Primary Inclusive (EDPI)

EDPI 100  Orientation to Early Childhood Specialist  (0 Units)  
Orientation to the information and strategies necessary for a student to be successful in the program, including portfolio development. (Formerly 5200:100)
EDPI 200  Pre-Kindergarten Participation I  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: CHFD 265, CHFD 245. Planned field experience in a pre-kindergarten infant/toddler classroom where students work with children age birth to 3 years both individually and in small groups. (Formerly 5200:200)
EDPI 215  The Child, the Family, and the School  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 220, EDIS 225. The purpose of this course is to learn about why we create reciprocal working relationships with parents, and methods of creating these types of relationships. (10 field/clinical hours). (Formerly 5200:215)
EDPI 220  Visual Arts Culture in Early Childhood  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisite: admission to Teacher Education Program. Art education concepts, structures, and knowledge base to provide curricular opportunities for education majors to develop as creative problem solvers in an elementary school setting. First offered Fall 1993. (Formerly 5200:220)
EDPI 250  Developing Processes of Investigation  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDFN 210, EDFN 211, and admission to Teacher Education Program. This course will enable students to identify and acquire those investigative and discovery processes and skills that are common in mathematics, science, and social studies. (Formerly 5200:250)
EDPI 300  Pre-Kindergarten Participation II  (1 Unit)  
Prerequisites: EDPI 200, EDIS 450 and admission to Teacher Education Program. Planned field experience in pre-kindergarten early intervention program where student works in both small and large group settings and with individual children. (Formerly 5200:300)
EDPI 319  Integrated Expressive Arts in Primary Grades  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: CHFD 265 and [MUSIC 201, ART 210, or THEA 100]. This course focuses on creative expression and play as primary activities to support the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and aesthetic development of children from birth through fifth grade. Theory and practice of play, child study, environmental planning, creativity and arts-based expression are foundational in this course. Students learn how to teach with the arts, within and across the academic content curriculum. (Formerly 5200:319)
EDPI 320  Visual Arts Application in the Elementary School  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDPI 220. Exploration of materials, methods, processes and visual techniques relating two and three-dimensional art experiences for the teacher of elementary children. (Formerly 5200:320)
EDPI 321  Instructional Techniques: Modern Languages K-8  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: admission to the LBJFF School of Education. Focus on theories of language acquisition, models of instruction suited to teaching foreign languages and cultures in the elementary school (K-8), and strategies that promote appropriate levels of language proficiency and competency for young learners. (Formerly 5200:321)
EDPI 325  Early Childhood Inclusive Practicum  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Corequisite: EDCI 241. Prerequisite or Corequisite: EDCI 308. This field-based course emphasizes developmental domains of preschool children. Candidates design appropriate activities for culturally and linguistically diverse population of typically and atypically developing children. (Formerly 5200:325)
EDPI 330  Building Understanding in Early Childhood Settings  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Corequisite: EDCI 241 and EDIS 448. Prerequisite or corequisite: EDCI 308. This course prepares teachers to work in inclusive programs, able to meet the needs of children; exceptional, cultural and linguistic diverse, and typically. (Formerly 5200:453)
EDPI 331  Kindergarten Methods & Material  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite: CHFD 265. Scope and sequence of kindergarten curricula, with emphasis on developmentally appropriate methods and materials. This course is not part of the new teacher licensure program. (Formerly 5200:331)
EDPI 333  Science for Primary Teachers  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Teachers of children from Pre-K through Grade 5 must be well versed in the essential science content knowledge and they should demonstrate the understanding of central concepts, academic language, and the structure of science content areas needed to provide appropriate environments that support integrated and authentic learning for ALL children. Well prepared candidates use their knowledge, appropriate Ohio New Learning Science standards, and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging standards-based curriculum for each child. (Formerly 5200:333)
EDPI 334  Teaching Art in the Elementary School  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program, Art K-12. Visual arts in elementary schools. Art education concepts with studio orientation including history of art education, developmental stages, curriculum and organization, methods, evaluation and research, and practical participation. (Formerly 5200:334)
EDPI 338  Social Studies for Primary Teachers  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. This course equips primary grade teachers with content knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to teach grades Pk-5 students to be informed and active citizens in classrooms, their community, country, and world. Students will learn critical content related to the guidelines of the Ohio Department of Education and the National Council for the Social Studies standards in social studies education. They will make decisions about what to teach (standards and themes), how to teach (strategies), and which materials best serve the needs of their students (resources). (Formerly 5200:338)
EDPI 340  Developmental Writing and Digital Literacies in Inclusive Early  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 240. Prerequisite or corequisite: EDCI 241, EDCI 308, and EDIS 448. This course focuses on theoretically grounded developmental writing and communication using digital literacy in the information age specifically for children age 3 to third grade. (Formerly 5200:340)
EDPI 342  Teaching Math to Young Children  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: MATH 140, MATH 240. Prerequisite or corequisite: EDCI 370. Trends in mathematics instruction in early childhood/middle level classrooms. Procedures for the development of mathematics concepts and skills. (Formerly 5200:342)
EDPI 352  Teaching Mathematics in Inclusive Primary Settings  (3 Units)  
Prerequisite: EDCI 308. Pre/Corequisite: MATH 240. To examine and know the standards-based mathematics curriculum and the instruction appropriate for inclusive primary setting. (10 hours of Field Work) (Formerly 5200:352)
EDPI 395  Field Experience  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisites: Permission of advisor and department head. Independent field work in area selected by student's adviser, based on student's needs. (Formerly 5200:395)
EDPI 420  Integrated Primary Curriculum  (4 Units)  
Prerequisite or corequisite: EDCI 370. Course models an inquiry-based format that integrates math, science, social studies, and technology standards where students learn how to create, implement, manage, and evaluate student-centered learning environments. (25 hours field and 35 clinical hours). (Formerly 5200:420)
EDPI 425  Advanced Integrated Primary Curriculum  (4 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 420 and admission to teacher education program. This course further explores an inquiry-based format that integrates math, science, social studies, and technology standards by having the students implement, manage, and evaluate their own and their students' learning. (25 field and 35 clinical hours). (Formerly 5200:425)
EDPI 454  Inquiry Learning in Primary Inclusive Settings  (3 Units)  
Prerequisites: EDCI 241 and EDCI 308. Corequisite: EDIS 450. Pre/Corequisites: EDPI 333 and EDPI 338. Anchored in the authentic work of teacher and students, this field-based capstone methods class utilizes action research strategies in primary inclusive settings. By using inquiry -based methods that focus on reflective teaching and student learning, pre-service teachers learn to analyze and resolve their own teaching /learning challenges. They learn how to ask focusing questions, define terms, collect relevant data, analyze findings and communicate process that informs their professional practice. 35 field hours. (Formerly 5200:454)
EDPI 480  Special Topics: Elementary Education  (1-4 Units)  
(May be repeated with a change in topic) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Group study of special topics of critical, contemporary concern in professional education. (Formerly 5200:480)
EDPI 490  Workshop: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Elective workshop for elementary education major who would pursue further refinement of teaching skills. Emphasizes demonstrations of teaching techniques and development of suitable teaching devices. (Formerly 5200:490)
EDPI 491  Workshop: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Elective workshop for elementary education major who would pursue further refinement of teaching skills. Emphasizes demonstrations of teaching techniques and development of suitable teaching devices. (Formerly 5200:491)
EDPI 492  Workshop: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Elective workshop for elementary education major who would pursue further refinement of teaching skills. Emphasizes demonstrations of teaching techniques and development of suitable teaching devices. (Formerly 5200:492)
EDPI 493  Workshop: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Elective workshop for elementary education major who would pursue further refinement of teaching skills. Emphasizes demonstrations of teaching techniques and development of suitable teaching devices. (Formerly 5200:493)
EDPI 495  Student Teaching (Pre K through K)  (5 Units)  
Prerequisites: Approval of the Student Teaching Committee, considered based upon approved application to student teaching, passing PRAXIS II subject test, and approved portfolio. Corequisite: EDPI 498. Planned teaching experience in schools selected and supervised by Office of Field Experience. (Formerly 5200:495)
EDPI 496  Student Teaching (Grades 1-3)  (6 Units)  
Prerequisites: Approval of the Student Teaching Committee, considered based upon approved application to student teaching, passing PRAXIS II subject test, and approved portfolio. Corequisite: EDPI 498. Planned teaching experience in schools selected and supervised by Office of Field Experience. (Formerly 5200:496)
EDPI 497  Independent Study: Elementary Education  (1-3 Units)  
Prerequisites: permission of adviser and department head. Specific area of curriculum investigation pertinent to elementary education as determined by student's academic needs. (Formerly 5200:497)
EDPI 498  Student Teaching Colloquium  (1 Unit)  
Prepares students for the final phase of becoming decision makers. The colloquium will explore problems encountered in classrooms, initiate reflective practice and concepts of action research, and focus on preparation of unit outlines with emphasis on applied decision making. (Formerly 5200:498)
EDPI 499  Student Teaching in Inclusive Early Childhood Settings  (9 Units)  
Prerequisite: Approval of the Student Teaching Committee, based upon approved application to student teaching, passing at least one of Ohio Assessments for Educators subject-specific tests. Corequisite: EDIS 470. Planned 16-week experience in schools selected and supervised by the Office of Field Experiences. 322 Clinical Hours. (Formerly 5200:499)