EDCI 360 Educational Planning: Instruction, Assessment and Classroom Management (3 Units)
Prerequisites: EDCI 230, EDFN 200, EDFN 220; EDIS 225; prerequisite or corequisite: EDFN 300. Theoretical foundations for standards-based thematic units and lesson plans, classroom assessment and organization, including procedures and models for mediating student behavior and classroom management. (Formerly 5500:360)
EDCI 370 Educational Implementation: Instruction, Assessment and Classroom Management (3 Units)
EDCI 403 Global Education & Technology (3 Units)
This course focuses on theories, materials, and methods for teaching global education through e-learning and web-based tools. (Formerly 5300:303)
EDCI 430 Honors Research Project: Early Childhood (1-6 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of student's preceptor. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. (May be repeated for a total of six credits). (Formerly 5200:430)
EDCI 431 Honors Research Project: Secondary Education (1-6 Units)
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisite: Permission of student's preceptor. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. (Formerly 5300:430)
EDCI 432 Honors Research Project: Special Education (1-6 Units)
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisite: Permission of student's preceptor. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. (Formerly 5610:430)
EDCI 433 Honors Research Project: Middle Level Education (1-6 Units)
(May be repeated for a total of six credits.) Prerequisites: Permission of student's preceptor. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. (Formerly 5250:430)
EDCI 439 Engineering for Educators (3 Units)
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Engineering design concepts and their applications course for teachers/teacher candidates. Students will engage in engineering problem solving activities and design lesson plans that address science and engineering practices. (Next Generation Science Standards) (Formerly 5500:439)
EDCI 440 Literacy in the Content Areas (3 Units)
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Prepare candidates to understand issues and use methods and materials to promote disciplinary literacy in middle and secondary classrooms (20 hours clinical). (Formerly 5500:440)
EDCI 442 Teaching Reading to Culturally Diverse Learners (3 Units)
EDCI 445 Assessment and Instruction in Literacy (3 Units)
Prerequisites: EDCI 240, EDCI 241, and [EDCI 286 or EDCI 440] with a grade of C or better. This course explores the assessment of students' progress in language literacy. Formal and informal instruments identifying progress in reading, writing, speaking, and listening are examined implemented. There are 30 hours of field experience included in this course. (Formerly 5500:445)
EDCI 450 Nature, History, and Philosophy of Science (3 Units)
(May be repeated with a change in topic). Provides opportunities to examine the historical and philosophical perspectives of science in an online medium and the impact of science and technology on society. (Formerly 5500:450)
EDCI 455 Literacy for Multiage Licensure (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program. Organizing instruction, use of oral language development protocols, strategies for word skill development, comprehension and assessment as they relate to content areas. (Formerly 5500:455)
EDCI 456 Scaffolding Language and Content Learning for English Learners (3 Units)
Prerequisite: ENGL 473. This course prepares students to use quality, research-based sheltered instruction for improving teaching effectiveness and accelerating academic achievement achievement for English learners. (Formerly 5500:456)
EDCI 458 Inclusive Field Experience (1 Unit)
Corequisite: EDIS 457. In this inclusive field experience, teacher candidates explore the challenges and best practices in providing quality educational services for all learners. (20 field hours) (Formerly 5500:458)
EDCI 475 Instructional Technology Applications (3 Units)
EDCI 480 Special Topics: Curriculum & Instruction (1-6 Units)
Group study of special topics of critical, contemporary concern in professional education. (May be repeated with a change in topic) (Formerly 5500:480)
EDCI 480-1 Preserving the Past, Designing the Future: Renewing the UA Natural History Museum (1-6 Units)
A lithograph from 1882 shows visitors to the University of Akron in a Natural History room. Storage containers in the biology department are labeled the "UA Museum of Zoology". However, there is no longer an official natural history museum at the University of Akron even though we hold large collections of biological and geological specimens. Help us reimagine what a natural history museum on campus might look like. With guidance from a professional collections assessment conducted in the fall of 2024, students will learn about the importance of biological and geological collections for research, education, and outreach. As a class, we will design a space where collections could be displayed for classes and used by members of the campus community and public for research. As in past UnClasses, we will work with multiple experts in the community as well as museum, collections, education, and archives fields.
EDCI 484 Principles of Bilingual/Multicultural Education (3 Units)
An introduction to the theoretic, cultural, sociolinguistic bases of bilingual/multicultural education. Legislation, court decisions, program implementation included. (Formerly 5500:484)
EDCI 485 Teaching Literacy to English Learners (3 Units)
Prerequisite: Admission to the LBJFF School of Education. Course applies methodologies for teaching literacy to English learners, assessment of literacy skills and development of materials. 12 field hours of field experience are required. (Formerly 5500:485)
EDCI 486 Teaching Mathematics, Social Studies & Science to Bilingual Students (3 Units)
Prerequisites: Completion of all age-appropriate methods courses. Course applies methodologies for teaching mathematics, science, social studies in the bilingual/multicultural classroom. The bilingual student's native language stressed. (Formerly 5500:486)
EDCI 487 Techniques of Teaching English as a Second Language (3 Units)
Course includes teaching language skills to Limited English Proficient students in grades K-12, administration of language assessment tests, selection and evaluation of materials. (10 field hours) (Formerly 5500:487)
EDCI 488 Practicum: Teaching English as a Second Language (2 Units)
EDCI 490 Workshop: Curriculum & Instruction (1-3 Units)
Emphasizes development of teaching devices and/or curriculum units, demonstration of teaching techniques. (Formerly 5500:490)
EDCI 491 Workshop: Curriculum & Instruction (1-3 Units)
Emphasizes development of teaching devices and/or curriculum units, demonstration of teaching techniques. (Formerly 5500:491)
EDCI 492 Workshop: Curriculum & Instruction (1-3 Units)
Emphasizes development of teaching devices and/or curriculum units, demonstration of teaching techniques. (Formerly 5500:492)
EDCI 497 Independent Study (1-3 Units)
Prerequisite: Permission of advisor and department chair. Specific area of curriculum investigation pertinent to the general curriculum and instruction area as determined by student's academic needs. (Formerly 5500:497)