Health Education (HEDU)

HEDU 101  Personal Health  (2 Units)  
This course applies the current principles and facts pertaining to healthful, effective living, personal health problems, and needs of the student. Two hours lecture. (Formerly 5570:101)
HEDU 201  Foundations in Health Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: HEDU 101. History and philosophy of health education as a discipline; professionalism and administration in health education are considered. (Formerly 5570:201)
HEDU 202  Stress Management  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Course provides knowledge about the relationship between stress, physiological, psychological illness and disease, also how to manage stress in life activities. (Formerly 5570:202)
HEDU 322  Current Topics in Health Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: HEDU 101, HEDU 201, and HEDU 420. Skills needed to do research, teach, and present current health education topics in a factual and comfortable manner in schools and community. Three hours lecture. Students must be in the Sport Science and Wellness Program to take 300/400 level courses. (Formerly 5570:322)
HEDU 375  Program Planning and Evaluation  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: HEDU 101 and HEDU 201. This course addresses the process of planning and evaluating health education programs within the school and community. (Formerly 5570:375)
HEDU 395  Field Experience: Health Education  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of the advisor. On-site field experience will be conducted in an area related to pre-K-12 health education under the supervision of a faculty member. Students must be in the Sport Science and Wellness Program to take 300/400 level courses. (Formerly 5570:395)
HEDU 400  Environmental Aspects of Health Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Major or minor in health education and admission to the Sport Science and Wellness Program. A study of the interrelationships of ecosystems and a healthful environment. This course investigates many aspects of the environment and their influences upon the quality of human life. Students must be in the College of Education to take 300/400 level courses. (Formerly 5570:400)
HEDU 420  Community and Personal Health  (3 Units)  
Introduction of current public and personal health issues. Organizations and their roles in public and personal health programs. Students must be in the Sport Science and Wellness Program to take 300/400 level courses. (Formerly 5570:420)
HEDU 421  Comprehensive School Health  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: HEDU 101, HEDU 201, and HEDU 320. This course explains and presents comprehensive school health curricula for pre-k to 12. The three components of a comprehensive school health program are presented. (Formerly 5570:421)
HEDU 423  Methods & Materials Teaching Health Education  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: HEDU 101, HEDU 201, HEDU 420, EDFN 210, EDFN 211, EDCI 310, EDCI 311. Planning, organization, use of instructional resources and delivery of health education content and teaching process (pre K-12). Students must be in the Sport Science and Wellness Program to take 300/400 level courses. (Formerly 5570:423)
HEDU 430  Senior Honors Project: Health Education  (1-6 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisites: Senior standing in Honors Program and admission to the Sport Science and Wellness Program. Carefully defined individual study demonstrating originality and sustained inquiry. Students must be in the Sport Science and Wellness Program to take 300/400 level courses. (Formerly 5570:430)
HEDU 460  Practicum in Health Education  (2-6 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of the advisor. The practicum in Health Education is an on-site participation in a community health organization, agency or resource. Students must be in the Sport Science and Wellness Program to take 300/400 level courses. (Formerly 5570:460)
HEDU 497  Independent Study: Health Education  (1-2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of the advisor. Analysis of a specific topic related to a current problem in health education. May include investigative procedure, research or concentrated practical experience. (Formerly 5570:497)