Sport Studies/Sport Science (SPRT)

SPRT 100  Career Explorations Into Sport  (3 Units)  
Introduction to field of sport coaching and athletics leadership. Course explores the history, philosophy, and current principles of sport industry within a practical, career-oriented framework. (Formerly 5550:100)
SPRT 160  Introduction to Coaching  (3 Units)  
This course will provide a foundational understanding of the philosophy, styles, and practical skills that are essential for effective coaching in various sports. (Formerly 5550:160)
SPRT 200  Motor Learning and Performance  (3 Units)  
This course is designed to introduce key concepts of motor learning, motor performance, and methods of motor skill diagnosis related to sport skills. (Formerly 5550:235)
SPRT 202  Methods of Coaching and Evaluation  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SPRT 200. Instructional methods, techniques and strategies for coaching sport to a wide range of athletes. A variety of instructional models and evaluation techniques will be introduced and practiced.
SPRT 203  Practice and Theory in Coaching  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SPRT 160. This course will focus on the coaching profession and developing a personal coaching philosophy. In addition, the course information will combine sport science theory and research with the practical knowledge and tactics of expert coaches in the five essential categories of coaching education and professional practice.
SPRT 204  Sport History Appreciation  (3 Units)  
This course is designed to introduce students to sport in American history. An exploration of the people, organizations and institutions that shaped the development of sport are examined. (Formerly 5550:362)
SPRT 206  Coaching Basketball  (3 Units)  
An introduction to coaching basketball. Discussion of the important technical and tactical elements of coaching basketball. (Formerly 5550:206)
SPRT 207  Coaching Track and Field  (3 Units)  
An introduction to coaching track and field. Discussion of the important technical, tactical and psychological elements of coaching track and field. (Formerly 5550:207)
SPRT 208  Coaching Football  (3 Units)  
An introduction to coaching football. Discussion of the important technical and tactical elements of coaching football. (Formerly 5550:208)
SPRT 209  Coaching Baseball  (3 Units)  
An introduction to coaching baseball. Discussion of the important offensive, defensive, and technical and tactical elements of coaching baseball. (Formerly 5550:209)
SPRT 210  Navigating Social Issues in Sport  (3 Units)  
This course is designed to explore the role that sports and athletes play in our cultural sense of justice.  Historical intersections of sport and society will be investigated.
SPRT 301  Sports Medicine for Coaches  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: SPRT 200 and SPRT 202. This course challenges the student to understand ways to provide and care for the safety of individuals they teach or coach.  This course will equip students with the knowledge and skills to better understand and manage the health and well-being of their athletes.
SPRT 302  Psychology of Coaching  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SPRT 203. This course provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and principles of sports psychology, exploring the psychological factors that influence athletic performance, motivation, mental skills, and well-being in sports. 
SPRT 310  Investigating Current Issues in Coaching and Leadership  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. The purpose of this course is to explore and evaluate current topics, events, and trends in the field of coaching and athletics leadership.
SPRT 366  Sport Media Relations  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SPRT 203. The focus of this course is to furnish students with an understanding of the history, fundamentals, and strategies applicable to media relations and communication in the sports industry as well as practical hands-on experience. (Formerly 5550:366)
SPRT 368  Sport Facility Management  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. This course has been designed to identify the systems approach for the effective management of the maintenance and operation of sport and recreation facilities. (Formerly 5550:368)
SPRT 370  Financial Aspects of Sport  (3 Units)  
The focus of this course is related to the important knowledge that administrators should have related to the field of the financial aspects of sport. (Formerly 5550:370)
SPRT 375  Sport Performance and Fitness Skills  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: SPRT 200 and SPRT 202. An introductory course to teach the components and elements related to the physical aspects of sport performance. The course covers sport specific exercise prescriptions that aids injury prevention and performance enhancement. (Formerly 5550:375)
SPRT 395  Field Experience  (1-6 Units)  
Practical experience in an area related to physical education under supervision of faculty member. Student works with current physical education programs or exercise science settings. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Students must be in the Sport Science and Wellness Program to take 300/400 level courses. (Formerly 5550:395)
SPRT 401  Disabilities and Physical Activity  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. The purpose of this course is to introduce ways to interact with special needs populations through physical and healthy lifestyle activities.
SPRT 409  Sport Behavior  (3 Units)  
The focus of this course is the behavior of athletes and sport participants studied within the context of play, games, and sport. (Formerly 5550:409)
SPRT 410  Introduction to Sport Sociology  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. Provides information to students about the sociological aspects of sport. (Formerly 5550:410)
SPRT 420  Fundamentals of Management Strategies in Sport  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. This course seeks to explore, acquire, and discuss knowledge within the theoretical and applied management practices of sport, fitness, and instructional programs. (Formerly 5550:420)
SPRT 422  Sport and Event Planning Operations  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices involved in planning, organizing, and managing sports events and other special gatherings. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, students will develop the expertise needed to create successful and memorable events. (Formerly 5550:422)
SPRT 424  Sports Leadership  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SPRT 203. Introduces students to current issues related to leadership, management, and supervision related to sport. Examines current sport leadership research and governance structure of leisure, recreational, amateur, and professional sport organizations. (Formerly 5550:424)
SPRT 450  Business of Coaching  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: SPRT 203. The purpose of the course is to provide the student with workable knowledge of the administrative principles and procedures necessary for coaches and athletic leadership in schools and/or recreational sport settings. (Formerly 5550:450)
SPRT 453  Principles of Coaching  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Sport Science and Wellness Program. Basics for becoming a successful coach. Discussion of principles applying to most sports, players and coaches. Ten clinical hours required. Students must be in the Sport Science and Wellness Program to take 300/400 level courses. (Formerly 5550:453)
SPRT 460  Practicum in Sport Coaching and Leadership  (2 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. Hands on experience and observation that integrates students’ classroom learning with real-life experiences. 
SPRT 462  Legal Aspects and Ethics in Sport  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Junior or greater standing. This course will provide an overview of legal and ethical elements of greatest concern to specialists in sport and physical activities. Case studies will be used to discuss and illustrate points. (Formerly 5550:462)
SPRT 480  Special Topics in Coaching and Leadership  (3 Units)  
Special topics in sport coaching and athletic leadership are presented. Special topics courses may be repeated with a change in topic for no more than 6 credits.
SPRT 480-1  Community-Based Recreation for All Learning Environments  (3 Units)  
Exploring and fostering unique potentials within a community through recreation is a powerful way to build connections and enhance individual strengths. These programs foster a sense of belonging while allowing individuals with special needs to discover and develop their distinct abilities within a supportive community setting.
SPRT 480-2  Art of Communication  (3 Units)  
This course will discuss the need for communication skills. Students will examine methodologies and practical means of positive and effective communication skills within their sport programs.