Nutrition and Dietetics (NUTR)

NUTR 120  Career Decisions in Nutrition  (1 Unit)  
Exploration of the nutrition/dietetics/food industry profession, including academic/internship routes, career opportunities, professional concepts and attributes. Self-assessment and goal setting with beginning portfolio development. (Formerly 7760:120)
NUTR 132  Early Childhood Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Emphasis on nutrition as component of Early Childhood programs. Nutrition principles discussed in relation to self and young children. Prenatal and infant nutrition studied. Food as learning experience, menu planning, purchasing, sanitation, food labeling, storage and parent involvement included. For Family and Child Development Option, and an educational technology student. (Formerly 7760:132)
NUTR 133  Nutrition Fundamentals  (3 Units)  
Study of basic nutrition concepts, contemporary issues, controversies; emphasis on macro/micro nutrient requirements for healthy individuals; analysis of a student's dietary intake. Online section available. (Formerly 7760:133)
Ohio Transfer 36: Yes  
Gen Ed: Natural Science  
NUTR 141  Food for the Family  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Application of nutrition to meal planning; problems in selecting, budgeting and preparing food; meal service. (Formerly 7760:141)
NUTR 200  Sustainability, Foods and Environments  (3 Units)  
This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts of environmental sustainability and conservation in food production. A brief history of this issue is followed by an examination of population needs and the management of water, agricultural practices, animal husbandry, fertilizer use, and land management. Global warming, genetically modified plant and animal organisms (GMOs), and carbon footprint/fossil fuel use, are also considered. The demographic and geo-political features of North American populations (urban, suburban, rural) contextualize comparisons of conventional food production practices and sustainable practices, around the world. (Formerly 7760:200)
NUTR 228  Introduction to Medical Nutrition Therapy  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 133, CHEM 114, and CHEM 115. Introduction to Medical Nutrition Therapy will review basic metabolic and pathological conditions with emphasis on medical nutrition therapy strategies. (Formerly 7760:228)
NUTR 250  Food Science Lecture  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 133, NUTR 120, CHEM 114, and CHEM 115. Corequisite: NUTR 251. Study of the chemical and physical structure of food. Scientific and aesthetic principles involved in the selection, storage and preparation of foods. (Formerly 7760:250)
NUTR 251  Food Science Lab  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 133, NUTR 120, CHEM 114, and CHEM 115 or permission from instructor. Corequisite: NUTR 250. Application of the scientific and sensory principles involved in the selection, storage and preparation of foods. (Formerly 7760:251)
NUTR 310  Food Systems Management I  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 250 and [ACCT 201 or COMM 211]. Corequisite: NUTR 315. Basic theoretical concepts in the management of dietetic food service systems and the practical application of principles and procedures in quantity food production and service. (Formerly 7760:310)
NUTR 314  Food Systems I Field Experience  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: ACCT 201 and NUTR 250. Corequisite: NUTR 310. Development of quantity food preparation in community and health care agencies; identification of functions and resources involved in the food service systems. (Formerly 7760:314)
NUTR 315  Food Systems Management I Supervised Experiential Learning  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Dietetics program and NUTR 250. Corequisite: NUTR 310. Development of quantity food preparation and supervisory skills in community agencies; identification of functions and resources involved in the management of food service systems. (Formerly 7760:315)
NUTR 316  Science of Nutrition  (4 Units)  
In-depth characterization of composition, metabolism, physiological functions and interrelationships of nutrients. Analysis and interpretation of current literature; assessment of nutrition counseling techniques. (Formerly 7760:316)
NUTR 321  Experimental Foods  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 250, CHEM 114, and CHEM 115. Theory and methods in the experimental study of foods. Sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis of food quality. Individual research emphasized. Lecture/Laboratory. (Formerly 7760:321)
NUTR 328  Medical Nutrition Therapy I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: [NUTR 133 or NUTR 316], NUTR 426, and NUTR 443. Analysis of health care concepts and the medical nutrition therapy relationship. Consideration of nutritional implications of pathological conditions and alterations to diet for specific health issues or disorders. (Formerly 7760:328)
NUTR 329  Medical Nutrition Therapy I Supervised Experiential Learning  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: Admission to the Dietetics program, [NUTR 133 or NUTR 316], NUTR 426, and NUTR 443. Corequisite: NUTR 328. Analysis of therapeutic health-care concepts. Consideration of nutritional implications of pathological conditions; construction of diets for specific disorders. (Formerly 7760:329)
NUTR 340  Meal Management  (3 Units)  
Emphasis is on meal design, nutritional adequacy, and budgeting as well as food preparation techniques.  (Formerly 7760:340)
NUTR 400  Nutrition Education Skills with the General Public  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Admission to the Dietetics program and [NUTR 133 or NUTR 316]. Theory and development of communication and education skills with the general public. (Formerly 7760:400)
NUTR 401  Nutrition Counseling Skills  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Admission to a nutrition program and NUTR 400. This course discusses theory and development of counseling skills. Skills essential to dietetics practice and discussed in this course include but are not limited to; interpersonal communication; interviewing; nutrition counseling and coaching. (Formerly 7760:401)
NUTR 403  Advanced Food Preparation  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 141 or NUTR 250. Study of advanced techniques of food preparation. Introduction to and interpretation of classic and foreign cuisines. Emphasis on individualized experiences, skill development and evaluation of procedures and results. (Formerly 7760:403)
NUTR 412  Introduction to Regulatory Affairs  (3 Units)  
Organization and management in administration of food service systems; problems in administration of food service systems; problems in control of labor, time and cost. Field experience in food production. Study of regulations affecting the food industry, such as food labeling, nutrition labeling, food safety, and adulteration. Course includes discussion of regulatory agencies and their impact on the food industry. (Formerly 7760:412)
NUTR 413  Food Systems Management II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 310. Advanced concepts in management of dietetic service systems relating to achievement of nutritional care goals. (Formerly 7760:413)
NUTR 414  Enology: The Art and Science of Wine  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: Students must be 21 years of age by the first day of instruction to fully participate. An introduction to the multi-dimensional approaches to viticulture and the methodology of wine-making, perspectives on manufacturing, and marketing of wines. The influence of history, geography, and technology on wines of the world as well as the wine-making movement in Northeast Ohio. Emphasis will be placed on the development and refinement of sensory evaluation techniques.  
NUTR 415  Advanced Regulatory Affairs  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 412. This course is designed to provide in depth information and teach advanced skills that are required for food industry professionals to comply with government agency’s regulations affecting the food industry, such as food labeling, nutrition labeling, claims, food adulteration and litigation trends. Course includes discussion of regulatory agencies and the Canadian food inspection agency.
NUTR 416  The Science of Brewing and Fermentation  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: Students must be 21 years of age by the first day of instruction. An introduction to the fundamental scientific principles behind brewing and fermentation within the context of the vibrant craft beer scene in Northeast Ohio. This course explores the elements of brewing and fermentation processes while also fostering community connections through potential visits to local breweries.
NUTR 417  Applied Flavor Science  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. This course will provide the students with an understanding of the applied flavor science and how flavor ingredients impact sensory perception of food.
NUTR 421  Special Problems in Nutrition and Dietetics  (1-3 Units)  
Additional study or apprentice experience in specialized field or preparation; group and individual experimentation. (Formerly 7760:421)
NUTR 424  Nutrition in Life Cycle  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 316 or NUTR 426. Study of the physiological basis for nutritional requirements; interrelating factors which affect growth, development, maturation and nutritional status from conception through the elderly years. (Formerly 7760:424)
NUTR 426  Human Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 133, ANAT 207, ANAT 211, CHEM 114, and CHEM 115. Application of principles nutrition, metabolism and assessment. Analyses and interpretation of current literature. Open to dietetics majors only. (Formerly 7760:426)
NUTR 428  Medical Nutrition Therapy II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 328. Continuation of 328. Medical Nutrition Therapy I with emphasis on more complex metabolic and pathological conditions with nutrition therapy strategies. (Formerly 7760:428)
NUTR 429  Medical Nutrition Therapy II Supervised Experiential Learning  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: Admission to a nutrition program and NUTR 329. Corequisite: NUTR 428. Supervised practice experience in health care facilities with application of principles of medical nutrition therapy learned in NUTR 328 and NUTR 428. (Formerly 7760:429)
NUTR 430  Computer Assisted Food Service Management  (3 Units)  
Use of computer programs in application of management concepts for food service systems. (Formerly 7760:430)
NUTR 431  Health Care Business and Research for Dietetics  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Dietetics program. This course will discuss the procedure for best developing and implementing a new nutrition business. Coding and billing in health care will be addressed as well as exhibiting ethical behaviors of practice. Research is conducted in various areas of dietetics. The development and implementation of a research study will be discussed in addition to identifying outcomes and the appropriate statistical methods to use in research. (Formerly 7760:431)
NUTR 443  Nutrition Assessment  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 133, NUTR 228, BIOL 202, BIOL 203, CHEM 112, and CHEM 113. Application of principles of nutrition and assessment. Analysis and interpretation of current literature. Open to dietetics majors only. (Formerly 7760:443)
NUTR 444  Long Term Care Supervised Experiential Learning  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: Admission to the Dietetics program, NUTR 328 and NUTR 329. Supervised Experiential Learning in long term care facilities for application of principles of nutritional care and foodservice operation. (Formerly 7760:444)
NUTR 447  Senior Seminar  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: Senior standing in the nutrition program. This course is designed to teach students the understanding and skills to be successful seeking employment post-graduation. Topics ranging from resume writing, job searching and networking are covered. (Formerly 7760:447)
NUTR 470  Food Industry: Analysis & Field Study  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 250. Role of technology in extending the food supply. Chemical, physical and biological effects of processing and storage, on-site tours of processing plants. (Formerly 7760:470)
NUTR 474  Cultural Dimensions of Food  (3 Units)  
An examination of cultural, geographical and historical influences on development of food habits. Emphasis on evolution of diets; effects of religion, education, and gender roles. (Formerly 7760:474)
Gen Ed: Global Diversity  
NUTR 476  Developments in Food Science  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 250. Advanced study of the chemistry and physics of food components affecting characteristics of food. Critical evaluation of current basic and applied research emphasized. (Formerly 7760:476)
NUTR 480  Community Nutrition I  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 316 or NUTR 426. Corequisite: NUTR 481 for CP students only. Major food and nutrition related problems in the community. Emphasis on community assessment, program implementation and evaluation, and rationales for nutrition services. (Formerly 7760:480)
NUTR 481  Community Nutrition I-Supervised Experiential Learning  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to a nutrition program. Corequisite: NUTR 480. Field placement in area agencies offering nutrition services. Study of the agency's goals, organization, and philosophy of nutritional care. (Formerly 7760:481)
NUTR 482  Community Nutrition II  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: NUTR 480. Corequisite: NUTR 483 for CP students only. Activities engaged in by community nutritionist. Emphasis on controversies, cultural differences, educational approaches, grantsmanship, marketing, and working with the media. (Formerly 7760:482)
NUTR 483  Community Nutrition II-Supervised Experiential Learning  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: Admission to a nutrition program and NUTR 481. Corequisite: NUTR 482. A second field placement in an area agency offering nutrition services. Study of the agency's goals, organization, and philosophy of nutritional care. (Formerly 7760:483)
NUTR 484  Health and Wellness Clinical  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: CP Students only, NUTR 481. Corequisites: NUTR 413 and NUTR 482. A field placement in agencies or facilities offering health and wellness services as they related to nutrition. Credit/Noncredit. (Formerly 7760:484)
NUTR 485  Seminar in Health Professions  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Exploration and evaluation of current developments in selected areas. (Formerly 7760:485)
NUTR 486  Staff Relief: Dietetics  (2 Units)  
Prerequisites: CP senior only. Opportunity to function as an entry-level dietitian in area of administrative, therapeutic or community dietetics. The graduating senior CUP student spends three 40-hour weeks in a mutually agreeable agency primarily under direction of staff dietitians or coordinators. (Formerly 7760:486)
NUTR 487  Sports Nutrition  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: NUTR 133, NUTR 426, BIOL 202, BIOL 203, CHEM 112, and CHEM 113. In-depth study of energy metabolism and utilization before, during, and after exercise. Factors affecting nutrient needs and peak performance of different athletic populations are emphasized. (Formerly 7760:487)
NUTR 488  Practicum in Dietetics  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Approval of advisor/instructor. Practical experience in application of the principles of nutrition. (Formerly 7760:488)
NUTR 489  Professional Preparation for Dietetics  (1 Unit)  
Historical aspects of dietetics and where the profession is going. Specialty areas of dietetic practice are explored. Students prepare the application for dietetic internship. (Formerly 7760:489)
NUTR 493  Nutrition for Athletes  (3 Units)  
Study of metabolism before, during, and after exercise. Factors affecting nutrient needs and peak performance of different athletic populations are emphasized. (Formerly 7760:493)
NUTR 499  Senior Honors Project in Nutrition and Dietetics  (1-3 Units)  
(May be repeated for a total of six credits) Prerequisites: Senior standing in Honors Program and approval of honors preceptor. Individual study supervised by adviser. Student and preceptor develop goals, objectives and methodology. (Formerly 7760:499)